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Book Your Tennis Court in Singapore: The Best Places to Serve and Rally!

Tennis Court Booking Singapore

Tennis Court Booking Singapore: Find and book tennis courts in Singapore with ease. Play your favorite sport at top-notch facilities. Book now!

Are you looking for a way to stay active and have fun in Singapore? Look no further than tennis! Not only is it a great full-body workout, but it's also a social sport that can be enjoyed with friends and family. And the best part? Booking a tennis court in Singapore has never been easier.

In fact, there are several online platforms that allow you to book a court with just a few clicks. Whether you prefer indoor or outdoor courts, clay or hard surfaces, there are options for every preference and budget.

One of the most popular platforms for booking tennis courts in Singapore is ActiveSG. With over 50 public facilities across the island, you're sure to find a court that suits your needs. Plus, their booking system is user-friendly and allows for easy cancellations and changes.

If you're looking for a more upscale experience, there are several private clubs in Singapore that offer tennis facilities. The Tanglin Club and the American Club are just a couple examples of top-tier establishments that cater to tennis enthusiasts.

But what if you don't have a racket or tennis balls? No problem – many facilities offer equipment rentals at reasonable prices. And if you're just starting out, many clubs and organizations offer beginner lessons and clinics.

Aside from the physical benefits, tennis also has mental benefits. According to a study by the Tennis Industry Association, playing tennis increases brain connections and improves problem-solving skills. Additionally, the social aspect of tennis can improve overall well-being and reduce stress.

So why not give tennis a try? With so many options for booking a court in Singapore, there's never been a better time to pick up a racket and hit the court. Whether you're a seasoned player or a beginner, there's something for everyone when it comes to this timeless sport.

And with the convenience of online booking, there's no reason not to make tennis a regular part of your fitness routine. So what are you waiting for? Grab a friend or two and start rallying!

In summary, booking a tennis court in Singapore has never been easier thanks to online platforms like ActiveSG. Whether you prefer public or private facilities, indoor or outdoor courts, there are options for everyone. And with the physical and mental benefits of playing tennis, it's the perfect way to stay active and have fun.


Tennis is one of the most exciting and thrilling sports for people of all ages. It demands agility, stamina, and skill to succeed. Playing on a real tennis court can improve your skills while allowing you to enjoy the lovely breeze and atmosphere. The good news is that Singapore offers multiple opportunities for tennis lovers to play their favorite sport.

Booking Tennis Court Online in Singapore

One of the easiest and most convenient ways to book a tennis court in Singapore is through online platforms. Multiple websites offer booking services for tennis courts across the city-state. Simple select your preferred location, choose a court that suits your need and pay using secure online payment options. The process is fast and straightforward, helping you save the time and effort involved in finding a court and making arrangements via phone.

Finding the Right Location

Singapore has many places to play tennis, including public parks, community centers, sports clubs, and private properties. Each location has its own advantages and disadvantages. For instance, public parks may be cost-effective but have limited booking slots and strict rules, while private properties offer personal freedom but can be relatively expensive. It is essential to consider your budget, convenience, and accessibility when choosing a tennis court location in Singapore.

Cost of Booking Tennis Court in Singapore

The cost of booking a tennis court in Singapore varies depending on the location, duration, and amenities provided. Public parks and community centers usually charge between $5 to $25 per hour, while commercial or semi-private establishments charge between $30 to $150 per hour. Some places may also offer attractive package deals, discounts, or promotions during non-peak periods or special occasions.

Peak and Non-Peak Hour Booking

The peak hours for tennis courts in Singapore are usually during weekends, public holidays, and evenings after work hours. This period may attract higher fees and limited availability. If you want to save money and have a more flexible schedule, consider booking your tennis court during non-peak hours or off-peak months, such as during weekdays or daytime hours. This approach may also let you play more games without having to rush or wait for other players.

Booking Tennis Coaches and Instructors

If you want to improve your tennis skills or learn new techniques, it may be a good idea to book a qualified and experienced coach or instructor. Many tennis courts and clubs in Singapore offer coaching services for beginners to advanced players. You can choose either individual or group lessons, depending on your preference, budget, and level of expertise. Booking a tennis coach can help you progress faster, avoid injuries, and enjoy the sport even more.

Online Booking Tips and Tricks

To make the most out of your tennis court booking experience in Singapore, here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind:

  • Select a location and court that suits your skill level and playing style.
  • Book early to secure your preferred time slot and avoid last-minute disappointments.
  • Check the weather forecast and cancellation policy before booking outdoor courts.
  • Read online reviews and feedback from other users to ensure the quality and reliability of the booking platform.
  • Use promo codes or referral links to get discounts or bonuses for your booking.


Tennis court booking in Singapore has never been as easy and accessible as it is today. By following these tips and tricks, you can find the right location, duration, and amenities that fit your budget and preferences. Playing tennis is not only an excellent way to exercise but also a fantastic way to socialize, network, and have fun with people who share your passion for the sport.

Comparison of Tennis Court Booking Options in Singapore


Tennis is one of the most popular sports in Singapore, and there are many opportunities to play both recreationally and competitively. However, finding a court and scheduling playing time can be a challenge. In this article, we will compare and contrast four popular tennis court booking options in Singapore: Sport Singapore, Tennis GIANTS, SG Tennis Lessons & Services, and PlayYourCourt. We will look at factors such as price, location, court quality, and additional services offered.


Price is a significant factor when choosing a tennis court booking option. Sport Singapore offers relatively low prices, with rates ranging from $3 to $11 per hour for public courts. There are also discounts available for frequent users and those who book during off-peak hours. Tennis GIANTS charges $12 to $16 per hour, depending on the court's location and level of play. SG Tennis Lessons & Services prices start at $20 an hour for public courts and go up to $50 for private ones. PlayYourCourt has a flat fee of $45 per session, which includes a 90-minute lesson with a certified coach.

Winner: Sport Singapore

Sport Singapore is the clear winner when it comes to affordability. Its low prices and discounts make it accessible to a broad range of players, making it an excellent option for beginners and anyone on a tight budget.


The tennis court's location is another essential factor when choosing a booking option. Sport Singapore has over 60 public courts located throughout the island, making it easy to find one near you. Tennis GIANTS has eight locations, with courts in areas such as Sengkang, Yishun, and Bukit Batok. SG Tennis Lessons & Services has various options, with courts in places like Kallang and Sentosa Cove. PlayYourCourt offers to coach at your preferred location.

Winner: Sport Singapore

With the most extensive network of public courts, Sport Singapore is the clear winner when it comes to convenience. Its widespread availability makes it easy for players to find a court close to home or work.

Court Quality

The condition of the tennis court plays a crucial role in the playing experience. Sport Singapore's public courts are generally well-maintained, but some are starting to show their age. Tennis GIANTS has high-quality courts with good lighting and ample space. SG Tennis Lessons & Services also offer courts that are well-kept and have hard courts, grass courts, and clay courts, depending on the location. PlayYourCourt brings its own equipment, including high-quality balls, to ensure a consistent playing experience.

Winner: Tennis GIANTS

Tennis GIANTS take the win for court quality, thanks to its high-quality courts and excellent maintenance. The lighting is especially noteworthy, making it an excellent choice for evening games.

Additional Services

Some tennis court booking options offer additional services such as coaching and equipment rental. Sport Singapore offers group lessons and clinics for both adults and children, as well as equipment rental for those who do not have their racquet or balls. Tennis GIANTS provides a pro shop selling tennis equipment and clothing. SG Tennis Lessons & Services offers coaching sessions for all levels and supplies equipment at an additional cost. Finally, PlayYourCourt offers customizable private lessons with certified coaches.

Winner: PlayYourCourt

PlayYourCourt wins in this category, as it offers customized private lessons with certified coaches. This option is great for anyone who wants to improve their game or work on specific aspects, such as serving or backhands.


Choosing a tennis court booking option in Singapore depends on individual preferences and priorities. Sport Singapore is the most affordable and convenient, making it perfect for beginners or anyone on a tight budget. Tennis GIANTS is an excellent choice for players who prioritize court quality and additional equipment services. SG Tennis Lessons & Services is a great option for players with specific location requirements or those looking for coaching sessions. Finally, PlayYourCourt provides customizable private lessons with certified coaches for a more personalized experience. Whatever your needs or preferences may be, these options offer something for everyone in Singapore's vibrant tennis community.

Price Location Court Quality Additional Services
Sport Singapore Affordable ($3-$11 per hour) 60+ public courts Well-maintained, but some slightly old Group lessons, equipment rental
Tennis GIANTS $12-$16 per hour 8 locations in various areas High-quality courts and lighting Pro shop selling tennis equipment and clothing
SG Tennis Lessons & Services $20-$50 per hour Various options Well-maintained with hard, grass, and clay courts available Coaching sessions and equipment rental at an additional cost
PlayYourCourt $45 per session Customizable to your preferred location Brings own equipment for a consistent experience Customizable private lessons with certified coaches

Overall Winner: Sport Singapore

Based on the criteria analyzed above, Sport Singapore is the overall winner. It offers affordable prices and widespread availability, making it ideal for all levels of players looking for a convenient and budget-friendly option.

Tennis Court Booking in Singapore – A Step-by-Step Guide

Playing tennis is a great way to keep fit and enjoy being outdoors. In Singapore, there are many public and private tennis courts available for booking. In this article, we will guide you through the process of booking a tennis court in Singapore.

Step 1: Choose a Court

There are several types of tennis courts in Singapore, including hard courts, grass courts, clay courts, and indoor courts. Decide which type of court you prefer and find a suitable location that has the facilities you need.

Step 2: Check Availability

Before making a booking, check the availability of the court. Most tennis courts have an online booking system that allows you to see the available slots.

Step 3: Create an Account

To make a booking, you will need to create an account with the tennis court's booking system. This usually involves providing your personal details and email address.

Step 4: Choose a Date and Time

Once you have created an account, choose a date and time that suits you. Make sure to check the duration of the slot and the pricing.

Step 5: Confirm Your Booking

After selecting your preferred slot, confirm your booking by making payment or providing your credit card details. Some courts may require you to pay upfront, while others allow you to pay on arrival.

Step 6: Arrive Early

On the day of your booking, arrive at the court a few minutes early to get ready and warm up. Check in with the reception or staff to confirm your booking and pay any outstanding fees.

Step 7: Bring Your Equipment

Don't forget to bring your tennis racket, balls, and appropriate shoes. If you don't have your own equipment, some courts offer rentals.

Step 8: Respect Others

When playing on a public court, be mindful of other players waiting for their turn. Stick to the allotted time and be considerate of others by keeping noise levels down and not damaging the court.

Step 9: Clean Up

After you've finished playing, clean up the court by removing any rubbish and equipment. Make sure to leave the court in good condition for the next players.

Step 10: Enjoy Yourself!

Playing tennis is a fun and social activity, so make the most of your time on the court. Remember to stay hydrated and take breaks when needed, but most importantly, have fun!


Booking a tennis court in Singapore is easy and straightforward. Just follow these steps and you'll be playing your favorite sport in no time. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, there's a court out there waiting for you!

Hello readers,

If you are looking for a place to play tennis in Singapore, there are plenty of options available. Tennis is a popular sport in Singapore, and there are many courts spread across the island. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned player, there is a court that will suit your needs.

The first thing you need to do when looking for a tennis court in Singapore is to decide what type of court you want to play on. There are several types of courts available, including clay, hard court, and grass court. Each of these surfaces has its own advantages and disadvantages, so you should choose the one that best suits your playing style and preferences.

Once you have decided on the type of court you want to play on, you can start looking for a court that meets your requirements. One of the best ways to find a tennis court in Singapore is to use an online booking service. These services allow you to search for available courts in your area, compare prices and features, and book your court online.

When booking a tennis court in Singapore, it is important to consider factors such as location, accessibility, and cost. You want to choose a court that is conveniently located and easy to get to, especially if you plan to play regularly. You should also consider the cost of the court rental, as well as any additional fees you may incur (such as membership fees, equipment rentals, or coaching fees).

Another thing to consider when booking a tennis court in Singapore is the availability of facilities such as locker rooms, showers, and refreshment areas. These amenities can make your playing experience more enjoyable and comfortable, especially if you plan to play for an extended period of time.

When booking a tennis court in Singapore, you should also consider the level of competition you will be facing. If you are a beginner, you may want to avoid courts that are frequented by advanced players or tournaments. On the other hand, if you are a more experienced player, you may want to choose a court that offers more competition and better opportunities to improve your skills.

In addition to booking a tennis court in Singapore for personal use, you may also want to consider joining a tennis club or league. These organizations can provide you with access to a network of players, coaching services, and competitive opportunities. They can also be a great way to socialize and meet new people who share your passion for tennis.

Finally, when booking a tennis court in Singapore, it is important to prioritize safety and sportsmanship. Always follow proper court etiquette, wear appropriate clothing and footwear, and be mindful of your surroundings. Tennis is a fun and competitive sport, but it is important to play it safely and responsibly.

We hope this article has been helpful in providing you with insights on booking a tennis court in Singapore. With the right planning and preparation, you can enjoy all that this wonderful sport has to offer. Happy playing!

Best regards,

[Your name]

People Also Ask About Tennis Court Booking Singapore:

  1. What are the available tennis courts in Singapore?
  2. There are many tennis courts available in Singapore, including public courts in parks and recreation centres, private facilities at clubs and hotels, and indoor courts for year-round play.

  3. How can I book a tennis court in Singapore?
  4. You can book a tennis court in Singapore through various platforms such as online booking systems, mobile apps, or by contacting the facility directly. It is recommended to book in advance to ensure availability.

  5. What is the cost to book a tennis court in Singapore?
  6. The cost of booking a tennis court in Singapore varies depending on the location, quality of the facility, time of day, and whether it is peak or off-peak hours. Generally, public courts are more affordable than private facilities, and rates may range from $5 to $50 per hour.

  7. Can I rent tennis equipment when booking a court?
  8. Yes, some facilities offer tennis equipment rental services such as racquets and balls, either for free or for an additional fee. It is best to inquire about availability and fees in advance.

  9. What is the cancellation policy for tennis court bookings in Singapore?
  10. The cancellation policy for tennis court bookings in Singapore varies depending on the facility. Some allow cancellations up to 24 hours in advance without penalty, while others require payment even if the booking is cancelled. Be sure to read the terms and conditions before booking.

People Also Ask About Tennis Court Booking Singapore

1. How can I book a tennis court in Singapore?

To book a tennis court in Singapore, you have several options:

  • Contact the local tennis club or sports complex and inquire about their booking procedures.
  • Visit their official website, if available, to check for online booking options.
  • Download a mobile app that allows you to book tennis courts in Singapore.
  • Consider joining a tennis club, which may offer its members priority booking privileges.

By exploring these avenues, you'll be able to find a convenient way to book a tennis court in Singapore.

2. How far in advance can I book a tennis court?

The booking policies may vary depending on the specific tennis court or facility in Singapore. Generally, you can book a tennis court anywhere from a few hours to a week in advance. It is recommended to check with the respective tennis court management or visit their website for information on their booking window.

3. What are the typical charges for booking a tennis court in Singapore?

The charges for booking a tennis court in Singapore can vary depending on factors such as the location, time of day, duration, and whether you are a resident or non-resident. On average, you can expect to pay between SGD 5 to SGD 20 per hour for court bookings. Some facilities may offer discounted rates for off-peak hours or longer bookings.

4. Can I book a tennis court for private coaching sessions?

Yes, many tennis courts in Singapore allow bookings for private coaching sessions. However, it is advisable to contact the specific tennis court or coaching academy to inquire about their policies and availability for private coaching sessions. They may have dedicated slots or specific coaches assigned for such sessions.

5. What are the peak hours for tennis court bookings in Singapore?

The peak hours for tennis court bookings in Singapore generally fall during weekday evenings (after working hours) and on weekends. These are the most popular times for tennis enthusiasts to play, so it is advisable to book in advance if you wish to secure a court during these peak hours.

6. Are there any restrictions or guidelines for using tennis courts in Singapore?

Yes, there are usually guidelines and restrictions in place to ensure fair usage and safety on tennis courts in Singapore. Some common guidelines include:

  1. Proper tennis attire and non-marking shoes must be worn on the court.
  2. Players should bring their own equipment, including rackets and tennis balls.
  3. Court etiquette should be followed, such as not causing damage to the court or disturbing other players.
  4. Booking cancellations or changes should be made within the specified timeframe to avoid penalties.

It is important to familiarize yourself with the specific rules and regulations of the tennis court you plan to book in order to have a smooth and enjoyable experience.