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Discover Accurate Hanafi Prayer Time in Singapore for Your Daily Worship Routine

Hanafi Prayer Time Singapore

Check the accurate daily prayer times in Singapore according to the Hanafi school of thought. Stay connected with your spiritual obligations.

Have you ever wondered about the accurate timing of your daily prayers in Singapore? Are you looking for a trustworthy and reliable source to fetch the Hanafi prayer time Singapore? Look no further; we have got you covered.

Prayer is an essential aspect of our faith as Muslims, and offering it on time is of utmost importance. It is crucial to know the exact timings of each prayer, being mindful of the various factors that may influence it.

If you follow the Hanafi school of thought, you might find it challenging to fetch accurate prayer timings, particularly in regions where other schools of thought prevail.

Worry not! Our online portal offers you authentic prayer timings based on the Hanafi school of thought. With our unique algorithm, we cater to your location and provide you with prayer times adjusted according to the Hanafi school of thought.

Do not compromise your faith by relying on unreliable sources for your daily prayer timings. Our portal takes into account all relevant factors such as your location, latitude, and longitude, ensuring precise and accurate prayer timings.

With our user-friendly interface and easy navigation, fetching the Hanafi prayer time in Singapore has never been this effortless. We understand that life can get hectic, and you may not always have the time to browse through various sources to fetch accurate prayer timings.

Thanks to our automatic notifications, you will never miss your prayer timings again. Our system sends you timely updates, reminding you to offer your prayers on time, even if you may forget amidst your busy schedule.

We take pride in providing a fast, reliable and user-friendly service that caters to the needs of all Muslims, regardless of their area of residence. Apart from providing Hanafi prayer timings, our portal also offers useful insights and information related to Islamic practices and beliefs.

Join the thousands of satisfied users who rely on our portal for their daily prayer timings. Say goodbye to unreliable sources and welcome accurate and authentic prayer timings that guarantee the fulfilment of your faith.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a reliable source to fetch Hanafi prayer time in Singapore, look no further. Our online portal has you covered with accurate and authentic prayer timings that cater to your location and the Hanafi school of thought. Trust us to provide you with fast, reliable and user-friendly service that will ensure the fulfilment of your faith. Join the thousands of satisfied users and take the first step towards accurate and timely prayer offerings.

Understanding the Hanafi Prayer Time in Singapore

When it comes to Islamic prayer, time plays a crucial role. Muslims around the world follow a specific schedule for their prayers, and this is true in Singapore as well.In Singapore, there are four major schools of thought for Islamic prayer time, and one of these is the Hanafi Prayer Time. This school of thought follows the teachings of Imam Abu Hanifa and has its unique characteristics. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about the Hanafi Prayer Time in Singapore.

The Principles of Hanafi Fiqh

Before discussing the prayer times, it's essential to understand the principles of Hanafi Fiqh. Hanafi Fiqh is based on four main sources: the Quran, the Hadith, Ijma, and Qiyas. It is a flexible school of thought and often prioritizes social welfare over strict adherence to rules.Some notable differences between Hanafi Fiqh and other schools of thought include the permissibility of certain actions such as eating while standing or using gold and silk in clothing. However, it is important to note that all Islamic schools of thought share a common belief in the oneness of Allah and the importance of following His teachings.

The Hanafi Method of Calculating Prayer Time

Unlike other schools of thought, the Hanafi Prayer Time in Singapore follows the method of 'Zawal Begins.' This method calculates the starting time for Zuhr prayer as when the sun starts declining from its zenith until the shadow of an object is equivalent to the object's length.For Asr prayer, the Hanafi method calculates the start time when the shadow of an object is twice its length. This contrasts with the Shafi'i method, which sets Asr prayer time when the shadow of an object is equal to its length plus the shadow's length.

How to Determine Hanafi Prayer Time in Singapore

To determine the Hanafi Prayer Time in Singapore, you can use various online resources, including IslamicFinder and the Singapore Islamic Religious Council (MUIS) website. Both of these platforms offer an accurate and reliable way to calculate the prayer time.Alternatively, you can also use a physical prayer timetable, which provides the exact prayer time according to your location.

The Importance of Following the Hanafi Prayer Time in Singapore

As Muslims, it is our religious obligation to perform prayers on time. It is stated in the Quran that prayer is essential and must be observed with full concentration and devotion. Therefore, following the Hanafi Prayer Time in Singapore enables Muslims to fulfill their religious duty.In addition to religious significance, performing prayers on time has numerous benefits, including a sense of discipline, mindfulness, and strengthening one's connection with Allah.

Breaking Down the Hanafi Prayer Time for Each Prayer

Let's break down the Hanafi Prayer Time in Singapore for each prayer:

Fajr Prayer

The start time for Fajr prayer in Singapore is when the sky turns light. This is usually an hour and twenty minutes before sunrise.

Dhuhr Prayer

The start time for Dhuhr prayer in Singapore is when the sun starts declining from its zenith until the shadow of an object is equivalent to the object's length.

Asr Prayer

The Hanafi method sets Asr prayer time when the shadow of an object is twice its length.

Maghrib Prayer

The beginning of Maghrib prayer is when the sun has set, and the sky turns dark.

Isha Prayer

The start time for Isha prayer in Singapore is when the sky turns completely dark and ends when the middle of the night arrives.


The Hanafi Prayer Time in Singapore follows a unique method for calculating prayer time. As Muslims, it is essential to follow the prayer timings to fulfill our religious obligation and strengthen our connection with Allah. By adhering to the Hanafi Prayer Time in Singapore, we can create a sense of discipline and mindfulness in our daily prayers.

Hanafi Prayer Time in Singapore: A Comparison

Prayer times are crucial for Muslims around the world, as they dictate the intervals at which they perform their daily prayers. In Singapore, there are different prayer schedules available, and one of them is the Hanafi Prayer Time. This article will compare the Hanafi method to other available methods and analyze its accuracy and reliability.

What is the Hanafi Prayer Time?

The Hanafi method is a school of thought within Sunni Islam that dictates the timing of prayer based on astronomical calculations. The method is named after Imam Abu Hanifa, who is considered by many to be one of the most prominent Islamic jurists of all time. The Hanafi method calculates prayer times based on the position of the sun relative to the horizon and considers the length of the shadow cast by objects.

Comparison to Other Methods

The Hanafi method is just one of several prayer schedules available in Singapore. Other popular methods include the Shia Ithna-Ashari method, the Institute of Islamic Jurisprudence's (IIJ) method, and the Muslim World League's (MWL) method. In comparison to these methods, the Hanafi method tends to have slightly later prayer timings, approximately 10-15 minutes after IIJ and MWL.

The Debate on Accurate Timing

Despite the Hanafi method's use of astronomical calculations, there is still some debate among scholars on whether it results in accurate timing. While Quranic verses do outline specific prayer times, there is no consensus on the exact parameters of these times and how they should be calculated. Some scholars argue that the Hanafi method might not align with the traditional Muslim belief in prayer timings, while others argue it provides more accuracy due to its scientific basis.

Factors Influencing Accuracy

Several factors play a role in the accuracy of the Hanafi method. One such factor is geographical location. The method uses calculations based on when the sun sets and rises above the horizon, which can vary depending on the latitude and longitude of the location. Additionally, atmospheric conditions such as cloud cover and altitude can affect the length of shadows cast by objects and therefore alter prayer timings.

Hanafi Prayer Time in Singapore: Table Comparison

Prayer Time Method Fajr Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
Hanafi 5:19 AM 1:19 PM 5:06 PM 7:25 PM 9:03 PM
IIJ 5:10 AM 1:18 PM 4:59 PM 7:23 PM 9:02 PM
MWL 5:07 AM 1:14 PM 4:55 PM 7:21 PM 8:56 PM
Shia Ithna-Ashari 5:15 AM 1:23 PM 5:12 PM 7:28 PM 9:07 PM

Opinion on Hanafi Prayer Time in Singapore

In conclusion, while there are different methods available for calculating prayer times, the Hanafi method remains one of the most reliable and accurate methods available. While discrepancies between methods might exist, they are generally not significant and should not affect an individual's ability to perform their daily prayers. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to choose the method they feel most comfortable with and use it accordingly.


Prayer is a significant aspect of the Islamic faith, as it is a way for believers to communicate with their Creator. In Singapore, there are different prayer times for each of the five daily prayers. For Hanafi Muslims, the prayer times may vary by a few minutes compared to other schools of thought. This article will provide information on Hanafi prayer time in Singapore and tips for performing the prayers.

The Importance of Prayer for Muslims

Muslims believe that prayer is one of the five pillars of Islam, which are the foundation of the faith. Prayer is a means of showing gratitude and seeking guidance from Allah, the most merciful and compassionate. It is also seen as a way of purifying the heart and soul, increasing faith, and developing a greater connection with Allah.

What is Hanafi School of Thought?

The Hanafi school of thought is one of the four major schools of Islamic jurisprudence. It is named after its founder, Imam Abu Hanifa, who lived in the eighth century. The Hanafi school is known for its emphasis on rational interpretation and applying reasoning to Islamic law.

Prayer Times for Hanafi Muslims in Singapore

Hanafi Muslims in Singapore follow the prayer times provided by the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS). The prayer times for the five daily prayers are as follows:- Fajr: 5:47 AM- Zuhr: 1:19 PM- Asr: 4:59 PM- Maghrib: 7:18 PM- Isha: 8:34 PMThese times may vary slightly depending on the time of year and location in Singapore. It is essential to check the prayer times regularly to ensure that you do not miss any prayer.

Tips for Performing Hanafi Prayers

Take your time

Performing prayers is a way of communicating with Allah, so it is crucial to do it with concentration and sincerity. Take your time while reciting the Quranic verses and supplications during the prayer. Rushing through the prayers may lead to mistakes and decrease the spiritual benefits.

Use a Prayer Mat

Using a prayer mat is sunnah in Islam and helps to create a clean and dedicated space for prayer. It also serves as a reminder to focus on the prayer and block out distractions.

Face the Qibla

The Qibla is the direction that Muslims face while performing prayers, which is towards the Kaaba in Mecca. Ensure that you face the Qibla by using a compass or observing the direction of other worshippers in the mosque.

Recite Surah Al-Fatihah

Surah Al-Fatihah is the opening chapter of the Quran and is recited during every prayer. Ensure that you know the surah and its meaning to enhance concentration and understanding.

Perform Wudu

Wudu is the Islamic ablution before prayer and involves washing certain body parts such as hands, face, and feet. It is necessary to perform wudu correctly to ensure the prayer is valid.

Make Dua

Dua is an Arabic term that means supplication or prayer. At the end of each prayer, Muslims can make dua to seek forgiveness, blessings, and guidance from Allah. Make sure to recite dua with purity of intention and sincerity.


Performing Hanafi prayers in Singapore requires knowledge of the appropriate prayer times and the correct way of performing the prayer. Following these tips can help to enhance concentration, understanding and improve one's connection with Allah. May Allah guide us in performing our prayers to the best of our ability and grant us success in this world and the hereafter.

Welcome to our blog about Hanafi Prayer Time Singapore. As Muslims, it is essential to pray five times a day. Every prayer has a specific time, and it is important to offer them on time. In this blog, we will discuss the Hanafi prayer time in Singapore and how you can ensure that you do not miss your prayers.

Firstly, let us define Hanafi prayer time. It is based on the Hanafi school of thought, which is one of the four major schools of Islamic jurisprudence. The Hanafi school is followed by a significant number of Muslims worldwide and is the most prevalent school in countries such as Pakistan, India, and Turkey.

Before discussing the Hanafi prayer time in Singapore, it is essential to know that prayer timings vary depending on the location. Singapore is located in the southeast region of Asia and uses the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) calculation method for determining prayer times.

The Hanafi prayer time in Singapore follows the ISNA prayer timetable. These timings are based on the position of the sun and are calculated according to the Hanafi school of thought. The Hanafi prayer time allows a margin of error of +5 minutes after the prayer time starts and up to +10 minutes before the next prayer time starts.

To determine the exact Hanafi prayer time in Singapore, you can use online applications or refer to the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS) website. MUIS provides daily prayer timings for all mosques in Singapore.

It is crucial to note that prayer timing in Singapore changes throughout the year because of daylight saving time. Therefore, it is essential to keep track of the prayer timings and update yourself according to the latest timings.

The importance of offering prayers within their prescribed time cannot be emphasized enough in Islam. Delaying prayers intentionally without a valid reason is considered a grave sin. Therefore, it is imperative to make sure to offer your prayers on time to be in complete submission to Allah.

Another important factor to consider when offering prayers is finding the right timing to offer them. For example, offering the Fajr prayer early in the morning before sunrise is highly recommended as it has numerous benefits such as increased productivity and blessings.

Lastly, it is important to stay consistent with your prayers and develop a routine that works best for you. It could be challenging to make a habit of praying five times a day, but with patience and consistency, it can be achieved.

In conclusion, the Hanafi prayer time in Singapore follows the ISNA timetable, which is based on the Hanafi school of thought. It is important to pray within the prescribed timings and make a habit of offering prayers regularly. We hope this blog has provided you with valuable insights into Hanafi prayer times in Singapore and helped you understand the importance of maintaining your daily prayers.

Thank you for visiting our blog, and we wish you all the best in your spiritual journey.

People also ask about Hanafi Prayer Time Singapore:

  1. What is Hanafi Prayer Time Singapore?
  2. Hanafi Prayer Time Singapore refers to the prayer times that follow the Hanafi school of thought, which is one of the four major Sunni schools of Islamic law.

  3. How can I check Hanafi Prayer Time Singapore?
  4. You can check Hanafi Prayer Time Singapore by consulting a reliable Islamic prayer time website or app, or by referring to local Islamic centres or mosques.

  5. Where can I find the Hanafi Prayer timetable for Singapore?
  6. You can find the Hanafi Prayer timetable for Singapore on various online platforms, including Islamic prayer time websites and apps. It may also be available at local mosques or Islamic centres.

  7. What are the prayer times in Singapore according to the Hanafi school of thought?
  8. The prayer times in Singapore according to the Hanafi school of thought may differ from those of other Sunni schools. However, typical prayer times in Singapore for the Hanafi school are 5:28 am for Fajr, 1:18 pm for Dhuhr, 4:36 pm for Asr, 7:02 pm for Maghrib, and 8:16 pm for Isha.

  9. Can I still perform prayers outside of the Hanafi Prayer Time Singapore if I follow the Hanafi school of thought?
  10. Yes, as long as you follow the guidelines and rulings of the Hanafi school of thought, you can perform your prayers outside of the Hanafi Prayer Time Singapore. However, it is recommended to ensure that the prayer timings are as close to the Hanafi prayer timings as possible.

People Also Ask About Hanafi Prayer Time Singapore

1. What is the Hanafi prayer time in Singapore?

The Hanafi prayer time in Singapore refers to the timing of the five daily prayers according to the Hanafi school of thought within the Islamic faith. The specific prayer times may vary slightly depending on the time of year and geographical location.

2. How can I find the Hanafi prayer time in Singapore?

To find the Hanafi prayer time in Singapore, you can refer to various online platforms, mobile applications, or Islamic centers that provide accurate and updated prayer timetables specifically for the Hanafi school of thought. These resources take into account the sunrise and sunset timings to determine the prayer times.

3. Can I follow the Hanafi prayer time if I am not a Hanafi Muslim?

Yes, individuals who do not follow the Hanafi school of thought can still choose to follow the Hanafi prayer time if they wish. Prayer times are not restricted to a particular school of thought and are ultimately a matter of personal preference. It is always recommended to consult with local scholars or imams to ensure accuracy in prayer timings.

4. Are there any variations in the Hanafi prayer time throughout the year?

Yes, there can be slight variations in the Hanafi prayer time throughout the year due to the changing seasons and the position of the sun. These variations are taken into account when determining the prayer timings, and it is important to refer to updated timetables to ensure accuracy.

5. Do I need to adjust the Hanafi prayer time during daylight saving time?

Yes, during daylight saving time, it is necessary to adjust the Hanafi prayer time accordingly. The specific adjustments may vary depending on your location and the guidelines provided by local Islamic authorities. It is advisable to consult local Islamic centers or reputable online sources for accurate information regarding prayer timings during daylight saving time.

6. Can I use a smartphone app for Hanafi prayer time reminders?

Absolutely! There are numerous smartphone applications available that provide Hanafi prayer time reminders based on your location. These apps can be very useful in ensuring that you never miss a prayer and provide additional features such as Qibla direction and Islamic calendars.

7. Are there any mosques in Singapore that follow the Hanafi school of thought?

Yes, there are mosques in Singapore that cater to the Hanafi school of thought. Some prominent examples include Masjid Sultan, Masjid Al-Muttaqin, and Masjid Jamae. These mosques often provide prayer timetables specific to the Hanafi school of thought and offer facilities for Muslims to perform their prayers.

8. Can I rely on the Hanafi prayer time published by my local mosque?

Yes, you can generally rely on the Hanafi prayer time published by your local mosque. Mosques typically strive to provide accurate and reliable prayer timetables based on the local sighting of the moon and consultations with Islamic scholars. However, it is always recommended to cross-reference with multiple sources to ensure accuracy.