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Unveiling the Beauty of Fiddle Leaf Fig Singapore: Your Ultimate Guide to Growing and Caring for this Stunning Plant

Fiddle Leaf Fig Singapore

Fiddle Leaf Fig Singapore offers a wide selection of healthy and vibrant fiddle leaf figs for all plant enthusiasts in Singapore. Shop now!

Are you looking for a beautiful and low-maintenance plant to add some greenery to your home or office space? Look no further than the Fiddle Leaf Fig! This trendy plant has become a favorite among interior designers and plant enthusiasts alike, and it's not hard to see why.

In Singapore, the Fiddle Leaf Fig has become especially popular in recent years. Its large, violin-shaped leaves add a touch of elegance and drama to any room. Plus, it's one of the few indoor plants that can grow up to six feet tall!

But what makes the Fiddle Leaf Fig so appealing to Singaporeans? One reason may be its ability to thrive in the city's humid climate. This plant hails from the tropical rainforests of West Africa, so it's used to high humidity and warm temperatures.

Another reason for its popularity could be its versatility. The Fiddle Leaf Fig can adapt to a wide range of lighting conditions and can even be grown as a tree or a bush. It's also relatively easy to care for, making it a great choice for first-time plant owners.

If you're considering bringing a Fiddle Leaf Fig into your space, here are a few tips to help ensure its success:

1. Choose a well-draining soil mix to prevent overwatering.

2. Place your plant near a window with plenty of bright, indirect light.

3. Rotate your plant every few months to encourage even growth.

4. Use a damp cloth to wipe dust off the leaves regularly.

5. Avoid placing your plant near cold drafts or air conditioning vents.

With these tips in mind, you'll be well on your way to growing a healthy and happy Fiddle Leaf Fig.

Remember, the Fiddle Leaf Fig isn't just a plant - it's a statement piece. Its striking leaves and impressive size make it the perfect focal point for any room. Plus, with its easy care requirements, it's a plant that anyone can enjoy.

So why not add a touch of green to your space with a Fiddle Leaf Fig? It's a decision you won't regret!


Ficus lyrata commonly known as Fiddle Leaf Fig is one of the most popular indoor plants in Singapore. It is a native plant of West and Central Africa, grown worldwide due to its aesthetic appeal. The plant owes its name to the fiddle-shaped leaves that mature into vivid dark green colors. Fiddle Leaf Fig Singapore has become a trendy indoor plant that you can grow in your home or office for a cozy feel and also an imposing view.

History and Origin of Fiddle Leaf Fig

The Fiddle Leaf Fig has been around since ancient times dating back to 15th century Africa. It was used by indigenous healers to treat various ailments ranging from bronchitis to malaria. Its origins are traced to West and Central Africa where it grows as a tree reaching up to 40 feet tall. Its large and striking leaves made it an attractive fiber contributor, supplying leaves used for basket weaving and cloth making.

Features and Appearance

The Fiddle Leaf Fig thrives in bright and indirect sunlight and needs occasional watering. The leaves are leathery and shaped like a fiddle with veins running parallel to each other. The tree grows up to ten feet in height and four feet in width. With proper care, the plant can live for several years producing new growths that emerge from the trunk. The roots of the Fiddle Leaf Fig grow high out of the pot making it easy to spot if they need water.

Care and Maintenance

Fiddle Leaf Fig requires certain conditions to prosper. They need well-drained soil that is rich in nutrients and humidity levels of around 40-60%. The plant also requires regular watering every 7-10 days on average, depending on its size and placement. Overwatering is an enemy to the Fiddle Leaf Fig, which may develop several problems such as root rot.

The plant also needs adequate sunlight exposure, not directly from the sun. Exposure to direct sunlight causes the leaves' edges to dry out and curl up when exposed for long hours. The Fiddle Leaf Fig is sensitive to temperature changes below 60°F and above 90°F, causing it to shed its leaves or even die.

Benefits of Fiddle Lead Fig

The Fiddle Leaf Fig is not only an ornamental plant, but it also has several benefits. The tree helps in purifying the air, removing pollutants such as ammonia, benzene, and formaldehyde. It also creates a comfortable environment by increasing humidity levels in your house or building, reducing respiratory problems. According to researchers, the plant improves concentration, focus, and boosts creativity in individuals.

Where to Purchase Fiddle Leaf Fig Singapore

Fiddle Leaf Fig is available in most florists, nurseries, and garden centers around Singapore. You can also purchase it through online platforms such as Lazada and Qoo10, giving you easy access to stylish pots, budget advice, and care information.

Challenges Experienced When Growing Fiddle Leaf Fig

Growing Fiddle Leaf Fig in Singapore is challenging at times, mainly due to weather fluctuations, pests, and shortages of appropriate potting soil. Many people experience issues with their Fiddle Leaf Fig leaves turning brown or yellow, dropping off suddenly. This can result from overwatering or underwatering, too much or too little sunlight, excess fertilizer, or pests such as spider mites and mealybugs.

Solutions to Common Fiddle Leaf Fig Challenges

Maintaining the proper balance of water, light and humidity, frequency and quantity of fertilizer in the plant is crucial. You can also keep your Fiddle Leaf Fig free of pests by regularly monitoring its leaves, trunk, soil, and pot. Treatment involves removing infected leaves, isolating from other plants or treating with insecticidal soap or neem oil.


The Fiddle Leaf Fig Singapore is a highly appealing indoor plant that is easy to maintain with proper care techniques. It requires an understanding of its needs and a few challenges that might be faced in ensuring its growth, such as pest control, watering, lighting, and placement. The beauty and tranquil atmosphere your home or office will receive from owning one are worth the effort put into cultivating and caring for this fascinating specimen.


Fiddle Leaf Figs have become quite the sensation worldwide and Singapore is no exception. With its beautiful appearance and ease in care, fiddle leaf figs have become a popular decorative plant in both homes and offices. While there are many species of Fiddle Leaf Figs, we will be comparing three very popular ones that you can find in Singapore.

The Giant Fiddle Leaf Fig


The Giant Fiddle Leaf Fig is one of the more popular types of the plant in Singapore. As its name suggests, this species grows large, with leaves that can be up to 18 inches long and up to 7 inches wide. The leaves of this plant are dark green and can either be glossy or dull, depending on how much sunlight it gets.

Care Tips

Giant Fiddle Leaf Figs need bright, indirect sunlight to thrive. They also require a well-draining soil mix and need to be watered less frequently than smaller species. You should allow the soil to dry out slightly between watering sessions and make sure to use a well-balanced fertilizer regularly.


The Giant Fiddle Leaf Fig is a great option if you want a statement piece in your home or office. However, it requires significant space and maintenance, so it may not be suitable for everyone.

The Skinny Fiddle Leaf Fig


The Skinny Fiddle Leaf Fig is another popular species in Singapore. This plant's leaves grow up to 12 inches long but are much narrower than the Giant's, at only 3-4 inches wide. The leaves are also elongated and come to a point, making them an excellent choice for modern spaces.

Care Tips

The Skinny Fiddle Leaf Fig needs a lot of bright, indirect sunlight as well. It also requires a well-draining soil mix and should be watered less frequently than smaller species. You should check the soil's moisture level regularly and water only when it has had a chance to dry out completely.


The Skinny Fiddle Leaf Fig is an excellent option for people who want a modern-looking plant that doesn't require quite as much space as the Giant species. It's also easier to maintain due to its smaller size.

The Variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig


The Variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig is a more unique plant compared to the other two species mentioned earlier. As its name suggests, this plant has variegated leaves with cream or yellow-colored spots on them. The leaves are typically medium-sized, around 12-15 inches long, and are a darker green than the other two species.

Care Tips

The Variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig requires similar care to the other two species, with bright, indirect sunlight being crucial for this plant as well. You should use a well-draining soil mix and avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot. Additionally, you should wipe down the leaves regularly with a damp cloth to prevent dust buildup and promote healthy growth.


The Variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig is an exciting plant option for people who want something a little different. Its unique appearance can add a great statement piece to any space. However, it is slightly more difficult to care for and maintain, so it may not be the best option for beginners.

Comparison Table

Species Leaf Size Leaf Color Space Required Maintenance Level
Giant Fiddle Leaf Fig 18 inches long, up to 7 inches wide Dark green, glossy or dull Requires a lot of space Intermediate maintenance level
Skinny Fiddle Leaf Fig 12 inches long, 3-4 inches wide Dark green, elongated leaves Less space required Beginner maintenance level
Variegated Fiddle Leaf Fig 12-15 inches long Dark green with cream or yellow spots Requires a moderate amount of space Intermediate maintenance level


All three of these Fiddle Leaf Fig species can add beauty and interest to any home or office setting. Depending on your personal taste and the space you have available, any of these species could be the perfect choice. When it comes to care and maintenance, all three species require similar conditions and are relatively easy to maintain. However, if you're a beginner, the Skinny Fiddle Leaf Fig may be the best option for you. Overall, adding any of these Fiddle Leaf Figs to your space is sure to create a sense of warmth, décor, and greenery to any living space.

Fiddle Leaf Fig Singapore: Tips and Tutorial

Fiddle Leaf Fig is a popular house plant among the plant enthusiasts. Its scientific name is Ficus lyrata, and it belongs to the family Moraceae. The plant is native to West Africa, and it has become a popular choice among houseplants in Singapore as well. The plant has broad, leathery leaves, and it makes a dramatic statement in any living space. However, taking care of the fiddle-leaf fig requires some knowledge and effort. This article will provide you with all the necessary tips and a tutorial on how to care for your Fiddle Leaf Fig Singapore.

Choosing the Right Spot for Your Fiddle Leaf Fig

Fiddle Leaf Fig thrives in bright, indirect sunlight. Therefore, the best spot for your plant would be near a window that receives ample light without direct sun exposure. The plant needs at least six hours of light daily to grow and thrive. If you place your Fiddle Leaf Fig in a dark corner, it will not grow properly.

Watering Your Fiddle Leaf Fig

The water requirements of Fiddle Leaf Fig vary depending on the environment, its size, and the pot’s size. Therefore, it’s essential to check the soil moisture before watering the plant. You can test the moisture level by inserting your finger into the soil. If it feels dry, then it’s time to water your plant.

It’s crucial to avoid overwatering your Fiddle Leaf Fig as it can cause root rot. Therefore, it would be best to water the plant deeply but infrequently to prevent soil saturation. You can also use a well-draining pot to ensure proper drainage.

Fertilizing Your Fiddle Leaf Fig

Your Fiddle Leaf Fig Singapore will require regular feeding to grow and thrive. It would be best to use a balanced fertilizer once a month during the growing season, which is from spring to fall. You can reduce the application to every two months during the winter when the plant is dormant.

Humidity for Your Fiddle Leaf Fig

Fiddle Leaf Fig loves high humidity, but it can tolerate a lower level. Therefore, if you want your plant to grow in optimal conditions, you may need to increase the humidity around your plant. You can mist the leaves regularly or place a humidifier near your plant to increase the humidity level.

Cleaning Your Fiddle Leaf Fig

Dust can accumulate on the leaves of your Fiddle Leaf Fig, preventing it from getting enough light. Therefore, it’s essential to clean the leaves regularly. You can use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe the leaves gently. Avoid using any chemicals or cleaning products as they can damage the leaves.

Pruning Your Fiddle Leaf Fig

Pruning your Fiddle Leaf Fig is necessary to keep it in shape and promote new growth. You can trim away any yellow or brown leaves using a sharp pair of scissors. You can also prune the plant to control its height and shape. To encourage new growth, you can cut the stem just above a node, which is where a leaf emerges from the stem.

Propagation of Fiddle Leaf Fig

If you want to propagate your Fiddle Leaf Fig Singapore, you can do so by using stem cuttings. You can cut a stem that has at least two nodes, remove the bottom leaves, and place it in a jar of water. Once roots emerge, you can transplant it into a pot with well-draining soil.

Pest Control for Your Fiddle Leaf Fig

Fiddle Leaf Fig can be susceptible to mealybugs and spider mites. Therefore, it’s essential to monitor your plant for any signs of infestation. You can spray your plant with neem oil or insecticidal soap to control the pests.


Caring for your Fiddle Leaf Fig Singapore can seem daunting at first, but with the right knowledge and effort, you can enjoy a beautiful, healthy plant. Remember to choose the right spot, water your plant properly, fertilize it regularly, increase humidity, clean the leaves, prune it, propagate it if needed, and control any pests. With these tips and tutorials, you can give your Fiddle Leaf Fig Singapore the care it needs to thrive.

If you're looking for the perfect plant to add to your home or office, the Fiddle Leaf Fig might just be exactly what you need. This popular and beloved houseplant is known for its large, glossy leaves that resemble a fiddle or violin, hence its name. People in Singapore seem to have caught onto the trend of owning one of these beautiful plants, and there are many nurseries spread around the city state that offer them.

But before you head out to buy one, there are a few things you should know about caring for a Fiddle Leaf Fig in Singapore. It's important to keep in mind that this plant requires a good amount of attention and care in order to thrive, but once you get the hang of it, it can be a rewarding addition to any space.

First and foremost, light is crucial for the Fiddle Leaf Fig's growth. It prefers bright, indirect sunlight, so make sure to place it near a window or area that gets plenty of filtered light throughout the day. In Singapore, where the weather can be quite warm and humid, it's important to avoid direct sunlight as this can scorch the delicate foliage of the plant.

The next important factor for caring for your Fiddle Leaf Fig is ensuring it has the right amount of water. Overwatering and underwatering can both cause problems for the plant, so it's important to find the perfect balance. As a general rule, water your Fiddle Leaf Fig once a week, making sure that the top inch of soil feels dry before watering again.

In terms of humidity, the Fiddle Leaf Fig thrives in a slightly more humid environment. In Singapore, where humidity levels can be high, this usually isn't an issue. However, if you live in an air-conditioned space, you may want to consider using a humidifier or placing a tray of water near your plant.

Fertilizing your Fiddle Leaf Fig is also important for its growth and health. In Singapore, where the soil may be lacking in nutrients, it's a good idea to fertilize your plant with a balanced fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). During the winter months, when the plant is dormant, you can cut back on fertilizer or stop altogether.

Another thing to keep in mind when caring for your Fiddle Leaf Fig is pruning. As the plant grows, it's common for the lower leaves to yellow and droop. Simply trim these off to keep your plant looking healthy and tidy. You can also prune back any branches that are getting too tall or out of control.

If you notice your Fiddle Leaf Fig isn't thriving, it could be a sign of pests or disease. Common pests that affect this plant include spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects. Keep an eye out for any signs of these pests, and treat them promptly if you notice any. Diseases that can affect the Fiddle Leaf Fig include root rot and fungal infections, which can both be caused by overwatering.

Overall, the Fiddle Leaf Fig is a beautiful and rewarding plant to care for. By taking the time to learn how to properly care for this plant, you can enjoy its stunning foliage for years to come. With so many nurseries offering these plants in Singapore, it's easy to find one to add to your space today.

So, whether you're a seasoned plant parent or just starting out, a Fiddle Leaf Fig is definitely worth considering. Not only will it add a touch of natural beauty to your home or office, but it will also help improve air quality and brighten up any space. Just remember to give it plenty of love and attention, and you'll be rewarded with a thriving and healthy plant that will bring you joy for years to come.

Thank you for visiting our blog and learning more about caring for the Fiddle Leaf Fig in Singapore. We hope you found this information helpful and informative. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out to us!

There are several questions that people commonly ask about Fiddle Leaf Fig flowers in Singapore. Below are some of the frequently asked questions and their answers:

1. What is the best way to care for Fiddle Leaf Fig flowers?- To care for a Fiddle Leaf Fig, make sure it has proper drainage and is planted in well-draining soil. The plant should receive bright, but indirect sunlight. Water the plant only when the top inch of soil is dry. Avoid overwatering or underwatering, as this can cause the leaves to drop.2. What are some common problems that people face when growing Fiddle Leaf Fig flowers?- Common problems faced by those growing Fiddle Leaf Fig flowers may include brown spots on leaves, which can be caused by overwatering. Other issues include small, dry leaves that are difficult to keep hydrated, and leaf drop due to improper watering or light conditions.3. Are Fiddle Leaf Fig flowers easy to grow in Singapore?- Fiddle Leaf Figs can be easy to grow in Singapore if they are provided with proper care. The tropical climate of Singapore provides the ideal growing environment for these plants, but it is essential to ensure they are not overwatered, as high humidity can cause root rot.4. Where can I buy Fiddle Leaf Fig flowers in Singapore?- Fiddle Leaf Fig flowers can be purchased at various nurseries and plant shops in Singapore. Some popular options include Far East Flora Garden Centre, Chin Ling Nursery, and Noah Garden Centre.5. How often should I fertilize my Fiddle Leaf Fig flowers?- Fertilizing should be done every two weeks during the growing season (spring and summer), and once a month during fall and winter. Use a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer, diluted to half the recommended strength.

People Also Ask About Fiddle Leaf Fig Singapore

1. How do I care for a fiddle leaf fig in Singapore's climate?

In Singapore's tropical climate, caring for a fiddle leaf fig requires attention to a few key factors:

  • Light: Place your fiddle leaf fig near a bright window, but avoid direct sunlight as it can scorch the leaves.
  • Watering: Water your fiddle leaf fig thoroughly when the top inch of soil feels dry. Ensure proper drainage to prevent waterlogging.
  • Humidity: Increase humidity levels by misting the leaves regularly or placing a humidifier nearby. This helps mimic the plant's natural habitat.
  • Fertilization: Feed your fiddle leaf fig with a balanced liquid fertilizer once a month during the growing season (spring and summer) to promote healthy growth.
  • Pruning: Trim any damaged or yellowing leaves to maintain the overall appearance of the plant.

2. Where can I buy a fiddle leaf fig in Singapore?

There are several options to purchase a fiddle leaf fig in Singapore:

  1. Nurseries and Garden Centers: Visit local nurseries or garden centers that specialize in houseplants. They often carry a variety of fiddle leaf figs.
  2. Online Plant Shops: Many online platforms and websites offer a wide selection of fiddle leaf figs. Make sure to choose reputable sellers and check reviews before making a purchase.
  3. Plant Fairs and Exhibitions: Keep an eye out for plant fairs and exhibitions happening in Singapore, where you might find vendors selling fiddle leaf figs.

3. How do I propagate a fiddle leaf fig in Singapore?

Propagating a fiddle leaf fig in Singapore follows these steps:

  1. Select a healthy stem with at least two leaves.
  2. Cut the stem just below a leaf node (where the leaf is attached to the stem).
  3. Place the cutting in a glass of water, ensuring that only the leafless part is submerged.
  4. Change the water every few days to prevent bacterial growth.
  5. After a few weeks, roots will start to develop. Once the roots are around 2-3 inches long, transfer the cutting into a pot with well-draining soil.

In conclusion,

Caring for a fiddle leaf fig in Singapore's climate involves providing adequate light, watering, humidity, fertilization, and pruning. You can purchase fiddle leaf figs from nurseries, online plant shops, or plant fairs. Propagation can be done by taking stem cuttings and allowing them to root in water before transferring to soil. With proper care, your fiddle leaf fig can thrive in Singapore's environment.