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Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd - Advancing Science and Technology for a Better Future

Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd

Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd is a leading global provider of scientific instruments and services, enabling researchers to improve human and environmental health.

Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd: Providing Innovative Solutions to Combat Global Challenges

Have you ever thought about how technology has allowed us to make progress in various fields such as healthcare, environment, and food safety? With the help of organizations like Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd, we can now prevent diseases, protect the environment, and ensure food quality on a global scale.

Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd is a leading company that provides innovative solutions to tackle some of the world's most significant challenges. They offer technologies that enable scientists, researchers, and healthcare professionals to carry out important work.

Did you know Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd has been serving the industry for over 100 years? They have established themselves as a trusted provider of solutions that deliver accurate, reliable, and efficient results. It's no surprise they are the go-to choice for researchers across the globe.

Their cutting-edge technologies are designed to improve human health, protect our environment and secure the world's food and water supplies. Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd believes in creating a healthier and safer world for future generations, and their products reflect that.

Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd offers a wide range of solutions, including instruments and reagents for diagnostics, scientific research, and environmental testing. Their products are used in bio-pharmaceuticals, agriculture, government, academia, and many other industries.

Over the years, Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd has won numerous awards and recognition for their contribution to science and technology. But their real satisfaction comes from knowing that they have made a difference in people's lives. Their products have helped to develop life-saving drugs, protect the environment, and ensure the safety of our food and water supply.

With a strong focus on innovation, Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd continues to introduce new and advanced technologies. Their collaborations with other companies and institutions further solidify their position as a leader in the Industry.

They believe that providing exceptional customer service is crucial to their success. They offer ongoing support through their knowledgeable technical representatives, global distribution network, and online resources. Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd ensures that their customers have access to the training and resources needed to get the most out of their solutions.

At Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd, they strive to exceed their customers' expectations. They understand the importance of providing timely and accurate results, and they take that responsibility seriously.

In conclusion, Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd is a company that you can trust to provide reliable and innovative solutions for your scientific research, diagnostic testing, and environmental analysis needs. Their commitment to creating a healthier and safer world is reflected in their products and services. So why look any further when you have a reliable partner in Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd?

Together, let's make the world a better place with Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd.


PerkinElmer Singapore Pte Ltd is a global corporation that provides innovative tools, technologies, and services to address the needs of science and medicine. With its headquarters in Waltham, Massachusetts, PerkinElmer operates in over 190 countries around the world. In this blog post, we will focus on PerkinElmer Singapore Pte Ltd, which is one of the company's major subsidiaries.


PerkinElmer Singapore Pte Ltd was established in 1983 as an offshore sales and distribution center for PerkinElmer Inc. Over the years, the company has expanded its operations to include various businesses, such as diagnostics, life sciences, and analytical instruments. Its portfolio of products includes mass spectrometry systems, genetic analysis instruments, environmental testing solutions, and more.

Vision and Mission

PerkinElmer Singapore Pte Ltd has a clear vision - to innovate for a healthier world. The company strives to develop technologies that can improve human health and environmental sustainability. To achieve this mission, PerkinElmer Singapore Pte Ltd collaborates with customers, scientists, and partners worldwide to deliver cutting-edge solutions that address global challenges.

Products and Services

PerkinElmer Singapore Pte Ltd offers a range of products and services to advance scientific research and healthcare. Its diagnostic solutions include prenatal and neonatal screening tests, allergy tests, and imaging systems. In addition, the company provides genomic profiling tools such as Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS), Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Systems, and much more.

Research and Development

PerkinElmer Singapore Pte Ltd has a strong commitment to research and development. The company invests heavily in R&D to create new technologies and improve existing ones continuously. Collaborating with scientists and researchers worldwide, PerkinElmer Singapore Pte Ltd drives innovation in fields such as cancer research, neuroscience, genomics, and more.

Sustainability Initiatives

PerkinElmer Singapore Pte Ltd maintains sustainable practices to contribute to global efforts for a healthier planet. The company has implemented various initiatives, such as reducing waste production, minimizing greenhouse gas emissions, and improving energy efficiency. PerkinElmer Singapore Pte Ltd also empowers its employees to take part in sustainability projects, such as community outreach programs.

Industry Recognition

PerkinElmer Singapore Pte Ltd has received numerous accolades for its technological innovations and corporate responsibility efforts. In 2020, the company's NexION® ICP-MS system won the Bronze award in the Life Sciences & Biotechnology category at the Edison Awards. Additionally, PerkinElmer Singapore Pte Ltd was named a top-scoring company for environmental management by the CDP 2020 A-List.

Career Opportunities

PerkinElmer Singapore Pte Ltd offers various career opportunities to individuals interested in developing their skills and contributing to the company's mission. The company values diversity, inclusivity and offers a supportive work environment for its employees. As PerkinElmer Singapore Pte Ltd' business continues to grow, it is always on the lookout for motivated individuals to join its team.


PerkinElmer Singapore Pte Ltd plays an essential role in driving innovation in the fields of science and medicine. The company's commitment to sustainable practices and corporate responsibility initiatives is a testament to its dedication to supporting global efforts towards a healthier planet. With a vast portfolio of products, a focus on research and development, and career opportunities, PerkinELmer Singapore Pte Ltd is undoubtedly a company worth keeping an eye on in the years to come.

Comparing Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd with Other Biotechnology Companies

Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd is one of the leading biotech companies in Singapore that specializes in developing advanced technologies to improve health outcomes. It provides a diverse range of products and solutions for a broad range of applications, including life sciences, diagnostics, food safety, and environmental testing. In this article, we will be comparing Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd with other biotechnology companies in terms of their products, services, marketing strategies, and customer support.

Products and Services

At Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd, the company offers a wide range of products and services that cater to various industries, from life sciences and diagnostics to environmental and food safety. Its product line includes instruments, reagents, consumables, software, and services designed to help researchers and scientists accelerate their discovery and development processes. The company's technology platforms include genomics, imaging, informatics, and detection. Other biotech companies offer similar services and products, but what sets PerkinElmer apart is its focus on innovation and continuous improvement.

Marketing Strategy

Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd employs various marketing strategies to promote its products and services to potential customers. The company uses various communication channels, such as social media, email marketing, direct mail, and events, to engage with its target audience. The company also invests in digital marketing strategies that include search engine optimization and pay-per-click advertising. These tactics enable the company to reach a broader audience and build brand awareness.

Customer Support

Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd places a high priority on providing excellent customer support. The company offers comprehensive technical support, including installation, training, application support, troubleshooting, and warranty services. The company's field service engineers and application scientists are highly trained and certified to ensure that customers receive expert assistance when needed. The company also offers online resources, including user manuals, application notes, webinars, and FAQs, to help customers optimize their use of PerkinElmer products.

Competitive Pricing

Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd strives to provide its customers with competitive pricing for its products and services. The company offers customized solutions that cater to the specific needs of each customer, which ensures that they receive value for money. However, the company's products and services are positioned at a higher price point than some of its competitors due to the innovative technology it utilizes and the high-quality products it produces.

Research and Development

Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd places great emphasis on research and development, which enables the company to stay ahead of its competitors in terms of innovation and technology. The company has invested heavily in developing new products and services that address the evolving needs of its customers. The company has also established partnerships with academic institutions and other companies to collaborate on research and development projects.

Global Presence

Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd operates globally and has a presence in over 150 countries, which makes it an attractive partner for companies looking to expand their operations internationally. The company has regional offices and manufacturing facilities located strategically around the world, enabling it to provide its products and services efficiently and effectively.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd is committed to corporate social responsibility and sustainability. The company strives to minimize its impact on the environment by reducing waste and carbon emissions. Additionally, the company supports local communities through various initiatives, including volunteering and charitable donations.

Financial Performance

Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd has been performing well financially over the years, as evidenced by its revenue growth and profitability. The company's financial success can be attributed to its leadership, innovation, and strategic partnerships. The company continues to invest in research and development initiatives that are expected to fuel future growth.

Table Comparison

Comparison Criteria PerkinElmer Singapore Pte Ltd Other Biotech Companies
Products and Services Broad range of innovative products and services across multiple industries Similar range of products and services
Marketing Strategy Uses a variety of communication channels to engage with customers Similar marketing strategies employed
Customer Support Comprehensive technical support, including installation, training, application support, troubleshooting, and warranty services Similar customer support offered
Competitive Pricing Customized solutions often higher priced than competitors due to innovative technology Moderately priced products and services
Research and Development Significant investment in research and development; focus on innovation and technology Similar investment in research and development
Global Presence Presence in over 150 countries Similar level of global presence
Corporate Social Responsibility Committed to sustainability and community outreach initiatives Similar corporate social responsibility initiatives
Financial Performance Strong revenue growth and profitability Varies based on the company


Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd is a unique biotech company that continuously innovates and invests heavily in research and development. The company provides excellent customer support and has a global presence, making it an attractive partner for companies looking to expand internationally. Although the company's products and services are priced at a higher point than some of its competitors, they are of high quality and reflect PerkinElmer's commitment to innovation and expertise. Overall, PerkinElmer Singapore Pte Ltd is a leader in the biotechnology industry, with a bright future ahead.

Welcome to Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd

Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd is a global leader in the life science industry, providing innovative solutions and technologies for diagnostics, research, and applied markets. With over 12,000 employees worldwide and operations in more than 100 countries, Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd is committed to improving human health and advancing science through precision research and diagnosis.

Tip #1: Explore Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd’s Wide Range of Solutions

If you’re looking for cutting-edge solutions for your life science needs, Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd can help. The company offers a wide range of products and services that span across multiple industries, including pharmaceuticals, environmental testing, food safety, and clinical diagnostics. Take some time to explore their website to find out what solutions they offer that could help drive your research forward.

Tip #2: Speak to Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd’s Experts

Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd has a talented team of experts that can help you with everything from designing assays, to troubleshooting experiments, to optimizing data analysis. If you ever have any questions or need assistance with your research, reach out to one of their representatives for support. They aim to provide top-notch customer service and can help you achieve your research goals with ease.

Tip #3: Attend Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd Training Events

To further facilitate learning and professional development, Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd offers training events on various topics related to life sciences. You can attend these events both online and offline to keep up-to-date with the latest trends in the industry and learn about new technologies and tools that can help improve your research outcomes. Check their website frequently to stay updated on upcoming events.

Tip #4: Sign Up for Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd’s Newsletter

The company also sends out a regular newsletter that you can subscribe to free-of-charge. This newsletter contains valuable insights into new products, upcoming events, and other industry-related news. By subscribing to this newsletter, you’ll be the first to know about all the exciting technology and research developments happening at Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd and beyond.

Tip #5: Leverage Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd’s Online Resources

To help inform your research and keep you in-the-know about the latest developments, Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd offers a wide range of online resources on their website, including whitepapers, application notes, and scientific posters. These resources cover a variety of topics and can help inform your research projects and decision-making processes.

Tip #6: Participate in Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd’s Customer Programs

Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd also offers various customer programs that provide extra benefits such as discounted prices on products and services, priority access to events and training sessions, and more. These programs are designed to help foster long-term relationships with their customers and provide them with ongoing support throughout their research journey.

Tip #7: Take Advantage of Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd’s Total Quality Guarantee

To ensure customer satisfaction, Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd offers a Total Quality Guarantee program that covers all of their products, meaning if you’re not satisfied with a product, they will replace it, credit your account, or provide a refund to you. This commitment to quality is just one example of the dedication Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd has to providing exceptional customer service.

Tip #8: Follow Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd’s Social Media Pages

To stay updated on company news, industry developments, and more, consider following Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd on social media. They maintain active accounts on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram, where they post relevant content and updates on a variety of topics.

Tip #9: Access Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd’s Technical Assistance Center

If you ever run into technical problems or issues when using Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd products, don’t hesitate to contact their Technical Assistance Center for support. Their team of experts can help troubleshoot problems and provide guidance to help ensure the success of your experiments and research projects.

Tip #10: Stay Curious

Finally, since Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd is dedicated to innovation and advancement, staying curious and inquisitive about new technologies and research methods is essential. By being open to learning and experimenting with new approaches, you can enhance your research outcomes and make meaningful contributions to the field of life sciences.


No matter what your research needs may be, Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd has something to offer. With top-notch solutions, expert customer service, and a commitment to quality, Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd is an excellent partner to have on your journey towards the advancement of life sciences.

Thank you for taking the time to read about PerkinElmer Singapore Pte Ltd. As you can see, we are a global company committed to making an impact in science and health innovation. We offer a wide range of products and services that cater to various industries, such as pharmaceuticals, environmental testing, diagnostics, and biotechnology.

Our team of experts is dedicated to providing exceptional support and expertise to our customers to meet their unique needs. We strive to continuously improve our products and services to stay competitive in the market and help our clients achieve their goals.

At PerkinElmer, we are proud of our innovative solutions that help advance scientific research, improve patient health outcomes, and support the sustainability of the environment. We invest heavily in research and development to create cutting-edge technologies that drive the future of science.

We have a presence in over 150 countries worldwide, with offices, manufacturing facilities, and distributors strategically located to ensure timely and efficient service to our customers. With over 80 years of experience in the industry, we have earned a reputation for being reliable and trustworthy.

Moreover, we place a high value on ethical business practices, sustainability, and corporate social responsibility. We believe in giving back to the community by supporting various initiatives that promote education, healthcare, and environmental conservation.

Our portfolio of products includes instruments, reagents, software, and services that cater to many applications, including food safety, drug discovery, genomics, and more. We also offer custom solutions tailored to the unique needs of our customers.

If you are interested in learning more about PerkinElmer Singapore Pte Ltd and our products and services, do not hesitate to contact us. Our team of experts is always ready to answer your questions and discuss how we can help you achieve your goals.

In conclusion, at PerkinElmer Singapore Pte Ltd, we are committed to driving innovation and advancing healthcare, science, and environmental sustainability. Thank you for considering our company, and we look forward to working with you.

Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd is a company that provides advanced technologies and services for diagnostics, life sciences research, and applied markets. Here are some common questions people ask about Perkinelmer Singapore:

  • What products does Perkinelmer Singapore offer?

    Perkinelmer Singapore offers a wide range of products, including instrumentation and consumables for genetic testing, environmental testing, food safety testing, and more. Some of their popular products include the QSight triple quad mass spectrometer, the EnSpire multimode plate reader, and the Neonatal screening assay.

  • What industries does Perkinelmer Singapore serve?

    Perkinelmer Singapore serves a diverse range of industries such as healthcare, academic research, pharmaceuticals, biotech, food and beverage, and the environment. They provide tailored solutions for each industry that can help improve productivity, quality, and accuracy.

  • Does Perkinelmer Singapore offer training and support?

    Yes, Perkinelmer Singapore offers training and support for all of their products. They have a team of experts who can provide on-site training for instrument operation, application-specific training, and troubleshooting. They also offer online training courses and webinars to help customers stay up-to-date on the latest technologies.

People also ask about Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd

What does Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd do?

Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd is a leading global company that focuses on providing innovative solutions and services in the fields of diagnostics, life sciences, and applied markets. They develop technologies that enable scientists, researchers, and clinicians to better understand diseases, improve patient outcomes, and advance scientific discoveries.

Where is Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd located?

Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd is located in Singapore. Their office address is [insert address].

What products does Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd offer?

Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd offers a wide range of products across various domains, including:

  • Diagnostics: They provide advanced diagnostic solutions for early detection and monitoring of diseases.
  • Life Sciences: They offer tools and technologies for research and drug discovery, such as genetic screening and imaging systems.
  • Applied Markets: They provide analytical instruments and services for industries like food safety, environmental testing, and industrial applications.

Is Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd a reputable company?

Yes, Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd is a reputable company with a strong presence in the global market. They have been serving customers for several years and are known for their high-quality products, cutting-edge technologies, and exceptional customer support. Their commitment to innovation and scientific advancements has earned them a trusted reputation among scientists, researchers, and healthcare professionals worldwide.

How can I contact Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd for more information?

You can contact Perkinelmer Singapore Pte Ltd for more information through the following channels:

  1. Phone: You can reach their customer service team at [insert phone number].
  2. Email: You can send your inquiries or requests to [insert email address].
  3. Website: Visit their official website at [insert website URL] to explore their products, services, and contact information.