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Discover the Latest Weather Conditions in Jurong West, Singapore - Stay Ahead with Accurate Forecasts!

Weather Singapore Jurong West

Looking for the current weather in Jurong West, Singapore? Stay updated with the latest forecast and temperature in this bustling suburban area.

Discover the Weather in Singapore Jurong West

Are you planning a trip to Singapore? Specifically, to the vibrant and bustling area of Jurong West? If so, then before you pack your bags, it’s important to know what kind of weather awaits you. Luckily, we’ve got you covered!

Average Climate Overview

Jurong West usually enjoys a warm and balmy tropical climate year-round, with high humidity and frequent rain showers. The region sits close to the equator, so expect to feel the sun’s intense heat all day long.

However, to give you a more detailed breakdown, here are some essential statistics that can help you prepare for your upcoming trip:

  • The average temperature ranges from 25°C - 32°C (77°F - 90°F)
  • The rainy season starts from November to January, though rainfall can occur anytime throughout the year
  • The best time to visit Jurong West is from February to April when the skies are clear and temperatures milder than usual

What to Pack?

Now that you have a rough idea of the weather, it’s time to plan and pack your luggage. Here are some essential items to bring:

  • Lightweight clothes made of breathable and moisture-wicking materials
  • Sunscreen lotion with at least SPF 30 or higher
  • Insect repellent to fend off mosquitos that are prevalent in the area
  • Umbrella or raincoat in case of sudden downpours

Activities to Do

Jurong West offers a wide range of exciting and family-friendly activities to do, regardless of the weather. Here are some of the must-visit spots:

  • Visit the Jurong West Hawker Centre and indulge in Singapore’s delicious local culinary delights
  • Head over to Jurong Bird Park and marvel at more than 5,000 exotic birds
  • Enjoy an evening stroll at Jurong Lake Gardens South and see the stunning light displays
  • Explore the hidden gems by biking or kayaking through the scenic trails within the neighbourhood


With its tropical climate and a plethora of fun activities to do, Jurong West, Singapore, certainly makes for a perfect family destination! To make the most out of your trip, be prepared, pack wisely, and embrace the wonderful experiences that await you.

Weather in Singapore Jurong West

The weather in Singapore is generally hot and humid all year round due to its location near the equator. However, weather conditions can vary from one region to another and from one season to another. In this article, we will focus on the weather in Singapore Jurong West.

Location of Jurong West

Jurong West is located in the western part of Singapore, and is known for its residential areas and industrial parks. It is situated near major attractions like the Jurong Bird Park, the Singapore Science Centre and the Jurong East Sports Complex.

The Climate in Jurong West

The climate in Jurong West is typical of the tropical climate experienced in Singapore. The temperatures are high all year round, and humidity levels range from 70% to 90%. There is no distinct dry or wet season; instead, there are periods of heavier rain and periods of lighter rain throughout the year.

Torrential Showers

Jurong West experiences torrential showers from time to time. These showers are usually intense and can last for several hours. They can lead to flooding in some low-lying areas. It's important to take note of any flood advisories from the National Environment Agency (NEA) during these times and avoid areas with high risks of flooding.

Moderate Temperatures

Although temperatures in Singapore can be quite hot, Jurong West experiences cooler temperatures compared to other regions in Singapore due to its proximity to the sea. Temperatures in Jurong West typically range from 25°C to 31°C during the day, and can fall to 23°C at night.

The North-east Monsoon Season

Jurong West experiences the Northeast Monsoon season from December to early March, which brings heavier rain and stronger winds. During this period, it is advisable to carry an umbrella or raincoat when heading outdoors. The NEA usually issues weather advisories and warnings ahead of time, so it's essential to stay up-to-date with their alerts.

The South-west Monsoon Season

The South-west Monsoon season happens from late May to September, and it usually brings dry conditions. However, Jurong West still experiences periods of rain during this season. Humidity levels during this period are generally lower.

Tropical Thunderstorms

Jurong West sometimes experiences tropical thunderstorms, which are usually accompanied by heavy rain and strong winds. These thunderstorms can be intense, but they usually pass quickly.

Safety Tips

When in Jurong West, it's essential to take precautions against the weather. Here are a few tips:

  • Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water.
  • Wear light, breathable clothing to avoid overheating.
  • Carry an umbrella or raincoat when going outdoors during the rainy season.
  • Avoid areas with high risks of flooding during torrential showers.
  • Follow the NEA weather advisories and warnings to keep safe.

In conclusion, the weather in Singapore Jurong West is generally hot and humid all year round, with periods of heavier and lighter rainfall. It's essential to stay informed about weather patterns and take precautions against the weather to ensure your safety when visiting the area.


Singapore is a tropical country that experiences warm and humid weather throughout most of the year. Jurong West is one of the 24 planning areas in Singapore, located in the western region of the island. Although it is a small area, there can still be variations in weather patterns within the vicinity. In this article, we will be comparing the weather conditions in Singapore with those in Jurong West.

Average Temperature

The average temperature in Singapore ranges from 26°C to 32°C, with January being the coolest month and April being the warmest. On the other hand, the average temperature in Jurong West ranges from 24°C to 31°C. While the temperature difference may not seem significant, the slight variation can make a difference in outdoor activities and daily commute.

During the cooler months, it is generally more comfortable to engage in outdoor activities in Singapore. Meanwhile, Jurong West residents might find it slightly more bearable to walk under the sun during the warmer months.


Singapore experiences two main monsoon seasons throughout the year, which results in frequent showers and thunderstorms. The monsoon season typically occurs from December to early March and June to September. April and November are considered transitional months, where rainfall is less frequent.

Jurong West experiences rainfall throughout the year, with November being the wettest month and February being the driest. However, the amount of rainfall is significantly lower compared to other parts of Singapore. The lower amount of rainfall means that outdoor activities may not be disrupted as much by the weather in Jurong West.

Table 1: Monthly Rainfall Comparison between Singapore and Jurong West

Month Singapore Jurong West
January 243mm 250mm
February 172mm 162mm
March 198mm 214mm
April 157mm 163mm
May 171mm 175mm
June 158mm 173mm
July 154mm 160mm
August 176mm 181mm
September 156mm 172mm
October 176mm 178mm
November 259mm 262mm
December 291mm 296mm


Due to its location near the equator, Singapore experiences high humidity throughout the year. Humidity levels typically range from 70% to 90%. Meanwhile, Jurong West experiences slightly lower humidity levels compared to other parts of Singapore.

The high humidity in Singapore can cause discomfort and affect outdoor activities, while the slightly lower humidity levels in Jurong West make it more bearable to be outdoors.

Wind Speed and Direction

Wind speed and direction can also play a part in determining weather conditions in a particular area. In Singapore, wind speeds generally range from 2 to 6 meters per second. Wind directions vary depending on the monsoon season and can affect how rainfall travels across the island.

Jurong West experiences similar wind speeds and directions as other parts of Singapore. Wind speeds are generally not strong enough to affect daily activities, but can provide relief from the heat and humidity.

Air Pollution

Air pollution levels can fluctuate based on factors such as industrial activity, traffic congestion, and weather conditions. Singapore has made significant efforts to reduce air pollution levels in recent years, but it still experiences occasional haze during the dry season.

Jurong West is home to several industrial areas, which may contribute to higher air pollution levels compared to other residential areas. However, air pollution levels in Jurong West are generally still within healthy ranges.


In conclusion, while Singapore experiences warm and humid weather throughout the year, there can be variations in weather patterns within different areas of the island. Jurong West residents may experience slightly cooler temperatures and less rainfall compared to other parts of Singapore, making it more comfortable for outdoor activities. However, it is still important to stay hydrated and take precautions against the heat and humidity.

Weather in Singapore Jurong West

Singapore is known for its humid climate all year round. As a tropical country, air conditioning is a necessity to beat the heat. In Jurong West, one of Singapore's largest residential neighbourhoods, the weather can be both sunny and rainy, which is typical of the tropical climate. Here are some tips that can help you plan your trip and stay comfortable throughout your stay.

Tips for Planning Your Trip

Before planning your trip to Jurong West, it's essential to find out what kind of weather you will experience. It's best to avoid travelling during the rainy season from November to January. During this time, rains can last for hours, and flooding can occur in low-lying areas. On the other hand, the hottest months are from April to June, with the mercury rising to 35 degrees Celsius and above.The best time to travel is between February to July as the weather is sunny with light rainfall. Be sure to choose lightweight and breathable clothing that is suitable for the hot and humid weather. Remember to bring an umbrella or raincoat as sudden showers can occur even in the dry season.

Staying Comfortable in Humid Weather

To stay comfortable in the hot and humid weather, hydrate frequently by drinking water, juices or coconut water, to replenish lost fluids through sweating. The humidity can cause sweat and stickiness, so it's vital to bring along tissues or a small towel to wipe off the sweat.It's crucial to dress appropriately for the weather by wearing loose-fitting clothing made of natural fibres such as cotton, linen, or bamboo. You can also opt for lightweight and breathable clothes that allow air to circulate around your body, keeping you cool.

Keeping Safe During Thunderstorms

Thunderstorms can happen suddenly in Singapore during any time of the year. Jurong West residents are well aware of these storms, and you should always seek shelter when you hear thunder. If you're outdoors, avoid standing under tall trees or metal structures that can attract lightning. Also, stay away from open fields, swimming pools, and beaches.If you're indoors, unplug all electrical equipment to prevent damage from lightning strikes. You should also avoid using the phone or any touch-sensitive devices connected to power.


In conclusion, when travelling to Jurong West, it's essential to check the weather forecast and plan accordingly. Dress appropriately for the weather, stay hydrated, and seek shelter during thunderstorms. Follow these tips, and you can have an enjoyable trip in Singapore's vibrant and exciting city.

Welcome to Jurong West, the largest residential area in Singapore. It is located in the western region of Singapore and is known for its beautiful parks, recreational facilities, and diverse culture. Among the many things that make this area unique is its weather. In this article, we will look at the different aspects of the weather in Jurong West, Singapore.

The weather in Jurong West is hot and humid, which is typical of a tropical climate. The temperature in this area usually ranges from 24°C (75°F) to 32°C (90°F). The humidity level in Jurong West is quite high throughout the year, meaning that it is important to stay hydrated when spending time outside. Evenings can also be quite warm and pleasant, with temperatures averaging around 26°C (79°F).

The rainy season in Jurong West usually occurs between November and January. During this period, the area experiences heavy rainfalls that can cause flooding in some areas. It is important to be well-prepared during this season with proper rain gear and footwear. Despite the rain, the weather does become cooler during this season, with temperatures averaging around 23°C (73°F) during the day and 22°C (72°F) during the night.

From May to September, the area experiences haze due to forest fires in Indonesia. The haze can cause respiratory problems, especially for those with underlying health issues. It is advisable to wear masks during this time and avoid outdoor activities when the air quality becomes unhealthy.

During the summer months of June to August, the area enjoys a slight respite from the humidity. These are the coolest months in Jurong West with temperatures averaging around 27°C (81°F) during the day and occasionally dropping to 22°C (72°F) at night. This period is a great time for outdoor activities. However, it is important to stay hydrated and protect yourself from the sun during this time.

The monsoon season in Jurong West usually occurs between December and January. During this period, the area experiences strong winds and thunderstorms. While the rainfall is typically less than during the rainy season, the wind can be quite strong and disruptive. It is important to be well-prepared during this season by carrying an umbrella and staying indoors during thunderstorms.

In conclusion, Jurong West, Singapore, experiences a tropical climate with high humidity and temperatures ranging from 24°C (75°F) to 32°C (90°F). The area experiences a rainy season between November and January, haze from May to September, and a slight respite from the humidity during the summer months of June to August. The monsoon season usually occurs between December and January, bringing with it strong winds and thunderstorms. It is important to understand the weather conditions in Jurong West to stay well-prepared and take necessary precautions at all times.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article about the weather in Jurong West, Singapore. We hope that it has been informative and helpful in understanding the climate conditions in this area. Remember to always stay safe and well-informed about the weather in your locality.

People Also Ask about Weather Singapore Jurong West:

  1. What is the average temperature in Jurong West, Singapore?
  2. The average temperature in Jurong West, Singapore is 27°C (81°F).

  3. When is the best time to visit Jurong West, Singapore?
  4. The best time to visit Jurong West, Singapore is from December to early March when temperatures are cooler, and rainfall is minimal.

  5. How much rainfall can be expected in Jurong West, Singapore?
  6. On average, Jurong West, Singapore gets approximately 2340mm of rain per year.

  7. Are there any typhoons or hurricanes in Jurong West, Singapore?
  8. Typhoons and hurricanes are not common occurrences in Jurong West, Singapore. However, the country may experience some effects from typhoons in neighboring countries during the rainy season.

  9. Does Jurong West, Singapore experience any extreme weather conditions?
  10. Jurong West, Singapore does not experience extreme weather conditions such as tornadoes or blizzards. However, heavy rain and thunderstorms can occur during the monsoon season.

People Also Ask About Weather in Singapore Jurong West

1. What is the average temperature in Jurong West, Singapore?

In Jurong West, Singapore, the average temperature ranges from 23°C (73°F) to 31°C (88°F) throughout the year. The hottest months are typically May and June, while the coolest months are December and January.

2. Does Jurong West experience a rainy season?

Yes, Jurong West, like the rest of Singapore, experiences a wetter period known as the Northeast Monsoon season. This season usually occurs between November and January, bringing increased rainfall and occasional thunderstorms.

3. Are there any typhoons or hurricanes in Jurong West?

No, Jurong West is not typically affected by typhoons or hurricanes. Singapore is located outside the typical typhoon belt in the Western Pacific Ocean. However, it may occasionally experience the effects of tropical storms or heavy rainfall associated with nearby weather systems.

4. How humid is the weather in Jurong West?

Jurong West has a high level of humidity throughout the year due to its geographical location in a tropical climate. The humidity levels often range from 70% to 90%, making the air feel moist and sticky. It is advisable to stay hydrated and dress comfortably to cope with the humidity.

5. Does Jurong West experience any seasons?

Singapore, including Jurong West, does not have distinct seasons like countries with temperate climates. Instead, it experiences two main monsoon seasons: the Northeast Monsoon season (December to March) and the Southwest Monsoon season (June to September). These monsoons bring varying levels of rainfall and affect the overall weather patterns in the region.

6. What is the best time to visit Jurong West?

The best time to visit Jurong West and Singapore, in general, is during the months of February to April or August to October. These periods typically have more pleasant weather conditions with lower chances of rainfall. However, it's important to note that Singapore's weather can be unpredictable, so it's advisable to check the forecast before planning your trip.

7. Are there any weather-related activities in Jurong West?

Jurong West offers various weather-related activities for residents and visitors. The area has numerous parks, gardens, and nature reserves where you can enjoy outdoor activities such as picnicking, jogging, cycling, and bird-watching. Additionally, the nearby Jurong Lake Gardens boasts a water play area and a nature-themed playground for families to enjoy.

In conclusion,

Jurong West, Singapore, has a tropical climate characterized by warm temperatures, high humidity, and occasional rainfall throughout the year. While it doesn't experience extreme weather events like typhoons or hurricanes, it does have distinct monsoon seasons that bring varying levels of rain. It's advisable to plan your visit to Jurong West during the months with more favorable weather conditions, such as February to April or August to October.