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Get the Best Exchange Rates: Convert Singapore Dollars to Rupiah with Ease!

Tukaran Singapore Ke Rupiah

Tukaran Singapore Ke Rupiah: Get the latest exchange rate for Singapore Dollar to Indonesian Rupiah. Convert your currency hassle-free.

Are you planning a trip to Indonesia but worried about exchanging your Singapore dollars to Indonesian Rupiah? Don't fret! In this article, we'll provide you with all the information you need to ensure a smooth currency exchange process.

First, let's talk about the current exchange rate. According to, at the time of writing, 1 Singapore Dollar (SGD) is equivalent to approximately 10,075 Indonesian Rupiah (IDR). That means that for every SGD100, you'll receive around IDR1,007,500.

Now, you might be wondering where to go for currency exchange in Singapore. The good news is that there are plenty of options available - from banks to money changers to even some hotels.

One thing you should keep in mind is that rates can vary depending on where you go. It's always best to do your research beforehand and compare rates among different providers. You might also want to consider any extra fees or commissions that might be charged.

Another option to consider is to use an online currency exchange platform. These services allow you to exchange currency without leaving your home, and often offer competitive rates.

Before you exchange your money, it's important to have an idea of how much you'll need. This will depend on your travel plans and the length of your stay. It's always better to have a bit of extra cash on hand, just in case.

When exchanging your money, be sure to count it thoroughly and check that the correct amount has been given to you. It's also a good idea to have smaller denominations, as some places might not be able to give change for larger bills.

If you're someone who likes to plan ahead, you might also want to keep an eye on the exchange rate leading up to your trip. This can help you decide the best time to exchange your money and potentially save you some cash.

Finally, don't forget to keep your exchanged currency in a safe place - whether that's a wallet, money belt, or hotel safe. It's always better to be safe than sorry!

In conclusion, exchanging your Singapore dollars to Indonesian Rupiah doesn't have to be a stressful experience. By doing your research, comparing rates, and planning ahead, you can ensure that you get the most out of your money. So go ahead and enjoy all that Indonesia has to offer!


Exchange between two currencies is a crucial aspect of effective international commerce. In today’s globalized world, businesses and individuals need to convert one currency into another for transactions in different countries. Singapore is one such nation that has been the hub of international trade and investment since ages. The official currency of Singapore is the Singapore dollar whereas Indonesia uses Rupiah. For people travelling from Singapore to Indonesia, it becomes important to understand the exchange rates and how to go about exchanging their currency.

What is Rupiah?

The Indonesian Rupiah is hence commonly referred to as IDR. It is the official currency of Indonesia, and it’s been there since its independence in 1949. Rupiah comprises of various denominations ranging from IDR 100 up to IDR 100,000 notes. However, the coins are less popular, especially with tourists visiting the country. There are 11 different types of coins but are only in small amount, as most transactions are done through paper money or digital payments.

Exchanging Currency in Singapore

One can easily exchange foreign currency in Singapore. It’s widely available at Changi airport and the numerous foreign exchange counter throughout the city state where foreign currencies can be converted into SGD or vice versa. Many hotels offer currency exchange services as well, however their exchange rates can be expensive compared to official exchange partners. But to get the best exchange rates, it is recommended to visit some of the best currency exchange centers like Mustafa Foreign Exchange or Arcade Money Changers.

Options for Exchange

The best option is to do the exchange before leaving Singapore. It is cheaper than converting it in Indonesia and would save you a considerable amount of money. One must remember that rates are frequently fluctuating, so it is advisable to keep track of changes in the exchange rates. A number of options are available for currency conversion:

1. Cash via Currency Exchange Counters:

Foreign currency can be converted to IDR by visiting any of the currency exchange counters of authorized money changers at Changi Airport, shopping centers and other main transport hubs in Singapore. The rates may vary among the different counters, so it's good to do a bit of shopping around.

2. ATM Withdrawals:

The advantage of withdrawing cash from a foreign ATM is that the exchange rate is usually favorable compared to the currency exchange counters based inside the airport or local banks. However, some bank might charge additional fees such as withdrawal fees or overseas transaction fees which must be taken into consideration while withdrawing.

3. Credit Card Usage:

Credit cards are widely accepted in Indonesia but they have several drawbacks. Firstly, Indonesian merchants may apply an additional fee for credit card transactions. Secondly, the fee imposed by card issuers And lastly, unfavorable rates of exchange offered by credit card companies.

Tips on exchanging currency

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your foreign currency exchange:

1. Research:

Before converting your money, research the different exchange rates available at the different currency exchange counters. This would give you an idea about the rates available and the general trend in fluctuations of currency.

2. Avoid Exchanging Currency at Airports:

Airports have the highest exchange rates, so it is suggested that you save money by getting it done in the city instead.

3. Prepare Smaller Denominations:

In order to save money on exchange rates, it is recommended that you bring smaller denominations of money. Since the smaller denominations tend to have lower rates of conversion the bigger denominations allow for higher exchange rates to be imposed by currency providers.

4. Always Check Transaction Fees:

When using credit cards or debit cards in overseas transactions, make sure you know the expected transaction fees. Additional transaction fees may apply even if you are paying in your home currency.


The process of money exchange can seem rather daunting especially when travelling abroad. Singapore and Indonesia have close trade ties, hence exchanging SGD into IDR or vice versa shouldn't be a problem. As long as any traveller follows the tips above and does thorough research on exchange rates prior to traveling, they would save huge amounts on transactions giving them more money to spend on travel or souvenirs during their journey.

Exchange Singapore to Rupiah: A Comprehensive Comparison

The vast difference in currency value between Singapore and Indonesia has made it necessary for both countries to make precise adjustments when exchanging their respective currencies. For travelers, it is important to understand the exchange rates and other factors that may impact the value of the Singapore dollar (SGD) and the Indonesian rupiah (IDR) before making transactions in both countries.

The Current Exchange Rate

The current exchange rate between the SGD and IDR varies on a daily basis, and this can significantly impact the overall value of each currency. As of 7th May 2021, 1 SGD is equivalent to 10,694.87 IDR. Therefore, if you are planning to travel to Indonesia from Singapore, you will need to factor in this exchange rate when making transactions.

Bank Charges and Transaction Fees

Banks and money changers typically apply charges and transaction fees to foreign currency exchanges, which can add up quickly for travelers. Before exchanging your SGD to IDR, make sure you research the rates and fees applied by different banks and money changers. Also, be aware of any hidden charges or fees that may be introduced later in the transaction process.

The Impact of Inflation

Inflation rates can also impact the exchange rate between Singaporean and Indonesian currencies. In Indonesia, inflation rates tend to be higher than in Singapore, which can cause the purchase power of the rupiah to decline over time. This means that the exchange rate could be adjusted to reflect the reduced value of the rupiah.

Traveler's Checks versus Cash and Credit Cards

Travelers often carry a mix of traveler's checks, cash, and credit cards while traveling. The form of currency you use largely depends on your destination, the transaction, and your personal preferences. Traveler's checks may be more secure, but they may not be as convenient as cash or credit cards. Also, not all establishments in Indonesia accept traveler's checks. Similarly, credit cards are widely accepted in Singapore but may not be accepted in all small businesses or rural areas of Indonesia.

Exchange Rates at Airports and Tourist Spots

Exchanging SGD to IDR at airports and tourist spots can be easy but generally comes with high fees. In Singapore, exchanging currencies at Changi Airport may give you a favorable rate, but you can check with banks and money changers in the city center to see if they offer better rates. The same is true when visiting popular tourist destinations in Indonesia, where the exchange rate may be inflated to take advantage of tourists.

Exchange Rates for Online Transactions

The internet has made it easier to perform currency exchanges online but may face hidden charges and fees. Although online currency exchanges offer convenience and competitive rates, there are hidden charges that you need to be aware of before signing up. Additionally, you may need to wait for your funds to clear before making purchases, which may affect your travel plans.

Overall Convenience of Currency Exchange

The overall convenience of exchanging currencies largely depends on various factors such as location, availability, and accessibility. Those in downtown areas of Singapore and tourist-friendly areas will have better access to currency exchange services. On the other hand, travelers in more rural areas may find it challenging to find currency exchange services, especially in Indonesia where many businesses do not accept foreign currencies.

Table Comparison of Currency Exchange

Factors Exchange Rate Transaction Fees Convenience
Changi Airport Favorable rate High fees Highly convenient
City money changers Competitive rates Vary by the business Location specific
Credit cards Varies by banks and retailers Transaction fees apply Widely accepted in Singapore
Cash Used for low-value purchases None Location-specific availability/acceptance
Online transactions Competitive rates Hidden charges and fees Takes some time for the transfer to clear


Exchanging SGD to IDR can be a complex process with various factors affecting the overall value of each currency. Travelers should research their options, compare currency exchange rates and fees, and keep up to date with any changes in the exchange rate before making transactions. Understanding these factors can help travelers make informed decisions when exchanging currencies that will ultimately help to save more money during their travels.


Indonesia is a beautiful country, and it’s no wonder it draws in so many travellers each year. If you’re planning on heading to Indonesia soon and are looking to exchange Singaporean dollars (SGD) to Indonesian Rupiah (IDR), then you’ve come to the right place.

Tip 1: Know the Exchange Rate

The first thing you want to know before exchanging your SGD to IDR is the current exchange rate. The exchange rate fluctuates continuously, but you can get the current rate online or via currency exchange kiosks. It's essential to be aware of the current exchange rate so that you're not ripped off when exchanging currencies.

Tip 2: Compare Exchange Rates

Try not to exchange your money at the airport, as the exchange rates there can be quite high. Instead, explore the city and find several exchange booths to compare the exchange rates. Look up the rates online to determine whether the rate offered at the booth is fair and to avoid being cheated.

Tip 3: Avoid Exchanging a Large Amount All At Once

It's better to exchange small amounts of money multiple times instead of exchanging a large sum all at once. You may want to keep some SGD with you for emergencies. Furthermore, if the value of the IDR falls between the time you exchange your money and when you use it, you may lose money.

Tip 4: Find Trusted Moneychangers

One of the most significant risks when exchanging currency is running into fake money or fake exchange centres. Make sure you go through a trusted and reputable money changer company by doing proper research before exchanging any currency.

Tip 5: Information is Key

When exchanging money, ensure that you obtain all the vital information about the exchange - this will safeguard you from being misled. Ensure that the money changer you're using has a registered permit and check the exchange rates given by different money changers beforehand.

Tip 6: Know what Fees to Expect

Exchange fees, such as currency conversion costs and service fees, can add up quickly. Before you exchange your money, ensure that you understand what fees to expect so that you may take them into account while calculating how much IDR you will receive.

Tip 7: Try Exchanging Money at a Bank

If there isn't a reliable money changer nearby, a bank would be another excellent option. Note that some banks charge additional fees for currency exchange services, so you should also do your research before exchanging money at a bank.

Tip 8: Keep Your Receipt

Keep your receipt after exchanging your money. You never know when you may need it later on, like in the case of an emergency or if you need to exchange the IDR to SGD again. The receipt includes valuable information such as the quantity of IDR acquired, the exchange rate, and any fees paid for the transaction.

Tip 9: Stay Vigilant

Even the most trustworthy currency exchange companies have acquired a bad track record by cheating travellers out of their money. Always be careful and vigilant when exchanging money, and don’t hesitate to back out of the transaction if something seems amiss.


Exchanging SGD to IDR shouldn't be a daunting task if you employ these tips. Be informed, careful, and check the exchange rates before exchanging your currency. Always keep your money safe and secure, especially when in a foreign country.

Hello, and welcome to our blog! Today, we'll be discussing the topic of exchanging Singapore dollars to Indonesian rupiah. This can be a daunting task, especially if you're new to the process or travelling to Indonesia for the first time. However, with the right information and resources, the process can be simplified and stress-free.

Firstly, it's important to note that the exchange rate between Singapore dollars (SGD) and Indonesian rupiah (IDR) fluctuates on a daily basis. The best way to stay up-to-date on the latest exchange rates is to use online currency converters or check with your local bank.

If you plan on exchanging your money in Singapore, there are several options available to you. One of the most common places to exchange currency is at a money changer, which can be found in most malls and tourist areas. However, it's important to do your research and compare rates before making any transactions.

Another option is to exchange your currency at a bank, which may offer better rates than a money changer. However, some banks may only exchange currency for their account holders, so it's important to check beforehand.

If you prefer a more convenient option, you can also exchange currency at the airport. While exchange rates may not be the best, it may be a good option if you need to exchange currency quickly before your flight.

Once you arrive in Indonesia, there are several options available for exchanging your money. Money changers can be found in most major cities and tourist areas, but it's important to exercise caution when dealing with them. Some may offer attractive rates, but they may also engage in fraudulent practices.

Another option is to exchange your currency at a bank. Many local banks offer currency exchange services, and they typically offer better rates than money changers. However, some banks may only exchange currency for their account holders, so it's important to check beforehand.

It's also worth noting that some hotels may offer currency exchange services. While convenient, rates may be less favorable than at a bank or money changer.

When exchanging your money, it's important to keep in mind any fees or charges that may be associated with the transaction. Some money changers or banks may charge a commission or service fee, so it's important to factor these costs into your decision.

In addition, it's important to consider how much money you'll need during your trip. While it may be tempting to exchange all of your money at once, it may not be the most practical option. Consider exchanging smaller amounts as needed, and be sure to keep any excess currency in a safe place.

Overall, exchanging Singapore dollars to Indonesian rupiah can be a straightforward process with the right information and resources. By comparing rates and understanding fees and charges, you can get the most out of your money and enjoy your trip to Indonesia.

Thank you for reading our blog, and we hope you found this information helpful. Safe travels!

Below are some of the frequently asked questions about exchanging Singapore dollars to Indonesian rupiah:

  1. Can I exchange Singapore dollars to Indonesian rupiah in Singapore?
  2. Yes, you can exchange Singapore dollars to Indonesian rupiah in Singapore. There are many money changers and banks that offer this service.

  3. What is the best way to exchange Singapore dollars to Indonesian rupiah?
  4. The best way to exchange Singapore dollars to Indonesian rupiah is to compare exchange rates of different money changers and banks to get the best deal. You can also consider using online exchange platforms for convenience.

  5. How much Indonesian rupiah can I get for SGD 100?
  6. The amount of Indonesian rupiah you can get for SGD 100 depends on the prevailing exchange rate at the time of exchange. It is best to check with your chosen money changer or bank for the current rate.

  7. Is it better to exchange SGD to IDR in Indonesia?
  8. It may be more convenient to exchange Singapore dollars to Indonesian rupiah in Indonesia if you have travel plans there. However, you may end up getting a less favorable rate compared to exchanging in Singapore.

  9. Are there fees or commissions for exchanging SGD to IDR?
  10. Most money changers and banks charge fees or commissions for exchanging currencies. It is important to inquire about these charges before proceeding with the exchange.

People Also Ask About Tukaran Singapore Ke Rupiah

1. How can I exchange Singapore dollars to Indonesian rupiah in Singapore?

To exchange Singapore dollars (SGD) to Indonesian rupiah (IDR) in Singapore, you can follow these steps:

  • Visit a reputable money changer or currency exchange service in Singapore.
  • Bring your Singapore dollars with you.
  • Present your SGD to the money changer and inform them that you would like to exchange it for Indonesian rupiah.
  • Check the exchange rate offered by the money changer and compare it with other options if needed.
  • If you are satisfied with the rate, proceed with the exchange and receive your Indonesian rupiah in return.

2. Are there any restrictions on exchanging Singapore dollars to Indonesian rupiah?

While there may not be specific restrictions on exchanging Singapore dollars to Indonesian rupiah, it is always advisable to comply with any regulations set by the relevant authorities in both countries. Additionally, some money changers may have their own policies regarding minimum or maximum amounts for currency exchange. It's best to check with the money changer or do some research beforehand to ensure a smooth transaction.

3. Where can I find the best exchange rates for Singapore dollars to Indonesian rupiah?

The exchange rates for Singapore dollars to Indonesian rupiah can vary among different money changers and financial institutions. To find the best rates, you can consider the following options:

  1. Compare rates offered by various money changers in Singapore.
  2. Check the rates provided by banks or authorized foreign exchange providers.
  3. Consider using online currency exchange platforms or apps that offer competitive rates.
  4. Keep an eye on the latest exchange rate trends to make an informed decision.

4. Can I use Singapore dollars in Indonesia?

Singapore dollars are generally not accepted as a form of currency in Indonesia. The official currency in Indonesia is the Indonesian rupiah (IDR). It is advisable to exchange your Singapore dollars to Indonesian rupiah before your trip or upon arrival in Indonesia to ensure smooth transactions and avoid any inconvenience.

5. Is it better to exchange Singapore dollars to Indonesian rupiah in Singapore or in Indonesia?

The decision of where to exchange your Singapore dollars to Indonesian rupiah depends on various factors such as exchange rates, convenience, and personal preference. Some people prefer to exchange their currency in Singapore to have Indonesian rupiah ready before their trip. Others choose to exchange in Indonesia to potentially get better rates. It's recommended to compare rates, consider any fees involved, and assess the availability of reliable money changers in both locations to make an informed decision.