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Nas Daily Sets Up Singapore Office, Expanding Its Global Presence

Nas Daily Singapore Office

The Nas Daily Singapore Office is a hub of creativity and inspiration, where amazing stories are brought to life through daily videos.

If you’ve been scrolling through Facebook, chances are you’ve come across a video made by Nas Daily. With over 18 million followers on social media, he's one of the most successful content creators around. And now, he's got an office in Singapore.

But what exactly is Nas Daily, and what type of content does he create?

Nas Daily is the name that Nuseir Yassin goes by, and his brand is all about creating one-minute videos which showcase different parts of the world and their cultures. Whether it's visiting a street vendor in Vietnam or swimming with dolphins in the Maldives, each of Nas' videos has a unique story to share.

And with his new office in Singapore, he's set to expand on this concept even further.

So what exactly can we expect from the Nas Daily Singapore office?

Well, for starters, they'll be creating even more videos about Singapore and other parts of Asia. It's clear that Nas has a love for the region and wants to share that with his followers.

But it's not just about creating videos. Nas Daily has a bigger vision, and that's to inspire people to travel more and see the world for themselves.

As he puts it, I want to take the world and compress it into one minute. Then I want people to come out of that minute and say, 'wow, there's so much more I want to see and do'.

And he's doing just that, with his videos inspiring people from all over the world to see the beauty in the everyday things around them.

But creating these videos isn't easy. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to come up with new ideas every day.

That's why Nas has built a team of talented individuals who are just as passionate about his vision as he is.

And with the Nas Daily Singapore office, they're all working together to create something truly special.

So if you're looking for a daily dose of inspiration and wanderlust, be sure to check out Nas Daily and his team at their new office in Singapore.

Who knows, maybe one day you'll even get to star in one of their videos!

Nas Daily Singapore's Adventure

Since Nas Daily started in 2016, the brand has achieved significant milestones. The videos that Nas Daily makes have sparked numerous conversations and built a community of people committed to making the world a better place.

Nas Daily’s immense following has earned the brand global recognition, resulting in the opening of offices across the globe. One such office is the Nas Daily office in Singapore.

The Nas Daily Office in Singapore

Located in the heart of Southeast Asia, the Nas Daily office in Singapore serves as the hub for production, marketing, and community outreach. The office is located on a quiet street in a commercial building. Their ambiance speaks volumes about their work ethics. It is a humble space that accommodates the growing team.

The working environment is creative and dynamic, filled with young people full of contagious energy and excitement. They work together, brainstorming ideas, and collaborating to bring their vision alive. From developing new video series to creating impactful social media campaigns, everyone is passionately working towards making a positive impact on society.

The Passionate Nas Daily Team

The Nas Daily team comprises of diverse individuals, who are all experts in their respective fields. They bring an eclectic mix of skills, knowledge, and expertise to the table, making the working environment vibrant, inclusive, and welcoming.

Each member of the team has made a conscious decision to be part of a company that promotes positive thinking, self-growth, and passion for making the world a better place. This resonates in everything they do from their inspiring video content to their commitment to community outreach programs.

In essence, the Nas Daily team in Singapore embodies the spirit of continuous learning, innovation, and collaboration. They see challenges as opportunities to grow, and they thrive on making a positive impact on society.

The Nas Daily Impact on Singapore

Since opening their office in Singapore, Nas Daily has made significant contributions to the local community. Through their video content, the brand has helped promote awareness of local issues, amplify the voices of local entrepreneurs and social activists, and fostered a sense of community among the diverse population in Singapore.

The team’s passion for giving back to the community extends beyond their video production work. They have partnered with several local NGOs and civic organizations to support various causes. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Nas Daily supported food delivery and mask distribution programs in partnership with Food from the Heart and the SG United initiative.


In conclusion, Nas Daily's office in Singapore is a fantastic example of how one brand can make a significant impact on society. The team's passion, hard work, and dedication have created a space where creativity thrives, and open-mindedness prevails. In this space, innovative ideas are born, and new projects are brought to life. Their influence reaches far beyond the shores of Singapore and inspires people globally.

The success of Nas Daily is proof that with persistence, hard work, and dedication, it is possible to achieve great things. The impact of their work is felt every day, and their fans are more committed than ever to join them in building a better and more inclusive future.


Nas Daily is one of the most popular Facebook vlogs that showcases daily 1-minute videos, capturing different aspects of life and cultures. The popularity of Nas Daily's content propelled them to establish an office in Singapore and expand globally. In this article, we will compare Nas Daily's office in Singapore with other conventional offices.

Office space

The Nas Daily Singapore office is a co-working space located in a prime area of Singapore, which is very accessible for people commuting from all over the city. The co-working space offers an open-plan layout with different working areas, such as hot-desk, private-office and meeting rooms.

Compared to conventional offices, Nas Daily's Singapore office is far less spacious but is efficient and suitable for a team of 10-15 employees. This allows for more flexible work styles and collaboration among the team members.

Internal environment

The Nas Daily Singapore office provides a cozy and friendly atmosphere, where team members can interact freely without any physical barriers or hierarchies. The décor uses bright, upbeat colors and quirky interior designs that will make anyone feel energized. Small touches like personalized posters with inspiring quotes give a sense of motivation.

In comparison, traditional offices tend to focus on practicality and the least cost possible. Most commercial offices use bland color schemes and generic furniture, generating a cold and off-putting atmosphere. This can negatively affect employee engagement and productivity.


The Nas Daily co-working space provides all the essential facilities that are needed in a modern workplace, from high-speed Wi-Fi, printers, scanners to free coffee and snacks. The office also has an on-site gym for team members to relax and exercise during break time.

Conventional offices provide similar facilities, but they are often limited, and employees have to pay extra for some amenities like gym access. This can become expensive, especially for small businesses or start-ups.


Nas Daily is well known for its high-quality video content, which means that they need to have the latest technology to support their production process. The Singapore office is equipped with high-end editing software, top-of-the-line cameras and lighting equipment, which allows the team to create engaging content swiftly and efficiently.

Most conventional offices often lack advanced technology, which can delay workflows and productivity. However, larger corporates might have extensive in-house IT departments to cater for the specific needs of their businesses.


The Nas daily Singapore office offers a variety of working arrangements that cater to different needs, such as hot-desking, private offices and meeting rooms. This creates a flexible working environment that suits the employees' preferences and maximizes cooperation and teamwork dynamically.

Traditional offices often impose strict work arrangements, which may not suit everyone. They may require employees to work from desks for extended periods, which can be limiting and detrimental to creativity and overall productivity.


The Nas Daily office location in Singapore is ideal, situated in one of the bustling areas of Singapore, near many public transport modes, which allows for a seamless commute for every employee. Even though it is in a busy part of the city, there is little distraction because the building provides good soundproofing.

In contrast, most conventional offices are situated in business districts, which can make it challenging to commute during rush hours. Additionally, the background noise levels of typical offices are higher, which can disrupt concentration and reduce comfort levels.


The Nas Daily Singapore office's cost structure, which is a co-working space, is generally more affordable than renting traditional office space. Additionally, co-working spaces offer additional amenities that increase the value of the space and create a better work-life balance for employees.

Traditional offices usually require substantial financial investment to set up, such as deposits for rent, furniture, fit-out, amenities like Wi-Fi connection, printers, and other utilities. Moreover, companies need to invest in an IT department to support their internal systems, which can be costly for small businesses.

Employee satisfaction

Nas Daily's office in Singapore focuses on creating employee satisfaction through the use of modern technology, comfortable working areas, and co-working amenities. Employee satisfaction creates better retention rates and boosts morale, leading to more productive and efficient output levels.

Conventional offices often neglect the importance of employee satisfaction, which can lead to lowered motivation and productivity. Anonymous surveys conducted by Reed indicate that 40% of workers are considering moving positions due to a lack of job satisfaction.


In conclusion, co-working spaces like Nas Daily's Singapore office provide an innovative and inspiring working environment that enhances employee satisfaction, which in turn leads to a more productive workforce with higher output levels. Conventional offices can learn from the dynamic, ad-hoc approach of co-working spaces, using more creative decor, efficient communication tools, and flexible workspace arrangements to enable improved collaboration and teamwork.

Features Nas Daily Singapore Office Conventional offices
Office space Efficient and suitable for a team of 10-15 employees Large and spacious
Internal environment Cozy and friendly atmosphere with quirky interior designs Cold and off-putting atmosphere with bland colors and generic furniture
Facilities All essential facilities included for free (gym, printer, scanner, etc.) Limited amenities which can be costly
Technology High-end editing software, top-of-the-line cameras, and lighting equipment Basic equipment and software
Flexibility Offers a variety of flexible working arrangements that cater to the team's needs Requires strict work arrangements limiting creativity and productivity
Location Ideal location near various public transport modes with little distraction Situated in business districts with higher background noise levels
Cost More affordable cost structures that include extra amenities Require substantial financial investment to set up office and IT department
Employee satisfaction Focuses on creating employee satisfaction through innovative workspaces and modern technology Lack of focus on employee satisfaction leading to less job retention rates

Nas Daily Singapore Office is a place where creativity is in motion. This office is the base of Nas Daily, a popular online video platform that features daily one-minute videos about various topics from around the world, shot by the founder himself, Nuseir Yassin. Like other offices, Nas Daily Singapore Office has its own unique feature. Here are some tips on how to navigate and appreciate the place.

1. Welcome to Nas Daily Singapore Office

Welcome to Nas Daily Singapore Office, located at 51 Anson Road #12-51 Anson Centre. Upon arriving, you'll be greeted by a simple entrance door with the company name plastered on it. Don't expect a grand entrance because it's the inside that counts.

2. Movement is important

Upon entering, you'll notice the liveliness of the office. Movement is integral to the flow of work here, and the setup of the space encourages it. There are no cubicles and assigned seats for each employee, giving them the flexibility to get up and move around while doing their tasks.

a. The open space area

The open space area on the sixth floor serves as the main hub for creativity, discussion, and presentations. The tables here are adjustable, allowing teams to collaborate without sacrificing convenience. Additionally, the colorful chairs give a fun and vibrant vibe to the area.

b. The primary working area

The primary working area on the twelfth floor is where individual tasks are completed. Here, employees have ergonomic seats, tidy desks, and multiple screens to aid in their daily activities. The entire floorplan is designed with the employees' comfort and efficiency in mind.

3. The windows are inspiring

The office's sixth and twelfth floors are blessed with beautiful unobstructed views of the city skyline. It's even more special at sunrise and sunset, giving you the perfect break to enjoy the view for a few minutes before continuing your work.

4. The pantry is where the magic happens

The pantry located on the twelfth floor serves as the perfect spot to unwind, share ideas, and forge conversations with colleagues. There's a wide selection of beverages, snacks, and a large dining table that becomes the center of shared meals during lunch breaks.

5. The lights influence the mood

Light can significantly impact a person's mood and productivity. Nas Daily Singapore Office understands this principle, hence the various light fixtures throughout the office. Whether it's natural lighting, ambient lights, or task lights, these contribute to the overall atmosphere of the workspace.

6. The walls tell stories

The walls serve as a canvas where employees, guests, and visitors can showcase their art through illustrations, messages, and creative writings. These enhance the overall aesthetics of the office and provide an avenue for personal expression.

7. Friendly employees

Expect warm greetings from the employees when you arrive, and don't hesitate to ask questions about the place. The teams here are passionate, helpful, and willing to lend their expertise whenever they can.

8. Culture of learning

Nas Daily Singapore Office encourages continuous learning and growth, which is why they frequently hold workshops and events on various topics concerning creativity, content creation, and more. These gatherings foster camaraderie among employees and promote the exchange of knowledge.

9. Respectful environment

The office values a diverse and respectful work environment, where everyone is entitled to their opinions, beliefs, and values. It's vital to uphold a culture of respect and inclusivity to ensure a healthy working relationship and atmosphere.

10. Creativity knows no bounds

Nas Daily Singapore Office stands as a testament to the boundless possibilities of creativity. The office serves as an inspirational workspace for artists, creatives, and everyone in between, emphasizing that creativity has no limits.

In conclusion, Nas Daily Singapore Office is more than just an office. It's a representation of passion, creativity, and innovation in one space. Regardless if you're a visitor or an employee, this place is always a delight to be at.

Hello everyone! If you are a fan of Nas Daily, you would know that he has recently opened an office in Singapore. This has caused quite a buzz among fans who are curious to know what goes on behind the scenes of Nas Daily’s videos that we see on Facebook and YouTube.

Well, today is your lucky day because in this blog post, we will give you a glimpse into the Nas Daily Singapore office and what it takes to create those viral videos that we all love.

To start with, what exactly is Nas Daily? For those who are new to the scene, Nas Daily is a video blog launched by Nuseir Yassin in 2016. His series of one-minute videos cover a wide range of topics and are known for their insightful, informative, and entertaining content.

Since the start of his journey, Nas Daily has grown to become one of the most popular video bloggers in the world, with millions of followers across various social media platforms. His videos have become viral sensations and have been viewed by billions of people around the globe.

So, why did Nas Daily choose to open an office in Singapore? There are a few reasons behind this decision. Firstly, Singapore is a hub for creativity and innovation, making it the perfect place to set up a creative space.

Secondly, Singapore is known for its diverse and multicultural population, which makes it an excellent location to produce videos that cater to a global audience. Additionally, Nas Daily has found it easier to collaborate with other content creators in the region with his team being based in Singapore.

Now, let’s take a deeper look at what goes on inside the Nas Daily Singapore office. The office is located in the heart of downtown Singapore and features open-plan workstations, brightly colored walls, and quirky décor that reflects Nas’s personality and style.

The team at the Nas Daily Singapore office consists of a group of passionate individuals who work tirelessly to create the engaging and informative content that we have all come to love. The team has several departments, each with their own responsibilities ranging from video production to social media management.

One of the things that set Nas Daily apart from other video bloggers is his ability to produce high-quality content in a short amount of time. The team works on producing one video every day, which means that they have to be extremely efficient in their work process.

To achieve this level of efficiency, the team uses a combination of technology and creativity. They have state-of-the-art equipment and software that allows them to shoot and edit videos quickly without compromising on quality. Additionally, the team is constantly brainstorming new ideas and exploring innovative ways to present information.

In conclusion, the Nas Daily Singapore office is a hub for creativity and innovation. The team works hard every day to produce high-quality videos that educate, entertain and inspire millions of people around the world.

We hope that this blog post has given you some insight into what goes on behind the scenes at Nas Daily Singapore and has left you feeling inspired. Thank you for taking the time to read this post, and we hope to see you again soon!

People Also Ask about Nas Daily Singapore Office:

  1. What is Nas Daily?
  2. Nas Daily is a social media platform founded by Nuseir Yassin, a Palestinian-Israeli video blogger. It produces short videos that primarily document travel, optimistic stories, and cultural experiences.

  3. Where is Nas Daily's Singapore Office located?
  4. Nas Daily Singapore Office is located at 222 Queen Street, Singapore 188550. The office is strategically located in the Bugis area and is easily accessible to the public through various modes of transportation.

  5. What are the activities of Nas Daily Singapore Office?
  6. Nas Daily Singapore Office serves as the home base for Nuseir Yassin's team, which includes an array of video producers, content editors, and administrative staff. Some of the activities that take place at the office include brainstorming sessions, video production, content creation, and administrative work.

  7. Does Nas Daily Singapore Office offer internship opportunities?
  8. Yes, Nas Daily Singapore Office offers internship opportunities to individuals who want to gain hands-on experience in social media content creation and production. Interested individuals can submit their application on the official website of Nas Daily.

  9. Can I visit Nas Daily Singapore Office?
  10. Unfortunately, Nas Daily Singapore Office is not open to the public for viewing purposes. The office is strictly a workspace and is only accessible to the staff and authorized personnel of Nas Daily.

People Also Ask about Nas Daily Singapore Office

1. What is Nas Daily?

Nas Daily is a popular online video content creator known for his daily one-minute videos on various topics. He gained global recognition through his Facebook page and YouTube channel, where he shares his experiences and insights from around the world.

2. Does Nas Daily have an office in Singapore?

Yes, Nas Daily has an office located in Singapore. The office serves as a hub for Nas and his team to create content, collaborate with local creators, and engage with the community.

3. How can I visit the Nas Daily Singapore office?

Visiting the Nas Daily Singapore office is not open to the public as it primarily functions as a workspace for Nas and his team. However, you can still connect with Nas and his team through their social media channels or attend any events or meetups they may organize in Singapore.

4. Can I work at the Nas Daily Singapore office?

Working at the Nas Daily Singapore office is possible if there are job openings and you match the qualifications required for the position. It's recommended to keep an eye on their official website or social media platforms for any job postings or internship opportunities.

5. Does Nas Daily accept interns at their Singapore office?

Yes, Nas Daily occasionally offers internship opportunities at their Singapore office. These internships provide valuable hands-on experience in content creation, digital marketing, and community engagement. Stay updated with their official channels for any internship announcements and application details.

6. How can I collaborate with Nas Daily's Singapore office?

If you are interested in collaborating with Nas Daily or his Singapore office, it's best to reach out to them through their official email or social media platforms. Provide a clear proposal or idea for collaboration, highlighting how it aligns with Nas Daily's content style and values.

7. Does Nas Daily conduct events or meetups in Singapore?

Yes, Nas Daily and his team occasionally organize events or meetups in Singapore. These gatherings offer opportunities to interact with Nas and his community, gain insights, and connect with like-minded individuals. Keep an eye on their social media channels for announcements regarding upcoming events in Singapore.

8. Can I visit the Nas Daily office to meet Nas himself?

Visiting the Nas Daily Singapore office solely to meet Nas himself may not be possible due to his busy schedule and the office being primarily a workspace. However, you can increase your chances of meeting him by attending any public events or meetups he hosts in Singapore.