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Unveiling the Secrets of Secret Societies in Singapore: A Comprehensive Guide!

Secret Societies In Singapore

Discover the hidden world of secret societies in Singapore, their history, rituals, and influence on the city's social fabric. Uncover the mysteries.

Secret societies have fascinated people for centuries. They have been the subject of countless movies, books, and TV shows. But did you know that secret societies also exist in Singapore? Yes, you read that right!

Before we dive into the details, let's first define what a secret society is. A secret society is a group of people who organize themselves in secrecy to pursue a particular agenda or purpose. In Singapore, these groups are often known as secret societies or triads.

According to statistics released by the Singapore Police Force in 2020, there were 187 arrests made relating to secret society activities. This is a decrease from the previous year of 205 arrests. However, this doesn't mean that these groups have disappeared completely.

In Singapore, secret societies have a long history dating back to the early 19th century. They were typically involved in illegal activities such as gambling, prostitution, and extortion. However, over time, their activities have diversified, and they now operate in other areas such as construction, security, and entertainment.

One notable secret society in Singapore is the 369 Gang. This group was founded in the 1950s and was one of the most notorious gangs in Singapore during the 1960s and 1970s. They were known for their violence and were heavily involved in the drug trade.

Another secret society that has gained notoriety in recent years is the Bukit Ho Swee gang. This group is believed to be involved in illegal activities such as loan sharking, gambling, and smuggling.

But why do these secret societies continue to exist? One reason could be the sense of community that they provide. In many cases, people join these groups because they are seeking a sense of belonging that they might not find elsewhere.

However, it's important to note that being part of a secret society is illegal in Singapore. Those caught participating in their activities can face severe penalties, including imprisonment and fines.

So, what is being done to combat the existence of secret societies in Singapore? Police forces continue to crack down on these groups, and the government also provides assistance to those who wish to leave them behind.

In conclusion, while secret societies might seem like something out of a movie, they are a reality in Singapore. However, it's important to remember that their activities are illegal, and being part of them can have serious consequences. If you or someone you know is involved, seek help immediately.

Secret societies have been a part of Singapore's history for many decades. They are organized groups that have their own customs, traditions, and beliefs. These societies have been involved in criminal activities such as drug trafficking, extortion, and even murder. While these organizations were rampant in the past, the government of Singapore has taken significant steps to eradicate them. In this article, we will delve deeper into secret societies in Singapore.

History of Secret Societies in Singapore

The secret society culture in Singapore can be traced back to the early 1800s when Chinese immigrants arrived in Singapore. These immigrants banded together to form groups for mutual support and protection. They brought their cultural practices, including the formation of secret societies, which became prevalent during the 1900s, with an estimated count of over 300 registered societies.

However, these societies were involved in illegal activities, such as gambling, drug trafficking, and prostitution, amongst others, which led to the government taking action against them in 1972. The government declared a crackdown on all of these societies to combat their criminal activities and initiated several operations that drastically reduced their presence in Singapore.

Armed Gangs in the 1950s and 1960s

The 1950s and 1960s saw the emergence of secret societies' armed gangs. Several of them were involved in bloody clashes that resulted in bloodshed and deaths. Many young men became members of these gangs to gain status and support; however, they did not expect that they would be involved in violent crimes.

In response, the government passed the Societies Act in 1966 that made it illegal to join or be affiliated with secret societies. The law was enforced with strict penalties, ranging from fines, imprisonment, caning, and even the death penalty.

Triads and Gangs in Singapore

In contemporary times, secret societies still exist. Although their influence has been significantly reduced, they're still involved in criminal activities such as money laundering, drug trafficking, human trafficking, and extortion. These secret societies are now known as triads or gangs that operate underground.

Despite the government's efforts to eradicate them, some people still become members of these societies, albeit unaware of their dangerous affiliations. They may be lured by the promises of belonging to a supportive and protective circle, not realizing the risks associated with membership and the long-term effects on their lives.

A Real-Life Example

In 2019, a trial began involving the most extensive gang bust in Singapore's history. The police had arrested 52 men and one woman who were part of a gang known as Hai Zhong Hao Kun, which translates to United Brothers of Hai Zhong. This gang was accused of illegal importation of cigarettes and participating in organized criminal activities.

The trial uncovered the details of their operations, including the elaborate structures, hierarchy, language code, and initiation rituals. This case underscores that although their numbers have decreased, the threat of secret societies in Singapore persists.

The Government's Initiatives

The Singapore government recognizes the potential threat these secret societies pose and has taken several measures to stamp them out. Law enforcement authorities are vigilant and continually monitor their activities. Additionally, several awareness programs have been initiated across workplaces and schools to educate people about the dangers of these organizations.

Moreover, the government launched the National Council Against Drug Abuse (NCADA) campaign, which aims to create awareness about the menace of drug addiction. This campaign has targeted workplaces, schools, and even online media platforms. Through these campaigns, the government is raising awareness about the negative effects of secret society membership and the importance of making informed choices.


In conclusion, Secret societies are a dark part of Singapore's history, but the government's efforts have significantly reduced their prevalence. Although they still exist, many people are becoming more aware of the harmful effects of membership in these organizations. The government's ongoing initiatives to spread awareness, coupled with strict enforcement mechanisms, strive to combat these illegal secret societies sustainably.


Secret societies have been in existence for many centuries, with members belonging to them in search of a common goal, such as protection and power. In modern Singapore, secret societies still exist, but they operate underground due to strict government regulations and laws. This comparative article explores the various secret societies present in Singapore, their histories, and how they function today.

Historical Background of Secret Societies in Singapore

The history of secret societies in Singapore dates back to the 1800s when immigrants from China began settling in the country. The first documented case of a secret society was the Ghee Hin Kongsi, which was formed in 1820 by Chinese immigrants. The society was created to protect the interests of the Chinese people and provide aid to Chinese immigrants in need.

Throughout the years, other secret societies emerged, such as the Hai San secret society, the Red Lantern Gang, and the Sio Kun Tong. The Singapore government passed strict laws against these illegal organizations in the 1970s, putting an end to their open operations and changing their dynamics to an underground status.

Reasons for Joining Secret Societies

The reasons for joining secret societies differ amongst members. For some, being part of a secret society provides a sense of belonging and camaraderie. For others, it could be for protection or a source of power. Secret societies provide a platform for criminal activities, including drug trafficking, human trafficking, and extortion, making them dangerous and illegal groups that threaten Singapore’ s safety and stability.

Policies Against Secret Societies in Singapore

The Singapore government loathes it when its citizens are put at harm, and thus it has created formulations, measures, approaches, and various programs to counter the emergence of secret societies in Singapore. The government has established the Secret Societies Branch to counteract the formation of secret societies and their activities. The police force also monitors and investigates any crime that is linked to secret organizations.

Members caught in association with these organizations will face severe punishments, including hefty fines, long-term imprisonment, and being barred from employment opportunities in certain sectors.

Current Secret Society Groups in Singapore

Despite the strict regulations put in place by the Singaporean government, secret societies are still operational in Singapore. Current secret society groups in Singapore include but are not limited toSai Gang, Iota Epsilon Sigma (IES), and Four Four Two (FFT).

Main Activities of Secret Societies in Singapore

Secret Societies' main objective is to protect its members and control their assigned allocations, which could be criminal activities like extortion and gambling. In recent times However, their activities have also expanded towards other illegal enterprises such as illegal racing syndicates, prostitution rings, and offering loan shark services.

Membership Requirements and Structure

Typically, members joining secret societies are required to be males of Chinese ethnicity. Nevertheless, it depends on the society. They usually have a loose structure with an overall boss controlling the organization's affairs, and different members oversee separate operations. As they are underground organizations, there is no clear hierarchy or fixed membership.

Recruitment Tactics

Recruitment is done discreetly due to the strict laws that forbid the formation of such organizations. The recruitment drive is usually done through friends, family members, or accomplices engaged in crime. Members also look for new recruits within the community or via technology, such as social media platforms.

How Secret Societies operate in Singapore

Most secret societies operate using the goddess of fortune system. If someone requires a service, he would approach a member who is already affiliated with a specific secret society. The job will then be passed to the next person until it reaches the supreme leader (Ou-kong in Hokkien). This leader is responsible for providing instructions on how the task should be handled.

Effect of Secret Societies on Singapore's Safety and Security

Secret societies have a negative impact on society as a whole. They promote illicit activities that inevitably harm innocent people and cause economic losses. The well-being and safety of the public are endangered by increased levels of criminality resulting from their activities.


The Singaporean government enforces strict laws on secret societies in an attempt to safeguard citizens and curb criminal activity. Nevertheless, their operations continue to persist underground, making them highly dangerous. Members who choose to join these illegal organizations must bear the consequences if they are caught.

Keywords Opinions
Historical Background The history of secret societies in Singapore dates back to the 1800s when immigrants from China came and formed the first known secret gang,the Ghee Hin Kongsi. The number of groups declined after strict policies were formulated against the organizations.
Reasons for joining The reasons for joining differ, providing a sense of belonging and camaraderie, protection, or a source of power. Unfortunately, the groups also exist for criminal activities such as drug trafficking and extortion.
Policies against The Singapore government has put measures to counter the formation of secret societies and their activities. Members caught in association are subjected to severe punishments, including hefty fines, long-term imprisonment, and job restrictions.
Current secret society groups Current secret society groups include Sai Gang, Iota Epsilon Sigma (IES), and Four Four Two (FFT).
Main Activities Secret Societies' main objective is to protect its members and control their assigned allocations, which could be criminal activities like extortion and gambling. In recent times, they have expanded to other illegal enterprises such as illegal racing syndicates, prostitution rings, and offering loan shark services.
Membership Requirements and Structure Typically, members joining secret societies are required to be males of Chinese ethnicity. Nevertheless, it depends on the society. They usually have a loose structure with an overall boss controlling the organization's affairs, and different members oversee separate operations. As they are underground organizations, there is no clear hierarchy or fixed membership.
Recruitment tactics Recruitment is done discreetly through acquaintances or friends engaged in crime. Members also look for new recruits within the community or via technology, such as social media platforms.
How secret societies operate in Singapore The goddess of fortune system is used, and if someone requires a service, he would approach a member who is already affiliated with a specific secret society. The instructions are then passed on to the supreme leader.
Effect on Singapore safety and security Secret societies endanger the well-being and safety of the public by increasing levels of criminality resulting from their activities. Additionally, they cause economic losses and promote illicit behaviors that harm innocent people.


Singapore is a multicultural and cosmopolitan city-state that is known for its highly developed economy, beautiful architecture, and luxurious lifestyle. However, beneath the glitz and glamour, lies a dark and mysterious underbelly of secret societies. These clandestine organizations have existed in Singapore for centuries, and their influence and power remain strong to this day.

History of Secret Societies in Singapore:

The history of secret societies in Singapore dates back to the early 19th century when British colonialism was at its height. These societies were created by immigrant workers who needed protection from gangs and exploitative employers. However, over time, they became more organized and began to engage in illegal activities such as extortion, bribery, and smuggling.

During the Japanese occupation of Singapore in World War II, secret societies played a significant role in resistance movements and even collaborated with the occupying forces. After the war, the government launched a crackdown on these organizations, and many of their leaders were jailed or executed. However, this did not eradicate the problem entirely, and secret societies continued to exist in Singapore, although they became more covert and less visible.

Types of Secret Societies:

There are several types of secret societies in Singapore, but some of the most prevalent ones include:

Triad Societies:

Triads are the most well-known secret societies in Singapore. They originated in China and are believed to have over 50,000 members worldwide. Triads have a hierarchical structure, and their members often have elaborate tattoos that symbolize their status within the organization.


Gangs are another type of secret society that operates in Singapore. They are typically composed of young men who engage in petty crime and violence. Some of the most notorious gangs in Singapore include the 369 and the 108.

Spiritual Societies:

Spiritual societies are secret organizations that combine elements of traditional Chinese religions such as Taoism and Buddhism. They believe in supernatural powers and engage in rituals such as sacrifice and chanting to communicate with spirits. These groups also serve as social clubs, providing members with a sense of community and belonging.

How Secret Societies Operate:

Secret societies in Singapore operate in a highly covert manner and are difficult to detect. They recruit members through mutual acquaintances or social events, and initiation involves submitting to an oath and undergoing a series of tests to prove loyalty. Once a member is accepted, they become part of a closed network that operates outside of mainstream society.

These societies fund their activities through a variety of means, including extortion, smuggling, money laundering, and prostitution. They also have a code of conduct that dictates how members should behave towards one another and outsiders. Breaking this code can lead to severe punishment, including expulsion from the organization or even death.

Impact on Society:

The presence of secret societies in Singapore has had a significant impact on the country's social fabric. These organizations contribute to a culture of fear and violence that can undermine the rule of law and threaten public safety. They also perpetuate stereotypes about immigrant communities and reinforce divisions between different ethnic groups.

In response to these issues, the Singapore government has taken a tough stance on secret societies. They have enacted strict laws to target their activities and established a specialized police unit to deal with organized crime. Despite these measures, secret societies remain a persistent problem in Singapore, and addressing them will require a multifaceted approach that goes beyond law enforcement.


Secret societies have a long and storied history in Singapore, and their influence remains strong to this day. These organizations operate in a highly covert manner, engaging in illegal activities that undermine public safety and perpetuate social divisions. Addressing this problem will require a comprehensive approach that involves law enforcement, community outreach, and efforts to foster social cohesion. Only by working together can we hope to eliminate the threat posed by secret societies in Singapore.

Greetings, dear blog visitors! You have just finished reading about Secret Societies in Singapore. We hope that we have enlightened you with the knowledge about their secretive operations, history, and present-day status. But before you go, we have one last message for you.

As we have mentioned earlier, secret societies are not to be taken lightly. Their members engage in unlawful activities that harm not only themselves but also innocent people. Therefore, it is essential to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the authorities immediately.

Moreover, we should make an effort to understand and support each other as a community. The root causes of why people seek refuge in secret societies are often related to social, economic, and psychological factors. Hence, we must address these issues so that people will not resort to joining such groups.

Furthermore, we must not glorify or romanticize secret societies, whether in media or personal interactions. It perpetuates a false narrative that violence and criminal activities are acceptable means to achieve power and respect. Instead, we should promote positive role models who champion values like teamwork, discipline, and integrity.

In conclusion, Secret Societies in Singapore may seem like a hidden world outsiders cannot fully comprehend. However, we can acknowledge their existence, educate ourselves, and take action to prevent their harmful effects on our society. Together, let us build a safe, peaceful, and inclusive community where everyone can thrive equally.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Feel free to share your thoughts and feedback in the comments section below or share it with your friends. We hope to see you soon in our next blog topic!

People also ask about Secret Societies in Singapore:

  1. What are Secret Societies?
    • Secret societies refer to groups of people who gather together secretly to perform certain rituals, conduct illegal activities, or engage in secretive business dealings.
  2. Are Secret Societies still active in Singapore?
    • The government of Singapore has been actively cracking down on secret societies for decades, and their activities have significantly decreased in recent years. However, some small underground groups may still exist.
  3. What kind of activities do Secret Societies engage in?
    • Secret Societies have engaged in a variety of illegal activities, including gambling, drug trafficking, prostitution, and extortion.
  4. How does the Singaporean government combat Secret Societies?
    • The Singaporean government has implemented strict laws and penalties to deter secret society activities. They conduct frequent raids and arrests, and work closely with local communities to prevent new groups from forming.
  5. What should I do if I suspect someone is involved in a Secret Society?
    • You should contact the police immediately and provide any information you may have. Do not attempt to confront or engage with members of Secret Societies on your own.

People Also Ask About Secret Societies in Singapore

1. What are secret societies in Singapore?

Secret societies in Singapore refer to organized criminal groups that engage in illegal activities such as extortion, drug trafficking, and violence. These societies often operate covertly, with strict hierarchies and initiation rituals.

2. Are secret societies still active in Singapore?

No, secret societies are not actively present in Singapore anymore. The Singapore government has implemented strict laws and enforcement measures to eradicate secret societies. These efforts have been largely successful, ensuring the safety and security of the country.

3. How did the Singapore government tackle secret societies?

The Singapore government implemented several strategies to combat secret societies. This included strengthening law enforcement agencies, creating legislation specific to secret society activities, and launching community outreach programs to discourage involvement in such groups. The government also promoted social integration and provided support to vulnerable individuals who may be targeted by secret societies.

4. What were the consequences of being involved in a secret society in Singapore?

Being involved in a secret society in Singapore came with severe consequences. Individuals caught participating in secret society activities could face imprisonment, hefty fines, and even physical punishment. Moreover, their families and loved ones could also suffer from the stigma associated with such involvements.

5. Can secret societies resurface in Singapore in the future?

While it is unlikely for secret societies to resurface in Singapore due to the government's strong stance against them, it is important to remain vigilant. Continuous efforts, both from the authorities and the community, are necessary to prevent any resurgence of such criminal organizations.