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Stay Safe & Secure with Top Safety Jobs in Singapore

Safety Jobs In Singapore

Looking for safety jobs in Singapore? Explore a wide range of opportunities in the field and ensure a secure working environment. Apply now!

Singapore has become one of the safest countries to live in the past decade. It is a result of strict laws, efficient administration, and society's general willingness to follow rules. However, safety does not come automagically. It requires a lot of effort and investment from various stakeholders, including the government, private sector, and individuals. Here, we explore how Safety Jobs In Singapore can have an impact on the overall safety of the country.

Firstly, what are Safety Jobs In Singapore? Essentially, these are jobs that exist to ensure that individuals, businesses, or the public do not face any harm due to accidents, health hazards, security breaches, etc.. These jobs are found in various industries such as construction, healthcare, hospitality, logistics, manufacturing, and so on.

Some of the common Safety Jobs In Singapore include safety officers, fire safety managers, occupational health specialists, emergency response team members, security personnel, and risk management executives. According to Ministry of Manpower (MOM), there were about 80,000 Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) professionals in Singapore in 2020.

While Safety Jobs In Singapore could vary depending on the industry, their primary responsibilities include:

  • Conducting risk assessments to identify potential hazards and taking preventive measures
  • Maintaining workplace hygiene and cleanliness standards
  • Coordinating emergency drills and evacuations
  • Training employees, contractors, or visitors on safety procedures and regulations
  • Investigating accidents and incidents and suggesting remedies
  • Managing safety equipment and supplies inventory

Why should you pursue Safety Jobs In Singapore? For one thing, these jobs pay well and offer stability. In 2020, the median monthly income of full-time WSH professionals in Singapore was S$4,260 according to MOM. Moreover, given the government's commitment to enhancing safety standards, there is a constant demand for qualified and experienced professionals in this field.

Another benefit of choosing Safety Jobs In Singapore is that you get to make a positive impact on society. Your efforts in ensuring safety can save lives, prevent injuries, and avoid loss of property. A study by WSH Institute found that Singapore's annual workplace fatal injury rate has declined by more than 80% since 2005. This shows how Safety Jobs In Singapore are contributing to the overall well-being of the nation.

Furthermore, Safety Jobs In Singapore offer a diverse range of career paths. Depending on your interests, qualifications, and experience, you can choose to specialize in various areas such as environmental health, fire safety, ergonomics, etc. What's more, you can also work in different sectors, which means you won't be stuck in one industry.

Lastly, Safety Jobs In Singapore prepare you for potential crises and emergencies. The skills and knowledge you acquire through your job can come in handy in situations where quick thinking and action can make a difference. You will learn how to stay calm under pressure, communicate effectively, and prioritize tasks which are valuable skills not just at work but also in life.

Convinced yet? Safety Jobs In Singapore are undoubtedly a promising career choice, especially if you are passionate about helping others and making a difference. The government's strong focus on safety regulation means that there will always be a growing need for Safety Jobs In Singapore.

Moreover, as Singapore continues to attract investments and businesses from all over the world, maintaining high safety standards will be crucial in attracting and retaining them. As a Safety professional, you will play a vital role in ensuring Singapore remains a safe and attractive place to live, work, and visit.

In conclusion, if you are looking for an exciting, rewarding, and meaningful career, consider pursuing Safety Jobs In Singapore. The various benefits, including stability, good pay, social impact, and career diversity, make it a wise choice.


Ensuring maximum safety and security in any workplace is crucial, especially in Singapore where industrial accidents have been well documented over the years. As a result, safety jobs have become increasingly important to ensure that Singaporeans are safe at their workplaces. This article seeks to discuss the range of jobs available in Singapore's safety industry and what they entail.

Types of Safety Jobs

The safety industry is divided into various categories, each with specific roles and objectives. Below are some of the most common types of safety jobs in Singapore.

Environmental Health & Safety (EHS)

EHS professionals focus on creating a safe workplace by identifying and mitigating hazardous conditions. Their responsibility covers everything from conducting risk assessments, developing safety policies, and conducting training sessions to inspecting equipment to ensure its safety and proper functioning.

Occupational Safety & Health (OSH)

Workplace safety is the primary concern for Occupational Safety & Health professionals. They ensure machinery and equipment are properly maintained and operated within safety guidelines. They also investigate incidents and accidents that occur in the workplace.

Fire Safety

Fire Safety professional’s responsibility is to manage fire safety in the workplace. These responsibilities include inspecting equipment related to suppressing fires, setting up fire evacuation plans, and conducting fire safety drills.

Construction Safety

Construction sites are known to be dangerous places to work, given their hazardous environment. Construction Safety professionals' mandate is to ensure safe working environments for construction workers. This involves checking the equipment used and ensuring that all workers have the necessary protective gear.

Essential Skills for Safety Jobs

Skills required to excel as safety professionals include attention to detail, analytical skills, communication and leadership abilities, and problem-solving skills.

Attention to Detail

Safety jobs require a keen eye for detail. This skill helps identify potential hazards that may endanger the health and safety of workers.

Analytical Skills

Safety professionals use analytical skills to assess the safety conditions of a workplace. Analytical skills help safety professionals identify problem areas and develop solutions to mitigate or eliminate risks.

Communication and Leadership abilities

Safety professionals must have good communication and leadership skills to effectively communicate the importance of safety protocols and manage teams responsible for implementing those protocols.

Problem-Solving Skills

Safety jobs often involve identifying problems in a workplace, analyzing the data, and developing solutions. Problem-solving skills play a significant role in safety management, which includes identifying and resolving safety hazards.

Required Qualifications and Experience

To work in Singapore's safety industry, one needs specific qualifications and experience.

Education Qualifications

The minimum education qualification for an entry-level safety job is a diploma in Occupational Health & Safety (OHS). Those interested in higher-level positions should have a degree in OHS or a related field.


Entry-level safety professionals can gain experience through internships, apprenticeships, or entry-level jobs in the safety industry. However, experience requirements vary according to the roles, po regarding years of experience.


Efforts to promote safety in Singapore have resulted in more job opportunities in the safety industry over the years. The safety job roles discussed in this article include Environmental Health & Safety (EHS), Occupational Safety & Health (OSH), Fire Safety, and Construction Safety. Each of these jobs requires different skills, qualifications, and experience. Therefore, before embarking on a career in the safety industry, one should first identify which area of safety they are interested in pursuing.

Safety Jobs in Singapore: A Comparison

When it comes to safety jobs in Singapore, there are plenty of options available. From fire safety to occupational health and safety, the demand for skilled professionals in this field is on the rise. But with so many options to choose from, how do you know which one is the right fit for you? In this article, we’ll be comparing some of the most popular safety jobs in Singapore to help you make an informed decision.

Fire Safety Officer

A fire safety officer is responsible for ensuring that buildings meet fire safety regulations and that employees are trained to respond to emergencies. They are also responsible for conducting fire drills and inspections, as well as investigating fires to determine their cause.

Pros Cons
- High demand for skilled professionals
- Good salary and benefits
- Opportunity for advancement
- Can be a stressful job
- Long hours may be required

In my opinion, if you have a passion for ensuring the safety of others and don’t mind working long hours, then a career as a fire safety officer could be a good fit for you. With the demand for fire safety officers on the rise, you can look forward to a stable and rewarding career.

Occupational Health and Safety Officer

An occupational health and safety officer is responsible for ensuring that workplaces are safe and free from hazards. They conduct risk assessments, develop safety policies and procedures, and train employees on how to work safely.

Pros Cons
- High demand for skilled professionals
- Good salary and benefits
- Opportunity for advancement
- Can be a challenging job as you need to keep up with changing regulations and laws
- Might be required to work long hours

I believe that if you have a scientific mindset and can stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in safety technology and regulations, you’d be suited to a career in occupational health and safety. It’s an essential field, and the demand for occupational health and safety officers is only going to increase.

Industrial Hygienist

An industrial hygienist is responsible for identifying and controlling workplace hazards such as noise pollution, air pollution, and chemical exposure.

Pros Cons
- In high demand
- Opportunities for travel
- Great salary and benefits
- Requires excellent attention to detail
- Can be demanding as you need to conduct complex investigations in hazardous environments

If you’re detail-oriented and enjoy working in the field, then being an industrial hygienist may suit you. The field is highly specialized, and the demand is growing as more companies turn to industrial hygienists to ensure that their workplaces are hazard-free.


Despite the demands, safety jobs offer excellent salaries and benefits and numerous opportunities for advancement. Whether you’re passionate about fire safety, occupational health, or industrial hygiene, there is a safety job for everyone. It’s just a matter of finding the right one for you!


Safety jobs in Singapore are becoming increasingly important as more businesses and organizations prioritize worker safety. Safety professionals are responsible for implementing safety programs and procedures, identifying risks, and taking steps to mitigate them. If you are interested in pursuing a career in safety in Singapore, there are a few things you should know about the job market, required qualifications, and available positions.

The Job Market

The job market for safety professionals in Singapore is competitive, but there are many opportunities available. Singapore has a strong economy and a growing number of businesses and organizations, both local and international. These businesses need safety professionals to ensure that their workers are safe and healthy, and that they comply with local safety regulations.

The Importance of Safety Jobs in Singapore

Singapore has strict safety regulations and laws in place to protect workers and the public. Safety professionals play a crucial role in ensuring that these regulations are followed and that best practices are implemented to keep people safe. The importance of this work cannot be overstated in industries like construction, manufacturing, or healthcare where occupational hazards and accidents can be life-threatening.

The Qualifications

Most safety jobs require a combination of education and experience. A degree in Occupational Health and Safety, Environmental Health and Safety, or a related field is typically required. Professional certifications like the Certified Safety Professional (CSP) or the Occupational Health and Safety Technician (OHST) are also valuable. However, certifications may not be mandatory for entry-level positions, but they can boost the candidate's resume and give them an advantage over other applicants.

Available Positions

There are a variety of safety positions available in Singapore. Some of the most common include Safety Officer, Safety Engineer, and Safety Manager. Other positions that may be available include Environmental Health and Safety Specialist, Compliance Officer, and Industrial Hygienist. The requirements for each position can vary, so it is important to research each one before applying.

Safety Officer

Safety Officers are responsible for implementing safety programs and policies. They conduct risk assessments, investigate accidents and incidents, and provide advice and guidance to management and employees.

Safety Engineer

Safety Engineers design and implement safety systems and procedures. They may work with manufacturing companies or construction firms to ensure that their equipment and facilities are safe for workers.

Safety Manager

Safety Managers oversee safety programs and policies. They may supervise other safety professionals and coordinate with managers and executives to ensure that safety is a priority throughout the organization.

Tips for Finding a Safety Job in Singapore

If you are interested in a safety job in Singapore, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of finding a position. One of the most important is networking. Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and connect with other safety professionals. Make sure your resume and cover letter are tailored to the specific position you are applying for and highlight any relevant experience or certifications you have.


Safety jobs in Singapore are an important and rewarding career path for those interested in ensuring the safety and well-being of workers. With a combination of education, experience, and professional certifications, safety professionals can find excellent opportunities across a range of industries. By staying informed about the job market and being proactive in job searching and networking, job seekers in this field can find success in Singapore's growing economy.

If you are interested in safety jobs and looking for career opportunities in Singapore, then you are in the right place. Singapore is a city-state in Southeast Asia which attracts thousands of job seekers every year due to its impressive economic growth and excellent job market.

Singapore is known for its strict safety laws and regulations, making it an ideal place for professionals who are passionate about safety. The country has one of the highest safety records in the world and offers numerous opportunities for individuals who wish to pursue a career in this field.

There are various types of safety jobs available in Singapore, ranging from safety officers to safety engineers, consultants, and managers. Depending on your qualifications, experience, and interests, you can choose from a wide range of career options.

One of the most challenging yet rewarding safety jobs in Singapore is that of a safety officer. Safety officers are responsible for promoting and maintaining safe work practices within an organization, identifying potential hazards, and ensuring compliance with safety regulations.

Safety engineers, on the other hand, are responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining various safety systems and equipment. They play a crucial role in preventing accidents and incidents in the workplace, and their expertise is highly valued by many organizations.

If you prefer a more strategic role in safety, then a career as a safety consultant or manager might be more suitable for you. Safety consultants provide professional advice to organizations on safety management practices, while safety managers are responsible for developing and implementing safety policies and procedures.

Regardless of which safety job you choose, it is essential to have the necessary qualifications and experience. A degree in occupational safety and health or a related field is usually required for entry-level positions, while relevant work experience is often preferred.

There are also various certifications and training programs available in Singapore that can enhance your knowledge and skills in safety. The National Safety Council of Singapore, for instance, offers a range of courses on safety management, risk assessment, and incident investigation.

In addition to qualifications and experience, having the right mindset is also important in safety jobs. Successful safety professionals are typically detail-oriented, analytical, and proactive in identifying and responding to potential safety issues.

Working in safety jobs in Singapore can be highly rewarding, both professionally and financially. Salaries in this field are generally competitive, and there are many opportunities for career advancement and professional development.

However, it is essential to note that safety jobs can also be physically and emotionally demanding. Safety professionals often work long hours and may be required to respond to emergencies and incidents outside of regular working hours.

Despite the challenges, safety jobs in Singapore are a great choice if you are passionate about ensuring people's safety and wellbeing. The country's emphasis on safety and excellence in this field makes it an ideal place to build a fulfilling and successful career.

In conclusion, safety jobs in Singapore offer plenty of opportunities for individuals who are qualified, experienced, and passionate about safety. Whether you are interested in a hands-on role as a safety officer or a strategic role as a safety consultant or manager, there are plenty of options to choose from in this growing field.

Making a career in safety comes with significant responsibilities. For anyone who embraces challenges and pursues their purpose, safety jobs in Singapore can lead to exciting and highly rewarding careers. Please take note of the various prerequisites necessary for your dream job and invest accordingly.

Thank you for reading this article, and we wish you the best of luck in your quest for safety jobs in Singapore!

People Also Ask About Safety Jobs in Singapore:

  1. What are the common safety jobs in Singapore?
  2. Some common safety jobs in Singapore include Safety Officer, Safety Manager, Health and Safety Consultant, Security Manager, and Risk Manager.

  3. What qualifications are needed for safety jobs in Singapore?
  4. The qualifications required for safety jobs in Singapore can vary depending on the position. Generally, a diploma or degree in Occupational Health and Safety, Environmental science, Engineering, or related fields is preferred. Candidates should also have relevant work experience and certifications specific to their field.

  5. What are the key responsibilities of safety professionals in Singapore?
  6. Safety professionals in Singapore are responsible for ensuring that workplaces comply with local laws and regulations concerning workplace safety and health. They may be responsible for developing policies and procedures, conducting safety audits, training employees on safety measures, and investigating accidents and incidents at the workplace.

  7. What are the salary expectations for safety jobs in Singapore?
  8. The salary expectations for safety jobs in Singapore can vary depending on the position, years of experience, and qualifications of the candidate. Generally, a Safety Officer can expect to earn around SGD 2,500 to SGD 5,000 per month, while Safety Managers and Consultants can earn up to SGD 10,000 per month.

  9. What industries offer safety job opportunities in Singapore?
  10. Safety job opportunities are available in a wide range of industries in Singapore, including construction, manufacturing, healthcare, oil and gas, and transportation.

  11. What are the opportunities for career advancement in safety jobs in Singapore?
  12. Safety professionals in Singapore can advance their career by taking on more responsibilities and obtaining relevant certifications. They can also move into higher-level positions such as Safety Manager, Director, or Consultant.

People Also Ask about Safety Jobs in Singapore

1. What are some common safety job roles available in Singapore?

In Singapore, there are several common safety job roles available for professionals in the field. These include:

  • Safety Officer
  • Health and Safety Manager
  • Environmental Health and Safety Specialist
  • Safety Engineer
  • Fire Safety Manager

These roles involve managing and implementing safety protocols, conducting risk assessments, developing safety policies, and ensuring compliance with local regulations.

2. What qualifications and skills are required for safety jobs in Singapore?

To excel in safety jobs in Singapore, certain qualifications and skills are highly sought after. Some essential requirements include:

  1. A relevant degree or diploma in Occupational Health and Safety, Environmental Science, Engineering, or a related field.
  2. Certifications such as NEBOSH (National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health) or WSQ (Workforce Skills Qualification) in Workplace Safety and Health.
  3. Strong knowledge of local safety regulations and practices.
  4. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  5. An analytical mindset and attention to detail.
  6. Problem-solving abilities and the ability to make quick decisions under pressure.

Having prior experience in safety management or a related field is also advantageous.

3. How much can one earn in safety jobs in Singapore?

The salary range for safety jobs in Singapore can vary depending on factors such as job level, experience, and industry. However, on average, safety professionals can expect to earn between SGD 4,000 to SGD 8,000 per month.

Higher-level positions or roles in specialized industries may offer higher salaries. Additionally, individuals with extensive experience and additional certifications may also command higher pay.

4. What industries offer safety job opportunities in Singapore?

Safety job opportunities in Singapore can be found across various industries. Some of the prominent sectors that prioritize safety and offer employment opportunities include:

  • Construction
  • Oil and Gas
  • Manufacturing
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Hospitality
  • Transportation

These industries have a higher demand for safety professionals to ensure the well-being of their employees and compliance with safety regulations.

5. Are there any additional requirements for foreign professionals seeking safety jobs in Singapore?

Foreign professionals seeking safety jobs in Singapore need to fulfill certain requirements to work legally in the country. These include:

  • Obtaining a valid work visa or Employment Pass (EP) issued by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM).
  • Ensuring their qualifications and certifications meet the local standards and are recognized by relevant authorities.
  • Having a job offer from a Singapore-based company before applying for a work visa.

It is advisable for foreign professionals to research and understand the specific requirements and application process before pursuing safety job opportunities in Singapore.