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Exploring Speech Therapist Salaries in Singapore: Factors Affecting Earnings

Speech Therapist Singapore Salary

Looking for information on speech therapist salaries in Singapore? Find out the average salary and job prospects in this rewarding field.

Are you wondering how much a speech therapist in Singapore earns? Are you interested in pursuing a career in speech therapy but unsure about the salary prospects? Look no further as we dive into the world of speech therapy salaries in Singapore and what it takes to become a successful speech therapist.

Firstly, let's talk numbers. According to Payscale, the average salary for a speech therapist in Singapore is SGD 51,000 per annum. However, this figure can vary depending on factors such as experience, qualifications, and location.

But don't let the numbers discourage you! Speech therapy is a rewarding career that brings about positive change in people's lives. You get to work with individuals who have communication difficulties and help them achieve their full potential.

Becoming a speech therapist requires significant education and training. Most speech therapists hold a master's degree in speech-language pathology or a related field. They also need to obtain a license to practice in Singapore.

As a speech therapist, you will not only earn a salary but also have job stability. The demand for speech therapists is expected to increase in the coming years due to the aging population and the rising awareness of the importance of early intervention for speech and language disorders in children.

Furthermore, working as a speech therapist offers flexibility. Many speech therapists have the option to work part-time or full-time, depending on their preference. Some even choose to work as freelancers, which provides them with more control over their schedule and workload.

Another factor that affects speech therapy salaries is the industry in which the speech therapist works. Speech therapists can work in a variety of industries, including healthcare, education, and private practices. Each industry has its expected salaries, with private practice being the most lucrative option.

Moreover, speech therapists who specialize in working with specific populations such as children with autism or adults with stroke can command a higher salary. Their specialized knowledge and expertise are highly valued by employers and clients alike, making them stand out in the field.

In conclusion, while the average salary for a speech therapist in Singapore may not be the highest, the job offers stability, flexibility, and most importantly, the opportunity to make a difference in people's lives. Pursuing a career in speech therapy can be challenging but rewarding, knowing that you are helping individuals communicate more effectively and improve their quality of life.

If you're interested in becoming a speech therapist in Singapore, do your research and find out about the requirements and training needed to enter the field. Remember that working as a speech therapist is not just about the numbers on the paycheck but also about the fulfillment of knowing that you have made a positive impact on someone's life.

Understanding the Speech Therapist Singapore Salary


Speech therapists play a crucial role in helping people with speech and communication difficulties. They work with patients of all ages, from young children to the elderly, and use a variety of techniques to improve their speech, language, voice, and fluency. The demand for speech therapy services has been on the rise in Singapore, with many parents seeking assistance for their children with language delays and disorders. In this article, we will explore the salary range for speech therapists in Singapore.

Qualifications required

To become a speech therapist in Singapore, one must possess at least a Bachelor's degree or equivalent in Speech-Language Pathology, or Communication Disorders. Internationally recognised qualifications such as those approved by the Allied Health Professions Council (AHPC) in Singapore are also acceptable. Some employers may require a Master's degree or additional certifications in specialized areas such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Stuttering, or Voice Disorders.

Aspiring speech therapists must complete practical training and supervised clinical experience through internships or practicum programmes. After graduation, they must register with the AHPC and obtain a valid license to practice in Singapore. Ongoing professional development and staying current with new developments and research are essential requirements in the field of speech therapy.

Salary Range

The salary range for speech therapists in Singapore varies depending on several factors such as years of experience, industry, and level of education. According to the Ministry of Manpower's Occupational Wage Table published in May 2021, the median gross monthly salary for speech therapists is SGD 3,200. The 25th and 75th percentile salaries are SGD 2,700 and SGD 4,200, respectively.

These figures are based on full-time employment and exclude bonuses, incentives, and allowances. For part-time or contractual work, the hourly rate ranges from SGD 30 to SGD 70 per hour. Private practice rates may differ depending on the therapist's expertise and experience.

Factors affecting salary

Several factors may impact a speech therapist's salary in Singapore. Experience is a significant factor, with therapists with several years of experience commanding higher salaries than newly qualified therapists. Industry also plays a role, with speech therapists working in hospitals, private clinics, schools, or research centres earning varying compensation levels.

Other factors that may influence salary include job responsibilities, location, and level of education. Speech therapists who hold a Master's degree or PhD can expect to earn more than those with a Bachelor's degree. Additional certifications or specializations can also add value to a speech therapist's profile and increase career prospects.

Career Prospects

The demand for speech therapy services is on the rise in Singapore, with a growing awareness of speech and language disorders and their potential impact on an individual's quality of life. The Ministry of Health has recognized the importance of early intervention in speech therapy and has allocated resources to improve access to speech therapy services in hospitals, schools, and community settings.

Speech therapists in Singapore have opportunities for career advancement, such as becoming a senior clinician, clinical supervisor, or program manager. Private practice is another option, where speech therapists can set up their own clinic and offer specialized services that meet specific client needs. Continuing professional education is important in maintaining professional growth and keeping up with changing trends and techniques in speech therapy.


Overall, speech therapy is a rewarding profession that offers many opportunities for personal and professional growth. Although salary is an essential consideration when choosing a career, it should not be the sole criterion. Passion, commitment, and dedication to helping individuals with communication difficulties are the qualities that make a successful speech therapist. With the demand for speech therapy services increasing in Singapore, there is no doubt that this profession will continue to thrive and offer attractive career prospects for aspiring therapists.


Speech therapy is a crucial service for individuals who struggle with communication and swallowing disorders. Speech therapists, also known as speech-language pathologists, are highly trained professionals who work with patients of all ages to diagnose and treat these conditions. In Singapore, the demand for speech therapists has been steadily increasing, leading many to wonder about the average salary for these professionals.

Speech Therapist Salary in Singapore

The average salary for a speech therapist in Singapore ranges from SGD 2,500 to SGD 5,500 per month. This figure varies depending on experience, education, and certification level. Entry-level speech therapists in Singapore typically earn around SGD 2,500 to SGD 3,500 per month, while those with several years of experience can earn up to SGD 5,500 per month.

To become a licensed speech therapist in Singapore, candidates must hold a bachelor's degree in speech therapy or a related field. Additionally, they must obtain registration with the Allied Health Professions Council (AHPC) and pass the Speech-Language Therapy Clinical Assessment and Certification Examination (SACTCE).

Experience Level

The amount of experience a speech therapist has is a significant factor in determining their salary. Entry-level professionals with less than five years of experience can expect to earn an average of SGD 2,500 to SGD 3,500 per month. Mid-level speech therapists with five to ten years of experience can earn between SGD 3,500 to SGD 4,500 per month. Senior-level speech therapists with more than ten years of experience can earn up to SGD 5,500 per month.

Education Level

The education level of a speech therapist can also impact their salary. Those with a master's degree in speech therapy or a related field can earn higher salaries than those with only a bachelor's degree. Speech therapists with a master's degree can earn an average of SGD 4,000 to SGD 5,500 per month. However, candidates with a bachelor's degree can still earn a respectable salary, ranging from SGD 2,500 to SGD 4,000 per month.

Certification Level

In Singapore, speech therapists must obtain registration with the Allied Health Professions Council (AHPC) and pass the Speech-Language Therapy Clinical Assessment and Certification Examination (SACTCE). Holding advanced certification in specific areas, such as dysphagia or fluency disorders, can lead to higher salaries for speech therapists. Those with advanced certification can earn salaries of up to SGD 6,000 per month.

Comparison with Other Countries

The average salary for speech therapists in Singapore may vary from that in other countries. In the United States, for example, the average salary for a speech therapist is USD 77,510 per year, which translates to around SGD 10,2000 per month. In Australia, the average salary for speech therapists ranges from AUD 55,000 to AUD 90,000 per year, approximately SGD 50,000 to SGD 82,000 per year.

Cost of Living in Singapore

The cost of living in Singapore is relatively high compared to many other countries. While the average salary for speech therapists may seem modest at first glance, it is important to consider the expenses associated with living in Singapore. Housing, transportation, and healthcare costs can add up quickly and impact overall disposable income.

Job Market for Speech Therapists in Singapore

The job market for speech therapists in Singapore is expected to grow in the coming years, due in part to an aging population and increased awareness of communication and swallowing disorders. Additionally, there is a growing demand for speech therapy services among children with developmental delays and disabilities. These factors suggest that the outlook for speech therapists in Singapore is positive.


Speech therapy is a challenging yet highly rewarding profession that requires a significant level of skill and expertise. While the average salary for speech therapists in Singapore may be lower than that in other countries, it is important to consider factors such as education and experience level, as well as the cost of living in Singapore. Overall, the job market for speech therapists in Singapore appears to be growing, which bodes well for those considering this path.


Speech therapy is a field that deals with the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of speech and language disorders. Speech therapists or speech-language pathologists are healthcare professionals who work with individuals of all ages, from toddlers to the elderly, to help them overcome these challenges. The demand for qualified speech therapists in Singapore is high, and this article will explore the average salary a speech therapist can expect in Singapore.

Education and training

Before discussing salaries, it’s important to note that becoming a speech therapist requires extensive education and training. To become a qualified speech therapist in Singapore, one must have a bachelor’s or master’s degree in speech therapy from a recognized university. Additionally, they must have completed a clinical fellowship and passed a licensing exam to practice in Singapore.

The Average Salary of a Speech Therapist in Singapore

In general, speech therapists in Singapore can expect a salary in the range of S$40,000 to S$90,000 per annum. However, factors such as level of education, years of experience, type of employer, and industry specialization can impact salaries quite significantly.

Level of education

As with most industries, the level of education attained by the speech therapist has a significant impact on salaries. An advanced degree in speech therapy, such as a master’s or doctoral degree, can lead to higher paying job opportunities.

Years of experience

Experience is another critical factor in determining a speech therapist’s salary. Those with more years of experience will typically earn more than those who are just starting out in the field.

Type of employer

Speech therapists can work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, schools, private practices, and rehabilitation centers. Salaries can vary depending on the type of employer. For instance, private practices usually pay more than schools or government agencies.

Industry specialization

Some speech therapists choose to specialize in specific areas, such as pediatrics, geriatrics, or neurology. Specialization can lead to higher salaries in specific industries.

Tips on how to increase your salary as a speech therapist

1. Continue learning - Taking courses, attending workshops, and earning advanced degrees can help increase your skillset, making you more valuable to employers.2. Consider specialization - By specializing in a particular area of speech therapy, such as working with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, you can become highly sought after and command higher salaries.3. Negotiate - Don’t be afraid to negotiate your salary when offered a position. Do your research ahead of time to determine what is fair and reasonable for someone with your qualifications and experience.


Overall, the field of speech therapy in Singapore offers competitive salaries, with ample opportunities for growth and advancement. With a commitment to continuing education and a willingness to specialize, speech therapists can increase their earning potential and enjoy a fulfilling and rewarding career.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article about speech therapist Singapore salary. It is essential to understand the compensation involved in this profession, especially for those who are planning to pursue a career in the field.

As mentioned earlier, speech therapists in Singapore are well-compensated and receive competitive salaries that reflect their training and expertise. However, it's important to keep in mind that the exact salary range will vary based on a range of factors, including experience level, location, and work setting.

If you're interested in becoming a speech therapist, we highly recommend that you explore different opportunities and gain more comprehensive insights regarding the current market situation. In addition, we suggest that you conduct your research and speak with professionals in the area to stay up-to-date on your target industry trends.

It is always wise to choose a reputable educational institution that offers excellent training that aligns with your career goals. A good education can place you at the forefront of your profession and give you a competitive edge that will benefit you in the long run.

To sum up, working as a speech therapist in Singapore is undoubtedly a rewarding and fulfilling career path that offers immense opportunities for professional development and growth. With a competitive salary, excellent benefits package, and numerous opportunities for advancement, the rewards are tremendous.

We hope this article has served as an informative and illuminating resource for those who are contemplating a career as a speech therapist in Singapore. We trust that it provides value, assists individuals in making informed decisions and helps them pursue the right path according to their goals and aspirations.

Thank you once again for reading this article, and we wish you the best of luck with your future endeavors!

People also ask about Speech Therapist Singapore Salary:

  1. How much do speech therapists in Singapore earn?
  2. What factors affect the salary of a Speech Therapist in Singapore?
  3. Is the salary of a Speech Therapist in Singapore competitive compared to other healthcare professions?
  4. What is the outlook for the salary of Speech Therapists in Singapore in the future?


  • 1. According to data from the Ministry of Manpower Singapore, the median monthly salary for Speech Therapists was S$4,000 in 2020.
  • 2. The factors that affect a Speech Therapist's salary in Singapore include education and experience level, job demand and location, industry of employment, and additional certifications or specialized training.
  • 3. Generally speaking, the salary of Speech Therapists in Singapore is comparable to other healthcare professions, although some specialties may earn a higher income.
  • 4. The outlook for the salary of Speech Therapists in Singapore is positive due to population growth, an aging populace, and increasing awareness surrounding speech and language disorders.

People Also Ask About Speech Therapist Singapore Salary

1. How much does a speech therapist in Singapore earn?

A speech therapist in Singapore can earn an average salary of around $60,000 to $80,000 per year, depending on factors such as experience, qualifications, and the setting they work in.

2. What factors affect a speech therapist's salary in Singapore?

Several factors can influence a speech therapist's salary in Singapore:

  • Experience: More experienced therapists may command higher salaries.
  • Qualifications: Therapists with advanced degrees or specialized certifications may earn higher salaries.
  • Setting: Speech therapists working in private practices or hospitals may earn more compared to those working in schools or non-profit organizations.
  • Location: Salaries may vary slightly depending on the specific region within Singapore.

3. Are there opportunities for career advancement in the field of speech therapy in Singapore?

Yes, there are opportunities for career advancement in the field of speech therapy in Singapore. Speech therapists can pursue further specialization, obtain advanced certifications, or take up leadership roles within their organizations. These advancements can potentially lead to higher salaries and increased responsibilities.

4. How does the salary of a speech therapist in Singapore compare to other healthcare professions?

The salary of a speech therapist in Singapore is generally lower compared to other healthcare professions such as doctors or dentists. However, it is important to note that the salary range can vary based on individual circumstances, experience, and qualifications.

5. Is the demand for speech therapists in Singapore increasing?

Yes, the demand for speech therapists in Singapore is increasing due to various factors such as an aging population, increased awareness of speech and language disorders, and the growing need for early intervention services. This demand may potentially positively impact salary prospects for speech therapists in the future.

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The overall tone used in answering these questions about Speech Therapist Singapore Salary is informative and objective. The information provided aims to give a clear understanding of the topic without any bias or exaggeration. The tone remains professional and focused on providing accurate information to the readers.


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