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Meet Chief of Navy Singapore: Leader at the helm of maritime security

Chief Of Navy Singapore

The Chief of Navy Singapore is the top-ranking officer responsible for leading and managing the Republic of Singapore Navy.

Naval power is one of the critical components of a country's military prowess. Singapore has been investing heavily in its navy, and the Chief of Navy Singapore plays a crucial role in ensuring Singapore's maritime security.

But who is the Chief of Navy Singapore? What are his responsibilities? Why is his role so critical for Singapore's national security? In this article, we will delve deep into these questions and provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the role of Chief of Navy Singapore.

The Chief of Navy Singapore: An Overview

The Chief of Navy Singapore, also known as CNV, is the head of the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN). The RSN is responsible for safeguarding Singapore's territorial waters and ensuring the country's maritime security. The CNV reports to the Chief of Defence Force (CDF), who is responsible for overall command of the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF).

The CNV is appointed by the President of Singapore, acting on the advice of the Prime Minister. The appointment is usually for a period of three years, which can be extended.

Responsibilities of the Chief of Navy Singapore

The Chief of Navy Singapore has many important responsibilities. He is responsible for the overall command, control, and administration of the RSN. This includes ensuring that the RSN is prepared to fulfil its operational tasks and that it maintains a high level of readiness at all times.

The CNV is also responsible for developing the RSN's capabilities and ensuring that it remains relevant in the changing security environment. This includes planning and acquiring new ships, submarines, and other equipment, as well as developing the skills of RSN personnel.

In addition, the CNV plays a critical role in building and maintaining relationships with other navies around the world. This includes participating in joint exercises, conducting port visits, and engaging in other activities aimed at enhancing Singapore's maritime security.

Key Challenges Facing the Chief of Navy Singapore

The Chief of Navy Singapore faces many challenges in his role. One of the key challenges is the changing security environment in the region. With the rise of China and increased tensions in the South China Sea, the RSN must adapt to new threats and challenges.

Another challenge facing the CNV is the need to maintain a high level of readiness while balancing limited resources. The RSN must be prepared to respond to a range of contingencies, from terrorism to maritime piracy, and the CNV must ensure that the RSN has the necessary resources to do so.

Finally, the CNV must also ensure that the RSN continues to attract and retain talented personnel. This includes developing career paths, providing training opportunities, and ensuring that the RSN offers competitive compensation and benefits packages.

Conclusion: Why the Chief of Navy Singapore Matters

The Chief of Navy Singapore plays a critical role in ensuring Singapore's maritime security. He is responsible for leading the Republic of Singapore Navy and ensuring that it remains prepared to fulfil its operational tasks at all times.

As Singapore continues to face evolving security challenges, the role of the CNV becomes even more critical. By developing the capabilities of the RSN, building relationships with other navies, and attracting and retaining talented personnel, the CNV ensures that Singapore remains a safe and secure maritime nation.

If you're interested in learning more about the Chief of Navy Singapore and the RSN, we invite you to read our other articles on this topic. Thank you for reading!


Singapore boasts a highly-disciplined Armed Forces, one of which is the Navy. Assisted by its chief who provides leadership and vision on maritime security issues, Singapore's Navy is evolving to a globally recognized naval power.

Who is the Chief of Navy Singapore?

The Chief of Navy Singapore is Rear-Admiral Lew Chuen Hong. He assumed the post on 15 March 2018, succeeding Rear-Admiral Lai Chung Han. Prior to his appointment, he was serving as Deputy Secretary for Development at Singapore's Ministry of Defence.

Early Life and Education

Rear-Admiral Lew studied Marine Engineering at the University of Glasgow in Scotland, where he earned his Bachelor of Science degree with first-class honors in 1994. Additionally, he has been conferred with several scholarships and is also an alumni of the National Defence College.

His Contributions to the Navy and Achievements

Throughout his years of service, Rear-Admiral Lew held numerous appointments including the Fleet Commander, Chief Staff Officer (Joint) in the Ministry of Defence, and Commanding Officer of the missile corvette RSS Valiant.

In recognition of Rear-Admiral Lew's exemplary performance and contributions, he was awarded the Public Administration Medal (Silver) in 2015 and the Long Service Good Conduct Medal in 2019.

The Challenges of His Role

As the head of Singapore’s Navy, one of Rear-Admiral Lew's foremost challenges is to maintain a credible force that is capable of addressing a wide range of maritime security concerns. These include the rise in transnational threats and piracy activities in the nation's territorial waters and nearby international areas.

In addition, he must drive the Navy’s modernisation efforts to develop a multi-dimensional force that is equipped with the latest technology and capable of addressing emerging threats. Last year, the Republic of Singapore Navy conducted a groundbreaking ceremony for the first Type 218SG submarine.

His Strategic Plans for the Future

Rear-Admiral Lew has outlined several strategic plans to steer the Navy towards becoming a more integrated and powerful maritime force, some of which are:

Enhancing Readiness

He plans to bolster the Navy's warfighting readiness by enhancing system integration between its ships, aircraft, and shore-based resources. This will help in quicker decision-making, swift coordination between different resources, and a more comprehensive response to contingencies.

Developing Human Capital

To nurture the human capital of the Navy, Rear-Admiral Lew envisions a learning culture where sailors are supported in their development through training and opportunities for intra-Navy mobility.

Modernizing Capabilities

Rear-Admiral Lew aims to equip the Navy with the state-of-the-art technologies and assets that are vital to countering emerging threats. These can range from unmanned surface and aerial vehicles to artificial intelligence (AI) tools to increase operational effectiveness and speed up decision-making.


As Rear-Admiral Lew leads Singapore's Navy into the future, his vision of a well-trained, well-equipped, and integrated maritime force bodes well for the island nation's defense and security. His strategic plans will undoubtedly strengthen the capabilities required to meet emerging security challenges and ensure Singapore's position as a robust naval power in the region.


Keeping a country's navy in top operating condition is no small feat. It requires strong leadership, skilled sailors, and state-of-the-art equipment. In Singapore, the Chief of Navy is responsible for ensuring that the country's navy remains seaworthy, efficient, and combat-ready. In this article, we'll take a closer look at two of Singapore's past Chief of Navy officers and compare their leadership styles, accomplishments, and legacies.

Leadership Style Comparison

Admiral Teo Chee Hean

Admiral Teo Chee Hean served as the Chief of Navy in Singapore from 1991 to 1994. During his tenure, he emphasized the importance of total defense, which included developing stronger relationships with other branches of the military and government agencies. He also put greater emphasis on training and upgrading the skills of Singapore's naval personnel.

Teo was also known for his hands-on approach to leadership. He frequently joined his sailors on training exercises and inspections, which helped foster a better relationship between the leadership and the enlisted personnel. This approach built trust and confidence among the Singapore Navy's rank and file.

Rear-Admiral Lai Chung Han

Rear-Admiral Lai Chung Han took over as Chief of Navy in 2014, and he brought a different leadership style than his predecessor. Lai placed a strong emphasis on innovation and technology, recognizing that the modern battlefield required advanced capabilities.

Under Lai's leadership, the Singapore Navy has invested heavily in unmanned vehicles, such as drones and autonomous surface and underwater vessels. These assets provide enhanced surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities, allowing Singapore to monitor its waters more effectively.

Accomplishments Comparison

Admiral Teo Chee Hean

Teo's leadership had a significant impact on the Singapore Navy during his tenure. He oversaw the introduction of several new ships and naval platforms, including the Landing Ship Tank (LST) and the Missile Corvette (MCV). These vessels gave Singapore a credible defense posture in the region and allowed the navy to project power beyond its shores.

Perhaps even more importantly, Teo initiated the formation of the Maritime Command, which brought together the country's naval, marine, and police forces under one unified structure. This move created a cohesive maritime defense strategy for Singapore, making it more effective in countering threats from the sea.

Rear-Admiral Lai Chung Han

Lai's focus on innovation and technology has led to several notable accomplishments for the Singapore Navy. One of the most significant is the acquisition of four Independence-class Littoral Combat Ships (LCS), which have enhanced Singapore's maritime security capabilities considerably. These vessels are highly maneuverable and have advanced sensors and weapons systems, making them an essential asset for operations in complex environments.

Lai has also overseen the implementation of several unmanned systems, providing the navy with new capabilities in areas such as underwater surveillance, mine countermeasures, and surface reconnaissance. These assets have proven invaluable in operations such as search and rescue, where they have improved situational awareness and speed of response.

Legacy Comparison

Admiral Teo Chee Hean

Teo's legacy in the Singapore Navy is impressive. His emphasis on total defense laid the groundwork for a more holistic approach to national security that has since been adopted across many sectors in the country. He also developed excellent relationships with other branches of the military, which have resulted in greater cooperation and joint training today.

Rear-Admiral Lai Chung Han

Lai's legacy is still being written, but he has already made significant contributions to the Singapore Navy. Under his leadership, the service has become more innovative and technology-driven, positioning it well to meet the challenges of the 21st century. His investments in unmanned systems have not only improved Singapore's security posture but also established a foundation for future growth and development.


Both Admiral Teo Chee Hean and Rear-Admiral Lai Chung Han have made valuable contributions to the Singapore Navy during their tenures as Chief of Navy. Their leadership styles, accomplishments, and legacies differ somewhat, but both have helped to make the service stronger, more capable, and better prepared to defend Singapore's interests at sea.

Chief of Navy Leadership Style Accomplishments Legacy
Admiral Teo Chee Hean Emphasized total defense and hands-on leadership. Introduced new ships and platforms, formed Maritime Command. Created a cohesive maritime defense strategy.
Rear-Admiral Lai Chung Han Focused on innovation and technology. Acquired new LCS, invested in unmanned systems. Made Singapore more technology-driven and better prepared for the future.

The Chief of Navy in Singapore is a highly respected and revered position within both the military and the general public. To become the Chief of Navy, one must have a distinguished military background and a proven track record of leadership in various positions.

What is the role of the Chief of Navy?

The Chief of Navy is responsible for overseeing all maritime operations of the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF). This includes everything from strategic planning and resource allocation to operational readiness and training. The Chief of Navy also serves as a key advisor to the Minister of Defence and other senior government officials on matters related to naval operations and maritime security.

While the role of the Chief of Navy is primarily focused on military operations, it also extends to the broader community. As one of the most visible faces of the SAF, the Chief of Navy must develop and maintain strong relationships with key stakeholders, including other military leaders, politicians, business leaders, and the general public.

How to become the Chief of Navy in Singapore?

To become the Chief of Navy in Singapore, one must first establish a distinguished career in the military. Generally, this will involve serving in a variety of different roles and positions over many years, gradually increasing in responsibility and leadership along the way.

Many aspiring Chiefs of Navy will start their careers as junior officers or enlisted personnel, working their way up through the ranks through hard work, dedication, and a commitment to excellence. They may also pursue additional training and education along the way, such as advanced degrees or specialized certifications.

As they move up through the ranks, successful candidates for Chief of Navy will likely hold a variety of different command and staff positions, providing them with exposure to all aspects of naval operations and leadership. These positions may include commanding officer of a ship or unit, executive officer, operations officer, or staff officer in the Navy headquarters.

Top skills required for the Chief of Navy role

To be effective in the role of Chief of Navy, one must possess a variety of skills and qualities that are critical to success. Some of the most important skills required for this role include:


The Chief of Navy must be an exceptional leader who can inspire and motivate others to achieve their full potential. They must have a keen ability to identify and cultivate talent, as well as the ability to effectively delegate tasks and responsibilities to others.

Strategic Thinking

The Chief of Navy must have a strategic mindset, capable of aligning resources with key objectives and navigating complex operational and political environments. They must also be able to anticipate and respond to emerging threats and challenges, both in the short and long term.

Communication Skills

The Chief of Navy must be a strong communicator, capable of articulating complex ideas in a clear, concise, and compelling way. They must also be able to build relationships and foster collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders, both within and outside of the military.

Technical Expertise

The Chief of Navy must have a deep understanding of naval operations, including the technical aspects of maritime warfare and logistics. They must also be familiar with emerging technologies and trends in the field, and have the ability to incorporate these into their strategic planning and decision-making.

The Importance of the Chief of Navy in Singapore

The Chief of Navy plays a critical role in ensuring the security and well-being of Singapore and its people. As a small island nation with a thriving economy and extensive maritime trade networks, Singapore is particularly vulnerable to threats from the sea, including piracy, terrorism, and transnational crime.

The Chief of Navy must work closely with other military leaders, government officials, and international partners to safeguard Singapore's security and protect its interests at home and abroad. This requires exceptional leadership skills, strategic vision, and a deep understanding of the complexities and challenges of modern maritime operations.


Becoming the Chief of Navy in Singapore is a long and challenging journey that requires perseverance, dedication, and a commitment to excellence. However, those who are able to rise to the challenge will find themselves in one of the most rewarding and respected roles in the country, with the opportunity to make a lasting impact on the security and prosperity of Singapore and its people.

Thank you for reading about the Chief of Navy in Singapore. As you have learned, this is a vital position that plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and security of Singapore's waters. With their extensive naval experience and strategic vision, the Chief of Navy is responsible for overseeing a wide range of functions, from operational planning to personnel development and training.

As you have seen, the Chief of Navy has a challenging job that requires dedication, expertise, and leadership. With their guidance, Singapore's navy has become one of the most respected in the world, providing crucial support for maritime security and ensuring that Singapore remains safe and secure.

One of the key things to understand about the Chief of Navy's role is that it goes beyond merely commanding ships and sailors. They are also responsible for developing long-term strategic plans that help Singapore stay ahead of emerging maritime threats, such as piracy, terrorism, and territorial disputes.

In recent years, the Chief of Navy has focused on modernizing Singapore's naval capabilities, with investments in new vessels, submarines, and other advanced technologies. These efforts have helped ensure that Singapore can respond quickly and effectively to any challenges that may arise in the region.

But beyond their technical skills and expertise, what sets the Chief of Navy apart is their commitment to the welfare of their sailors. They work tirelessly to create a culture of professionalism, discipline, and excellence, which helps ensure that every member of the navy is fully trained and equipped to meet the challenges of their job.

And as the world becomes increasingly complex and volatile, the Chief of Navy's role will only become more important. From maintaining freedom of navigation to responding to natural disasters and humanitarian crises, the navy will be called upon to perform a wide range of tasks in the years to come.

So if you're interested in national security, naval affairs, or simply want to learn more about what it takes to lead a modern navy, studying the role of the Chief of Navy in Singapore is an excellent place to start. By understanding the challenges, responsibilities, and opportunities of this position, you can gain a deeper appreciation for the vital work that goes into keeping our waters safe and secure.

In conclusion, we hope that this article has given you a useful introduction to the Chief of Navy in Singapore. With their strategic vision, leadership skills, and dedication to excellence, the Chief of Navy plays a vital role in ensuring that Singapore remains a prosperous and secure nation. We encourage you to continue learning about this fascinating and essential position, and to stay informed about the latest developments in naval affairs around the world.

Here are some common questions that people also ask about the Chief of Navy Singapore:

  1. Who is the current Chief of Navy Singapore?

    The current Chief of Navy Singapore is Rear-Admiral Aaron Beng.

  2. What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Navy Singapore?

    The Chief of Navy Singapore is responsible for leading and managing the Republic of Singapore Navy. This includes safeguarding Singapore's maritime interests, ensuring operational readiness, and maintaining a high level of professionalism among Navy personnel.

  3. What is the ranking of the Chief of Navy Singapore?

    The Chief of Navy Singapore holds the rank of Rear-Admiral (Two-Star).

  4. How is the Chief of Navy Singapore appointed?

    The Chief of Navy Singapore is appointed by the President of Singapore, on the advice of the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defence.

  5. What is the background of Rear-Admiral Aaron Beng?

    Rear-Admiral Aaron Beng joined the Republic of Singapore Navy in 1990 and has held various command and staff appointments throughout his career. He was appointed as Chief of Navy Singapore in March 2021.

People Also Ask about Chief of Navy Singapore

1. Who is the current Chief of Navy Singapore?

The current Chief of Navy Singapore is Rear-Admiral Aaron Beng.

2. What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Navy Singapore?

The Chief of Navy Singapore is responsible for leading and managing the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN). Their responsibilities include:

  • Developing naval strategies and plans to ensure maritime security and defense of Singapore
  • Overseeing the operational readiness and capabilities of the RSN
  • Providing leadership and guidance to naval personnel
  • Collaborating with regional and international navies to enhance maritime cooperation
  • Ensuring the welfare and professional development of RSN personnel

3. How is the Chief of Navy Singapore appointed?

The Chief of Navy Singapore is appointed by the President of Singapore, who acts upon the advice of the Minister for Defence. The appointment is made based on the officer's qualifications, experience, and suitability to lead the RSN.

4. What qualifications are required to become the Chief of Navy Singapore?

To become the Chief of Navy Singapore, an officer must possess:

  1. A strong track record of leadership and management in the military
  2. An in-depth understanding of naval operations and strategies
  3. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  4. The ability to think strategically and make sound decisions
  5. A commitment to upholding the values and mission of the RSN

5. What is the term of office for the Chief of Navy Singapore?

The term of office for the Chief of Navy Singapore is typically around two to three years. However, the exact duration may vary depending on the needs of the RSN and the discretion of the relevant authorities.

6. Can the Chief of Navy Singapore be removed from office?

Yes, the Chief of Navy Singapore can be removed from office if deemed necessary. The President of Singapore, upon the advice of the Minister for Defence, has the authority to revoke the appointment of the Chief of Navy for reasons such as misconduct or failure to fulfill their duties effectively.

7. How often does the Chief of Navy Singapore interact with foreign navies?

The Chief of Navy Singapore regularly interacts with foreign navies to foster cooperation and strengthen relationships. This includes participation in international naval exercises, conferences, and bilateral engagements. The frequency of these interactions depends on various factors, such as regional security concerns and ongoing collaborations.