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Exploring the Top Japanese Companies in Singapore: A Thriving Business Relationship

Japanese Companies In Singapore

Discover the vibrant presence of Japanese companies in Singapore, driving innovation, collaboration, and economic growth across industries.

Did you know that Japanese companies have a strong presence in Singapore? In fact, Japanese investors have been a significant part of Singapore's economy for decades. The Japanese investment in Singapore has yielded immense benefits for both countries.

According to the Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO), there are currently over 1,400 Japanese companies in Singapore. These companies are spread across various industries such as electronics, automotive, and finance. The strong partnership between Japan and Singapore is a testament to the mutual trust and benefits that both countries share.

It's no secret that Japanese companies are renowned for their high standards of quality and innovation. As a result, their presence in Singapore has helped to raise the bar for other companies operating in the country. One of the major advantages of Japanese companies in Singapore is that they tend to bring with them their technology and best practices. This has resulted in a further enhancement of Singapore’s technology sector, which in turn has had a positive impact on the overall economy.

Aside from the benefits to the economy, the partnership between Japan and Singapore has yielded some interesting collaborations. For instance, Panasonic and Tokyo Electron signed an agreement with Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University to create a new R&D centre for sustainable energy technologies. This collaboration is a great example of how the two countries can work together to drive innovation and progress.

If you're wondering why Japanese companies choose to establish themselves in Singapore, the answer is simple. Singapore offers a business-friendly environment with low taxes, world-class infrastructure, and a skilled workforce. Furthermore, its strategic location makes it an excellent gateway to the Southeast Asian region. Singapore has also been proactive in its approach when it comes to attracting foreign investment, and this has undoubtedly played a critical role in bringing Japanese companies to the country.

Another exciting aspect of Japanese companies in Singapore is the cultural exchange that takes place between the two nations. The Japanese Embassy in Singapore regularly holds events to promote Japanese culture, such as traditional tea ceremonies and flower arrangement sessions. These events foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of Japan's customs and traditions.

It’s also worth noting that Japanese companies are making significant contributions to Singapore’s social responsibility efforts. Many Japanese companies in Singapore have implemented environmentally friendly initiatives and have been involved in community outreach programmes. In this sense, these companies not only contribute to the economy but also make positive impacts on society at large.

So, what does the future hold for Japanese companies in Singapore? It's clear that the partnership between these two nations will continue to grow. Singapore has set ambitious objectives for its economic development, including a focus on digital innovation, urban solutions, healthcare, and logistics. These areas of growth align well with what Japanese companies are known for – innovation, high-quality products, and services. As a result, we can expect to see more exciting collaborations and partnerships in the years to come.

In summary, the partnership between Japan and Singapore has been a fruitful one. With over 1,400 Japanese companies currently established in Singapore, it’s evident that these companies have contributed significantly to Singapore’s economy and society. The future looks bright, and we can expect to see more exciting developments as these two countries continue to work together towards progress and prosperity.


The relationship between Singapore and Japan dates back to the 19th century when the two countries shared a strong naval alliance. Today, this bond is still evident in the business relationships between their respective companies. Many Japanese companies have set up shop in Singapore, which has become a gateway for them to expand their businesses across Southeast Asia.

The Rise of Japanese Companies in Singapore

Several factors have contributed to the increase in Japanese companies setting up operations in Singapore. First, Singapore has a favorable business environment that fosters growth and innovation. The country's political stability, pro-business policies, and developed infrastructure have made it a hub for many multinational corporations, including Japanese ones.Second, Singapore has strategic geographic advantages that make it an attractive location for businesses in the region. Its central location makes it easy for companies to reach other Southeast Asian markets quickly. Additionally, Singapore has Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with many countries in the region, reducing trade barriers and making cross-border transactions more accessible.

Major Japanese Companies in Singapore

Singapore hosts over 1,000 Japanese companies, with most having their headquarters or regional offices within the city-state. Among the significant Japanese companies operating in Singapore are some of the biggest names in the tech industry, including Sony, Toshiba, Fujitsu, and NEC. Other Japanese companies present in Singapore include Canon, Hitachi, Mitsubishi, and Honda.Many companies like Yamaha, Panasonic, and JFE Steel have also established research and development centers in Singapore to take advantage of the country's skilled talent pool and research capabilities.

The Benefits of Japanese Companies in Singapore

The presence of Japanese companies in Singapore has benefited both countries in numerous ways. Japanese companies have brought new technologies, innovative products, and manufacturing know-how to Singapore, resulting in better-quality goods and services. In turn, Singapore has provided a conducive environment for Japanese companies to expand their operations across Southeast Asia.Additionally, the presence of Japanese companies in Singapore has created job opportunities for Singaporeans. Many Japanese firms have hired Singapore's skilled workforce, with some offering internships, training, and scholarship programs to promote skills development and knowledge sharing.

Challenges faced by Japanese Companies in Singapore

Although doing business in Singapore is generally favorable, Japanese companies face challenges unique to the city-state. One significant challenge is the high cost of living, which affects housing, transportation, and recruitment expenses.Moreover, the lack of a domestic market in Singapore means that companies must look beyond the city-state's borders to expand their markets. This can prove challenging, as Southeast Asia is a vast and diverse region, each with unique cultures and business practices.

The Future of Japanese Companies in Singapore

The future looks bright for Japanese companies in Singapore. As technology continues to drive the global economy, Singapore remains committed to developing its IT infrastructure and ecosystem, making it an ideal place for companies like Toshiba and Fujitsu to expand further. Furthermore, Singapore has actively sought to deepen its ties with Japan through various bilateral agreements and collaborations. These initiatives aim to develop long-term relationships that help companies from both countries create new business opportunities and access new markets.


In conclusion, Singapore's strategic location, business-friendly policies and developed infrastructure have made the city-state a preferred destination for Japanese companies expanding across Southeast Asia. It is clear that this bond between Singapore and Japan is set to continue into the future, resulting in more growth opportunities for both countries.


Japanese companies have been investing in Singapore for decades. Singapore has been a hub for Japanese businesses to expand their operations and reach out to the Southeast Asian market. This blog article aims to compare several Japanese companies operating in Singapore, their history, size, and success.

Mitsubishi Electric Asia Pte Ltd


The Mitsubishi Electric Asia Pte Ltd was established in 1977 as an overseas subsidiary of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Japan. Today the company provides solutions in the areas of energy systems, transportation systems, and industrial automation systems, among others. The company's operations started in Singapore in the early 1960s with the manufacturing of electrical products.

Size and Success

The company's revenue in the financial year 2020 was SGD309,645 million. The company has a total of 1,000 employees working in their Singapore office. Some of the company's largest clients include Changi Airport Group, Housing Development Board, and the National University Hospital.

Fujitsu Asia Pte Ltd


Fujitsu Asia Pte Ltd is Fujitsu's Southeast Asian headquarters based in the heart of Singapore. The company's founding dates back to 1975 when Fujitsu established its first overseas office in Singapore. Today the company focuses on providing consulting and IT services, application development and maintenance, and IT infrastructure management services.

Size and Success

In the financial year 2020, the company's revenue was SGD2,387 million, a slight decrease from the previous year. The company has around 4,000 employees based in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and other countries in the region. Fujitsu Asia's client base spans across multiple industries, including automotive, banking, education, and healthcare.

Murata Electronics Singapore (Pte) Ltd


Murata Electronics Singapore (Pte) Ltd is a subsidiary of Murata Manufacturing Company, a Japanese electronics company. The Singapore branch was founded in 1972 as a trading company for electronics components. Today it has evolved into a manufacturer of electronic components, passive components, and power supplies.

Size and Success

The company's revenue in 2020 was SGD821 million. The company employs around 1,600 people based in its Singapore office. The company's clients include Panasonic, Philips, and Samsung, among others.

Comparison Table

Company Name Revenue in 2020 Number of Employees based in Singapore Main Clients
Mitsubishi Electric Asia Pte Ltd SGD309,645 million 1,000 Changi Airport Group, Housing Development Board, National University Hospital
Fujitsu Asia Pte Ltd SGD2,387 million 4,000 Automotive, Banking, Education, Healthcare
Murata Electronics Singapore (Pte) Ltd SGD821 million 1,600 Panasonic, Philips, Samsung


Japanese companies operating in Singapore have contributed significantly to Singapore's economy. They have brought with them their expertise and advanced technologies that have helped improve the quality of products and services provided by Singaporean companies. These companies have also created job opportunities for Singaporeans and contributed to local communities through corporate social responsibility activities.

The three companies discussed above are just a few examples of how Japanese companies have become integral parts of Singapore's business landscape. Each company has its unique strengths and specialization, demonstrated by their clients and revenue figures. These companies represent the diversity and resilience of Japanese businesses in Singapore.


Singapore is known for being a hub of international business and commerce. A significant portion of the country's economy comes from foreign companies that have set up a branch in Singapore, including Japanese firms. With more than 1,500 Japanese companies currently operating in Singapore, it's no surprise that the country has become a second home to many Japanese expatriates. This article will explore the unique features of Japanese companies in Singapore while providing useful tips on how to interact with these organizations.

General Overview of Japanese Corporations

Before delving deeper into Japanese companies in Singapore, it's important to have a general understanding of how these corporations operate. Japanese companies are known for their strong work ethic, emphatic focus on customer satisfaction, and long-term business planning. They are typically hierarchical in structure, meaning decision making is centralized at the top of the organization. Japanese companies place great importance on team collaboration and rely on verbal agreements rather than written contracts.

Japanese Business Culture in Singapore

While the culture of Japanese corporations is largely maintained in its Singaporean offices, there are noticeable differences in how businesses operate in this Southeast Asian city-state. Singapore is known for its diverse and inclusive culture, which means that foreign businesses are expected to acclimate and adapt to local customs. Japanese companies have struggled in the past to integrate with locals, but in recent years, more emphasis has been placed on cultural exchange and diversity training.

1. Blend of Both Cultures

One noticeable feature of Japanese companies in Singapore is their combined cultures. These companies combine the best of both worlds: Japanese diligence and specificity combined with Singaporean creativity and adaptability. This allows for an efficient work environment while fostering a sense of innovation and continuous improvement.

2. Open Communication

Japanese companies in Singapore have become increasingly open to communication thanks to the country's culture of openness and inclusivity. Employees from all levels of the company are encouraged to express their thoughts, opinions, and ideas, making for more effective collaborations and increased innovation.

3. Importance of CSR

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a significant aspect of Japanese business culture, and this feature is preserved in Singaporean offices. Japanese companies take their role as global citizens seriously and are active in contributing to sustainable development initiatives in Singapore.

How to Interact with Japanese Companies in Singapore

When working with Japanese companies in Singapore, it's essential to be familiar with cultural nuances and take steps to improve your chances of success. Here are some tips that will help you interact more effectively with these organizations.

1. Emphasize Mutual Benefit

Japanese businesses place great emphasis on forming long-term partnerships that are mutually beneficial. When approaching these corporations, highlight how a partnership could benefit both parties while promoting collaborative innovation.

2. Avoid Direct Disagreement

In Japanese business culture, openly contradicting or disagreeing with a senior official is considered disrespectful. Instead of outright rejecting an idea or proposal, focus on finding alternatives or highlighting concerns in a respectful way.

3. Communication Styles

Japanese employees tend to favor indirect approaches to communication. Instead of stating something directly, they may provide hints and clues, so it's crucial to remain attentive to body language and other contextual clues.

4. Be Mindful Of Cultural Differences

Singapore is home to diverse cultures, which can make it challenging to navigate social norms. When working with Japanese companies, understand that cultural differences exist and make an effort to learn about them. This gesture will show that you respect their culture.


Japanese companies in Singapore bring together the best of two worlds, creating a unique blend of cultures best suited for the Singapore environment. While cultural differences may exist, the opportunities for collaboration and innovation are endless with the right approach. By following the tips outlined in this article, individuals can work more effectively with these organizations, forming mutually beneficial relationships that flourish in the years to come.

Thank you for taking the time to read about the presence of Japanese companies in Singapore. As you have learned, there is a significant number of successful and diversified Japanese businesses operating here in this island country. With more than 1,000 Japanese corporations operating in Singapore, it's no secret that Japan and Singapore have an excellent business relationship that benefits both nations.

It's fascinating to know that some Japanese firms have been present in Singapore since the 19th century. Over time, many other Japanese companies have followed suit and made significant investments in the country. These companies span across various industries such as finance, manufacturing, healthcare, retail, and many more.

One of the most notable industries where Japanese companies excel is the manufacturing sector. Japanese manufacturers in Singapore boast some of the most advanced technologies, innovative solutions, and high-quality products that the world has come to know and love. Companies like Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, and Hitachi are just some of the pillars of the Japanese business community in Singapore.

Additionally, many Japanese firms operating in Singapore prioritize corporate social responsibility (CSR) that aligns with Singapore's vision of a sustainable future. These companies value giving back to the local community by carrying out various CSR initiatives on behalf of their employees and the general public. Some examples of these activities include charitable donations, environmental protection, and helping in disaster relief efforts.

Japanese companies' presence in Singapore also highlights the deep cultural ties between the two nations. The affinity goes beyond multi-billion dollar investments and business deals. Singapore plays host to a thriving Japanese community that maintains their culture through various activities such as traditional festivals, cultural demonstrations, cooking classes, and martial arts training.

If you're interested in exploring more about Japanese culture or conducting business with Japanese companies, Singapore is an ideal location to start. With its pro-business policies, strategic geographical location, and friendly business environment, it's no wonder that Japan has set up shop in Singapore for good. You'll have the opportunity to work with a culturally diverse and hardworking workforce that prioritizes quality, innovation, and precision – values that are integral to Japan's business philosophy.

Whether you're looking to work for a Japanese corporation, collaborate with a Japanese partner or simply learn about Japan's culture, Singapore is an excellent destination to choose. As testament to this, the hundreds of Japanese companies that call this country home have built lasting relationships and played key roles in Singapore's development and prosperity.

In conclusion, we hope that you've enjoyed reading about the dynamic presence of Japanese corporations in Singapore and how they contribute to the country's success. By working together, Japan and Singapore have undoubtedly created a mutually beneficial relationship that paves the way for future collaborations between the two nations. We invite you to visit Singapore and experience first-hand the rich culture and profitable business opportunities that await you.

People also ask about Japanese Companies in Singapore include:


Which Japanese companies have a presence in Singapore?

There are many notable Japanese companies with a presence in Singapore, including Honda, Mitsubishi, Sony, Panasonic, and Toshiba.


What industries are Japanese companies in Singapore involved in?

Japanese companies in Singapore are involved in various industries such as electronics, automotive, healthcare, finance, and trading.


How many Japanese companies are there in Singapore?

As of 2021, there are over 1,700 Japanese companies operating in Singapore.


Why do Japanese companies choose Singapore as a location for their business?

Japanese companies choose Singapore due to its strategic location, strong economic base, political stability, skilled workforce, and business-friendly environment.


What benefits do Japanese companies bring to Singapore?

Japanese companies bring job opportunities, transfer of technology, knowledge and expertise, as well as contribute to Singapore's economy through investments and partnerships.

People Also Ask About Japanese Companies In Singapore

1. What are some well-known Japanese companies in Singapore?

Some well-known Japanese companies in Singapore include:

  • Toyota Motor Corporation
  • Mitsubishi Corporation
  • Canon Inc.
  • Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
  • Mizuho Bank

2. Why do Japanese companies choose to set up operations in Singapore?

Japanese companies choose to set up operations in Singapore due to the following reasons:

  1. Singapore's strategic location in Southeast Asia provides easy access to regional markets.
  2. Singapore offers a stable political and business environment.
  3. The country has a well-developed infrastructure and efficient logistics, making it an ideal base for distribution and manufacturing.
  4. Singapore has a highly skilled and educated workforce.
  5. The government provides attractive incentives and support for foreign businesses.

3. What industries are Japanese companies active in Singapore?

Japanese companies are active in various industries in Singapore, including:

  • Automotive
  • Electronics and electrical equipment
  • Chemicals
  • Banking and finance
  • Manufacturing
  • Information technology
  • Trading

4. How do Japanese companies contribute to Singapore's economy?

Japanese companies contribute to Singapore's economy in several ways:

  • They create job opportunities for Singaporeans, contributing to employment.
  • They bring in investments and technology, boosting the country's economic growth.
  • Japanese companies contribute to research and development activities, driving innovation.
  • They enhance bilateral trade between Japan and Singapore.

5. Are there any cultural differences between Japanese and Singaporean work environments?

Yes, there are cultural differences between Japanese and Singaporean work environments:

  • Japanese work culture emphasizes hierarchy and respect for authority, while Singaporean work culture values teamwork and collaboration.
  • Japanese companies have a more formal and structured approach to business, while Singaporean companies tend to be more flexible and adaptable.
  • Japanese companies prioritize long-term relationships with employees, while Singaporean companies focus more on performance and results.

Overall, Japanese companies play a significant role in Singapore's economy and contribute to its growth and development. They bring in investments, technological advancements, and job opportunities, while also fostering bilateral trade and innovation.