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Unlocking the High-Paying World of Sales Manager Salary in Singapore

Sales Manager Salary Singapore

Sales Manager Salary in Singapore: Find out the average pay for Sales Managers in Singapore and explore salary trends and factors affecting earnings.

Sales Manager Salary Singapore: Is It Worth the Hype?Are you one of the many sales professionals in Singapore wondering about the worth of a Sales Manager salary in this city-state? Well, worry not because we've got you covered. In this article, we'll delve deeper into the topic of sales manager salaries and answer all your burning questions.First things first, what is the average salary of a sales manager in Singapore? According to recent surveys, the average salary for a sales manager in Singapore ranges from SGD 60,000 to SGD 120,000 per annum. That's quite a wide range, right? But don't worry; we'll help you understand how it all works.The salary of a sales manager in Singapore depends on several factors, such as experience, industry, company size, and education level. Generally, sales managers with more experience and higher education levels are likely to earn more. In addition, sales managers working in larger organizations and certain industries, such as financial services and tech, typically command higher salaries.But why do sales managers seem to earn so much in Singapore? Well, it's because sales play a vital role in any business, and companies are willing to invest in top talent to drive revenue growth. Furthermore, Singapore is a highly competitive business hub, and companies must remain competitive by offering attractive salaries to attract the best sales managers.However, it's important to note that like in any other profession, not all sales managers in Singapore earn top dollar. Some may earn less than the average salary due to several factors, such as working for small businesses or having limited experience. Nonetheless, with the right skills and experience, sales managers in Singapore can earn a handsome salary.So, what are the skills and experience needed to earn a high salary as a sales manager in Singapore? Firstly, you need to have a solid understanding of sales strategies and customer relationship management. Additionally, proficiency in data analysis and knowledge of emerging sales technologies such as CRM software is a plus. Finally, excellent communication and negotiation skills are crucial to closing large deals and maintaining strong relationships with clients.In conclusion, the sales manager salary in Singapore is worth the hype. A sales career in Singapore can be lucrative, but it requires the right skills, experience, and education. If you're looking to excel as a sales manager in Singapore, investing in your skills and education is key. So, why wait? Start honing your sales skills today and get ready to earn big bucks as a sales manager in Singapore.

Remember, the salary of a sales manager in Singapore depends on various factors such as experience, industry, company size, and education level. Also, highly competitive industries and companies willing to invest in top talent drive revenue growth in Singapore.

It's essential to have the right skills and experience necessary to become a successful sales manager in Singapore. This includes proficiency in data analysis, knowledge of emerging sales technologies, and excellent communication and negotiation skills.

If you dream of earning a high salary as a sales manager, investing in the right skills and education can help make that a reality. With dedication and hard work, who knows, you could be the next top-performing sales manager in Singapore!

Sales Manager Salary Singapore: How Much Do They Really Earn?

If you are considering a career in sales in Singapore, one of the first things that come to mind is how much you can earn as a sales manager. The answer to this question is not straightforward and could depend on many factors including your experience, industry, qualifications, and company size. This article will explore how much sales managers make in Singapore and what factors affect their salary.

What is the Average Sales Manager Salary in Singapore?

According to Payscale, the average salary for a Sales Manager in Singapore is S$66,620 per year. However, this figure could vary significantly depending on your years of experience, industry, and location. For instance, a senior sales manager with over 10 years of experience could earn over S$150,000 per year in some industries.

Factors That Affect a Sales Manager’s Salary

As earlier mentioned, several factors could influence how much a Sales Manager earns in Singapore. Some of the primary considerations include:

  1. Years of experience: Generally, as you gain more experience in the field, you become more valuable, and your salary could increase. A sales manager with over ten years of experience could earn at least 50% more than one who has less than five years under their belt.
  2. Industry: Some sectors pay better than others. For example, sales managers in the banking, finance, and IT industry could earn significantly more than those in the hospitality or retail industry.
  3. Location: Where you work could also determine your earning potential. Working in central Singapore or the CBD could attract higher salaries than working in the suburbs and satellite towns.
  4. Qualifications and certifications: Having relevant qualifications or certifications could earn you more money in some industries. For instance, a sales manager with an MBA could command an even higher salary within a finance or consulting firm.
  5. Company size: Generally, working for a larger company could afford you a higher salary than working for a smaller firm. This is because larger companies have more revenue and can allocate a higher budget towards salaries.

The Highest-Paying Sales Manager Jobs in Singapore

Here are the top-paying sales manager jobs in Singapore according to Glassdoor:

  • Sales Manager Bank – Average Salary S$168,000 per year
  • Sales Manager IT Services – Average Salary S$137,000 per year
  • Sales Manager Consulting – Average Salary S$127,000 per year
  • Sales Manager Pharmaceuticals – Average Salary S$115,000 per year
  • Sales Manager Telecommunications – Average Salary S$112,000 per year

Tips for Maximizing your Sales Manager Earnings in Singapore

If you are interested in a career as a sales manager in Singapore, here are some tips to help you maximize your earnings:

  • Choose the right industry: As earlier mentioned, some industries pay more than others. Do some research and choose a field that you're passionate about and one that pays well.
  • Get certified: Pursuing relevant certifications like a Certified Sales Professional (CSP) could increase your earning potential. It also shows that you're committed to improving your skills and knowledge in your field.
  • Ask for a raise: If you feel that you're being underpaid, then it's time to ask for a raise. Before initiating the conversation, make sure you have done your research about your industry's salary trends and prepare your points.
  • Attend networking events: Attending conferences, trade shows, and other networking events could help you meet potential clients or employers who could offer you higher-paying opportunities.

In Conclusion

Sales Manager Salary in Singapore is affected by various factors. However, the right qualifications, industry, experience, and location can significantly impact your earning potential. If you're passionate about sales and are willing to put the time and effort in, a career as a Sales Manager in Singapore could be rewarding both financially and professionally.


Singapore is known to have a prospering economy and is one of the most expensive cities in the world. It also has a thriving sales industry and positions for Sales Manager are in demand. However, just how much do Sales Managers earn in Singapore?

Average Sales Manager Salary in Singapore

The average salary for a Sales Manager in Singapore ranges from S$57,000 to S$156,000 per year. According to PayScale, the median salary for this job role is around S$81,000 per year. The salary varies based on various factors like experience, company size, and industry.

Sales Manager Salary by Company Size

The salary for Sales Managers also varies based on the size of the company they work for. Based on data from PayScale, Sales Managers in companies with 1-50 employees earn an average of S$80,000 per year. Similarly, those working in companies with 51-200 employees earn an average of S$93,000 per year. For companies with 201-500 employees, Sales Managers earn an average of S$116,000 per year, while those working in companies with over 500 employees earn an average of S$137,000 per year.

Sales Manager Salary by Industry

Sales Manager salaries also differ based on the industry they work in. According to PayScale, Sales Managers in the IT industry tend to have higher salaries than those in other industries. Sales Managers in the IT industry earn an average of S$105,000 per year, while those in the retail industry earn an average of S$84,000 per year. Those in the manufacturing industry earn an average of S$99,000 per year, while those in the financial services industry earn an average of S$101,000 per year.

Experience and Sales Manager Salary

As with most jobs, the more experience one has, the higher the earning potential. Entry-level Sales Managers (with less than 1 year of experience) can earn an average of S$50,000 per year. With 1-4 years of experience, Sales Managers can earn an average of S$65,000 per year. Those with 5-9 years of experience can earn an average of S$83,000 per year. For those with 10-19 years of experience, the average salary jumps to S$116,000 per year. Lastly, for those with 20 or more years of experience, the average salary is around S$132,000 per year.

Bonuses and Incentives

Many companies offer bonuses and incentives to Sales Managers. These can come in various forms - commission, profit-sharing, stock options, etc. According to PayScale, the average bonus for a Sales Manager in Singapore is around S$16,000 per year. Commission can also be an added incentive for Sales Managers, with an average commission of S$38,000 per year.

Comparison with the USA

While Singapore is known for its high cost of living, it's interesting to note that the average salary for a Sales Manager in Singapore (S$81,000 per year) is actually lower than that in the USA ($90,000 per year). The cost of living differences between the two countries may account for this discrepancy.

Comparison with Other Job Roles

How does a Sales Manager's salary compare to other job roles? According to data from Glassdoor, Sales Managers in Singapore earn slightly less than Marketing Managers (average salary of S$86,000 per year) but more than Sales Executives (average salary of S$43,000 per year).

Opinion: Is the Salary Adequate?

Based on the data, it's safe to say that Sales Managers in Singapore earn a decent salary. However, it's important to note that the cost of living in Singapore is quite high, so it may not be enough to live comfortably. As with any job role, it's important to negotiate salary and bonuses to ensure fair compensation.


In conclusion, the salary for a Sales Manager in Singapore ranges from S$57,000 to S$156,000 per year, with an average salary of S$81,000 per year. Factors like company size, industry, and experience can all impact the earning potential of a Sales Manager. While the salary is decent, the high cost of living in Singapore should be taken into consideration when evaluating whether it's adequate compensation.

Experience Level Average Salary (per year)
Entry Level S$50,000
1-4 years S$65,000
5-9 years S$83,000
10-19 years S$116,000
20 or more years S$132,000


If you are interested in pursuing a career as a sales manager in Singapore, it is important to know the salary range for this role. Like any other job, the salary of a sales manager varies based on factors such as experience, education, job responsibilities, and the industry they work in. In this article, we will explore the average salary range for sales managers in Singapore and what factors influence their pay.

Sales Manager Salary Range in Singapore

A sales manager in Singapore can expect to earn an average salary of SGD 87,600 per year based on data from various sources. However, this figure can vary significantly depending on several factors. According to Payscale, the lowest-paid sales managers make less than SGD 45,000 a year, while the highest paid can earn more than SGD 190,000.

Factors that Affect Sales Manager Salary

The following are some of the main factors that determine the salary of a sales manager:


Experience is one of the most significant factors that determine the salary of a sales manager. The more experience a sales manager has, the higher their salary will be. Newcomers to the position can expect an annual salary of SGD 40,000 - SGD 60,000. However, with five to ten years' experience, a sales manager can make anywhere from SGD 80,000 to SGD 150,000 annually.


The industry that a sales manager works in also affects their salary. Some industries pay more than others, depending on the demand for their product or service. Those who work in the banking and finance sectors can expect to earn the highest salaries, followed by those in technology, pharmaceuticals, and healthcare.

Educational Qualifications

The level of education that a sales manager has achieved also plays a role in how much they earn. Sales managers with a bachelor's degree can expect to earn a median salary of SGD 85,000 to SGD 100,000. Those with a master's degree can earn between SGD 120,000 to SGD 150,000 annually.

Job Responsibilities

The responsibilities of a sales manager can vary depending on the size and type of the company they work for. Larger companies and sales teams with more complex structures may require more extensive skills and experience from their sales managers. As such, a sales manager with more significant responsibilities can expect higher pay.

Tips for Maximizing Your Sales Manager Salary

Here are some tips that could help you maximize your potential earnings as a sales manager in Singapore.

1. Continuously build your skills

As industries evolve, new skills may be required to thrive in them. Continuously building and developing your skills can make you a valuable asset to your company and improve your chances of getting a higher salary.

2. Network with peers in your industry

Networking with other sales professionals in your field can help you stay informed of industry trends. This can give you an edge in negotiations for a higher salary.

3. Take advantage of training programs

Sales managers who attend training programs can develop skills and gain knowledge to help build a successful career in the ever-changing world of sales.

4. Negotiate your salary

Negotiating your salary is an important step in maximizing your earning potential. Research your salary expectations before entering into negotiations with your employer.


A sales manager's salary in Singapore is influenced by factors such as experience, industry, education, and job responsibilities. Knowing these factors can help individuals pursue a career in sales management and understand their potential earning range. By building skills continuously, networking with peers, and negotiating your salary, you can maximize your earning potential as a sales manager in Singapore.

Hello there, and welcome to this article about Sales Manager salary in Singapore. If you are interested in pursuing a career as a sales manager or currently hold this position and are curious about the pay scale in Singapore, then this article is for you.

Firstly, it’s important to note that a Sales Manager's salary can vary greatly depending on a variety of factors such as industry, company size, experience level, and education qualifications. So, let's dive straight into the details and explore what you could potentially earn as a Sales Manager in Singapore.

According to recent studies, the average base salary for a Sales Manager in Singapore is around S$72,500 per year. However, the pay scale can range from S$50,000 to S$117,000. This variation can be due to a number of reasons, such as performance-based bonuses, commission structures, and where the company is based in Singapore.

The IT industry is one of the highest paying sectors in Singapore for Sales Managers. The average base salary for a Sales Manager in IT is around S$95,000 per year. This is followed by Finance, Medical and Healthcare, and Consumer Goods industries, respectively.

When it comes to experience level, a Sales Manager with less than 1-year experience can expect to earn around S$43,000, which will increase steadily as they gain more experience. Whereas a Sales Manager with 10-19 years of experience can expect to earn around S$119,000 per year. So, it goes without saying that experience plays a crucial role in determining your salary as a Sales Manager.

In terms of education, having a degree in a related field such as Business Administration, Marketing, or Economics can significantly boost your earning potential as a Sales Manager. A Sales Manager with a Bachelor's degree can expect to earn around S$74,000 per year, while a Sales Manager with a Master's degree can expect to earn around S$114,000 per year.

It’s also important to note that there are other factors that can affect a Sales Manager's salary, such as job scope and responsibilities. Some Sales Managers may have more responsibilities than others, such as managing larger sales teams or overseeing multiple regions. These additional responsibilities can lead to higher pay grades.

One of the best ways to increase your salary as a Sales Manager is to continuously improve your skills set and knowledge in the industry. This can be achieved through attending training courses, obtaining relevant certifications, and networking with professionals in the field.

It’s crucial to remember that while salary is an important factor when considering a career as a Sales Manager, it shouldn't be the only one. Factors like work-life balance, company culture, and overall job satisfaction should also be taken into consideration. After all, being happy and fulfilled in your job is just as important as being well paid.

In conclusion, Sales Manager salaries in Singapore can vary greatly depending on numerous factors. However, the average base salary for a Sales Manager in Singapore is around S$72,500 per year. The IT industry pays the highest salary to Sales Managers, followed by Finance, Medical and Healthcare, and Consumer Goods industries. Experience level and education qualifications both play a crucial role in determining your salary as a Sales Manager. It’s always a good idea to continuously improve your knowledge and skills set to boost your earning potential. Finally, remember that there’s more to a job than a paycheck, so make sure you consider all aspects when choosing your career path.

Thank you for reading this article! We hope you found the information valuable and informative. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors!

People Also Ask about Sales Manager Salary Singapore:

  1. How much does a Sales Manager make in Singapore?
    • The average salary for a Sales Manager in Singapore is S$85,000 per year.
  2. What is the starting salary for a Sales Manager in Singapore?
    • The starting salary for a Sales Manager in Singapore is typically around S$50,000 per year.
  3. What skills do you need to be a Sales Manager in Singapore?
    • To be a successful Sales Manager in Singapore, you need strong communication skills, excellent leadership abilities, a deep understanding of sales and marketing strategies, and a proven track record of achieving sales targets.
  4. What is the highest-paid sales job in Singapore?
    • The highest-paid sales job in Singapore is typically the role of Sales Director or VP of Sales, which can pay upwards of S$250,000 per year.
  5. What industries pay the highest salaries for Sales Managers in Singapore?
    • The industries that typically pay the highest salaries for Sales Managers in Singapore include tech, finance, and healthcare.

People Also Ask About Sales Manager Salary Singapore

1. What is the average salary of a sales manager in Singapore?

The average salary of a sales manager in Singapore varies depending on factors such as experience, industry, and company size. However, on average, a sales manager can expect to earn around SGD 80,000 to SGD 120,000 per year.

Factors Affecting Salary:

  • Experience: The more years of experience a sales manager has, the higher their earning potential.
  • Industry: Different industries may offer varying salary ranges based on demand and competition.
  • Company Size: Larger companies often have higher budgets for salaries and may offer more competitive compensation packages.

2. Are there any additional benefits or bonuses for sales managers in Singapore?

Yes, many companies in Singapore provide additional benefits and bonuses for sales managers to incentivize performance and reward their contributions.

Additional Benefits:

  • Commission: Sales managers often receive a commission based on their team's performance or individual sales targets.
  • Healthcare: Companies may offer healthcare coverage or subsidies as part of the employee benefits package.
  • Annual Bonuses: Some companies provide annual bonuses based on individual or team achievements.
  • Car Allowance: Sales managers may receive a monthly car allowance or company car for business use.

3. How can I increase my salary as a sales manager in Singapore?

To increase your salary as a sales manager in Singapore, consider the following strategies:

Tips for Salary Growth:

  1. Continued Learning: Stay updated with industry trends, enhance your skills, and invest in professional development.
  2. Proven Track Record: Consistently achieve or exceed sales targets to demonstrate your value to the company.
  3. Leadership Skills: Develop strong leadership abilities and showcase your ability to manage and motivate a sales team effectively.
  4. Networking: Build a strong professional network within your industry to explore new opportunities and leverage connections.
  5. Negotiation: When discussing salary, be prepared to negotiate based on your experience, achievements, and market value.

By implementing these strategies, you can position yourself for salary growth as a sales manager in Singapore.