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Exchange Your Singapore Dollars for Myanmar Kyats: Tips for Safe and Convenient Money Transfers

Singapore To Myanmar Money

Learn about the exchange rate and currency conversion from Singaporean dollars to Myanmar kyat. Find the best rates and tips for your money exchange.

Are you heading from Singapore to Myanmar and wondering about the currency exchange process? Look no further, we’ve got you covered. As one of the most popular destinations in Southeast Asia, Myanmar is a must-visit for any traveler in the region. But before you get there, it’s important to know a little bit about the currency exchange process.

Firstly, let's talk about the currencies used in both countries. In Singapore, the official currency is the Singapore Dollar (SGD), while Myanmar uses the Myanmar Kyat (MMK). While SGD is widely accepted in Myanmar, it’s rare to find MMK outside of the country, so it’s important to have some local currency on hand.

Now, let’s move onto the best places to exchange your money. While you can always exchange your money at airports or hotels, the rates are often unfavorable. Instead, consider exchanging your money at one of the many licensed money changers located throughout Singapore. Not only will you get a better rate, but the process is also safer.

When exchanging your SGD for MMK, be sure to check the current exchange rate. As with any currency exchange, rates are constantly changing, so it’s best to do your research beforehand. This will ensure that you’re getting the most out of your exchange.

If you’re looking for even more convenience, consider using your credit card while in Myanmar. Many hotels, restaurants, and shops accept major credit cards such as Visa and Mastercard. However, be aware that some places may charge a fee for using your card.

While Myanmar may not be as developed as Singapore, the cost of living is significantly cheaper. In fact, according to Numbeo, the cost of living in Myanmar is 53% lower than in Singapore. So, not only will your money go further, but you’ll also get to experience a different way of life.

But what about safety concerns? While Myanmar has had its fair share of political turmoil in the past, it’s generally considered safe for tourists. However, as with any foreign country, it’s important to take precautions such as not flashing your money around and avoiding unlit areas at night.

Now that you’ve got all the information you need, it’s time to start planning your trip to Myanmar. With its rich culture, stunning landscapes, and friendly people, it's no wonder that Myanmar is becoming an increasingly popular tourist destination. So, pack your bags, exchange your money, and get ready for an adventure you’ll never forget!

In conclusion, exchanging Singapore Dollars to Myanmar Kyat doesn't have to be a daunting task. By knowing where to exchange your money and what to expect, you can ensure that you have the best possible experience while in Myanmar. So go ahead, take that trip, and experience all that this beautiful country has to offer.


Are you planning for a trip to Myanmar from Singapore? Do you know how to carry money and transfer to Myanmar currency from Singapore? Singapore is one of the financial capitals in the world, and Myanmar is a developing country with limited financial centers. So, you must know how to handle your currencies.

Currency Exchange in Singapore

In Singapore, you can exchange Singapore Dollars (SGD) to Burmese Kyats, which is the primary currency in Myanmar. Many banks, money changers, and even airport currency exchange counters offer such services. You can search online or ask locals for the best exchange rates before deciding where to exchange your money. The exchange rate may differ slightly from one place to another, but the difference is negligible for small transactions. However, if you plan to exchange a significant amount, you should bargain for a better exchange rate.

Bank Transfer to Myanmar

Bank transfer is a secure way to send money from Singapore to Myanmar. You can use online banking or visit the bank branch to initiate the transfer. Some banks may charge a fee for international transfers, so you should check the fees beforehand. The transfer time can vary from one bank to another, but it typically takes 1-2 business days.

Send Money through Western Union or MoneyGram

If you need to send money to Myanmar urgently, you can use Western Union or MoneyGram. These companies have branches and partners worldwide, including Singapore and Myanmar. You need to provide the recipient's name, address, and phone number to make the transfer. You will also be given a transaction number, which the recipient needs to collect the money. The transfer fee and exchange rate may not be as favorable as the bank transfer, but the convenience and speed are worthwhile.

The Best Way to Carry Money to Myanmar

If you are traveling to Myanmar, you should have a combination of cash and cards. You can exchange some SGD to Burmese Kyats for daily expenses and keep the rest in your bank account or credit card. Most hotels and high-end restaurants accept international credit cards, but small shops and street vendors may not. Therefore, you should always carry some cash with you. However, be cautious while carrying cash as Myanmar is still an emerging country with security concerns.

Budget for a Trip to Myanmar from Singapore

Myanmar is relatively cheaper than Singapore in terms of food, accommodation, and transportation. However, if you plan to visit touristy places like Bagan, Inle Lake, or Mandalay, you should expect to pay more for entrance fees and travel expenses. A budget traveler can survive with $30-50 per day, while a luxury traveler may need $100-200 per day. It depends on your preferences and priorities.

Tips for Saving Money while Traveling in Myanmar

Here are some tips for saving money while traveling in Myanmar:

  • Stay in hostels or guesthouses instead of fancy hotels
  • Eat street food or local restaurants instead of western chains
  • Use public transportation or rent a bike instead of taxis or private cars
  • Bargain for prices in markets and bazaars
  • Avoid peak season and holidays for better deals


Traveling from Singapore to Myanmar requires some financial planning and management. You should know where to exchange your money, how to transfer it securely, and what to carry during your trip. Myanmar is a beautiful country with rich culture and history, but it may not be as advanced or convenient as Singapore. However, if you are willing to adapt and explore, you will have a memorable experience. Just be careful with your money and watch out for scams.


Money exchange rate can change drastically from one country to another. In this article, we will compare the currency value of Singapore and Myanmar. Singapore has a developed economy while Myanmar is a developing country. Their currency values reflect their respective economies. Singapore's economy is export-based, while Myanmar relies on natural resources.

Singapore Dollar

Singapore's official currency is Singapore Dollar (SGD). The SGD is divided into 100 cents. The central bank of Singapore is responsible for regulating the monetary policy of the country. The SGD is stable and widely accepted all around the world.

Currency Value

The SGD is one of the strongest currencies in Asia. As of August 2021, one SGD is equivalent to 960 Myanmar Kyats (MMK). SGD has seen a constant appreciation against MMK in the past few years.

Inflation Rate

The inflation rate in Singapore is moderate, hovering between 0% to 2%. Singapore has managed to maintain the low inflation rate for decades.

Myanmar Kyat

Myanmar's official currency is Myanmar Kyat (MMK). The Central Bank of Myanmar is the regulatory body for the country's monetary policies. The majority of the population in Myanmar still relies on cash transactions, and card payment options have not gained widespread availability and usage.

Currency Value

Myanmar's Kyat has been volatile in the past few years due to political instability, international sanctions, and economic mismanagement. As of August 2021, one SGD is equivalent to 1465 MMK, and it shows significant fluctuation with low currency stability.

Inflation Rate

Myanmar has faced high inflation rates, averaging around 6% to 8% over the past five years. The instability and rising prices have hit the common population hard, making it hard for them to manage their expenses.


Currency Exchange Rate Inflation Rate
Singapore Dollar (SGD) 1 SGD = 960 MMK 0-2%
Myanmar Kyat (MMK) 1 SGD=1465 MMK 6-8%


Both Singapore and Myanmar have vastly different economies and, as a result, have currency values that reflect their economic status. Singapore's economy is strong and stable, while Myanmar's economy is still developing and faces several challenges. In terms of currency value, the SGD is much stronger than the MMK, indicating Singapore's robust economy. Additionally, Singapore's low inflation rate makes it more attractive for investors and individuals looking for stability.

Overall, Singapore's economy and currency offer more stability compared to Myanmar's economy and currency. It is important to consider these factors when traveling to either country to manage your finances effectively.

Singapore to Myanmar Money Exchange: Tips and Tutorial

If you're planning a trip to Myanmar from Singapore, one of the primary concerns to consider is exchanging your money. With Myanmar's currency being Kyat (MMK) and Singapore Dollar (SGD) being the currency of Singapore, it is essential to know how much value your money has and how much to exchange before you leave.In this article, we will provide tips and tutorials on Singapore to Myanmar money exchange, helping you get the best value for your converted money.

Tip 1: Understand the Currency Exchange Rates

Before leaving Singapore, research the current exchange rates between SGD and MMK. As currency rates can fluctuate frequently, it's best to stay updated with any changes. Additionally, you should avoid exchanging money in airports and tourist areas as they don't offer competitive rates.

Tip 2: Carry Singapore Dollar (SGD) in Cash with You

While there are ATMs and currency exchanges in Myanmar, it is always best to carry Singapore dollars in cash when travelling to a new country. This allows you to have some flexibility in case of emergencies or if you cannot find currency exchange facilities.

Tip 3: Avoid Exchanging Currency on Sundays and Public Holidays

As Myanmar Banks are closed on Sundays and public holidays, it is recommended to exchange your currency on weekdays during business hours to avoid any inconveniences.

Tip 4: Use Licensed Currency Exchangers

When exchanging money in Myanmar, it is essential to use licensed currency exchangers to ensure that you receive the correct exchange rate without additional fees. Always compare different money changers before deciding which one to use.

Tip 5: Always Count Your Money Before Leaving the Exchange Counter

After exchanging your money, count your money before walking away from the exchange counter to ensure you have received the correct amount.

Tutorial: Singapore to Myanmar Money Exchange

Here's a step-by-step tutorial on how to exchange SGD to MMK:1. Compare different licensed currency exchangers and choose the one that offers the best rate.2. Visit the currency exchange booth with your passport and cash in SGD.3. Hand over the SGD cash to the currency exchanger and fill out any necessary paperwork.4. Wait for the currency exchanger to count your SGD cash and confirm the SGD value.5. The currency exchanger will then provide you with the equivalent amount of MMK in cash.6. Count your MMK cash before leaving the exchange counter.


Exchanging SGD to MMK while travelling to Myanmar may seem daunting, but with these tips and tutorials, you can be confident in getting the best value for your converted money. Remember always to check the current exchange rates and compare different exchange booths before making a decision. Don't forget to count your money before leaving the exchange counter!

Hello there, dear readers! Singapore and Myanmar are two countries that have a unique relationship when it comes to money. Investing and transferring funds between the two countries can be quite tricky due to various factors such as currency exchange rates, government regulations, and cultural differences. In this article, we will take a closer look at some of the things you need to know when it comes to Singapore to Myanmar money.

First and foremost, it is important to understand that Singapore has a strong economy and is known for its stability and reliability in the financial market. The Singapore dollar (SGD) is widely accepted around the world and is the third-most-traded currency in Asia. Meanwhile, Myanmar is a developing country with an emerging economy. The Burmese kyat (MMK) is the official currency of Myanmar but it is not widely traded outside the country.

When it comes to money transfers between the two countries, there are several options available. One of the most common methods is through banks. Singapore has many international banks that have branches in Myanmar, such as DBS Bank and United Overseas Bank (UOB). You can use their online banking services to transfer money to your Myanmar account. However, be prepared to pay a higher fee for these services.

Another option is to use remittance services. These companies specialize in helping people send money overseas quickly and easily. Examples of remittance services that operate in Singapore and Myanmar include Western Union and MoneyGram. However, do your research and compare rates before choosing a provider to ensure that you get the best deal.

As with any international money transfer, it is important to consider the exchange rate. The exchange rate fluctuates daily and can affect the amount of money you receive. When sending money from Singapore to Myanmar, it is likely that you will need to convert SGD to MMK. Check the exchange rate and compare it to historical rates to make sure you are getting a fair deal.

Furthermore, it is important to be aware of government regulations when sending money between countries. Singapore and Myanmar have different rules on the amount of money that can be transferred in and out of the country. Be aware of these limits so that you can avoid any legal issues or penalties.

Aside from transferring money, you may also want to invest in either Singapore or Myanmar. Singapore provides a stable and lucrative market for investors due to its strong economy and pro-business environment. On the other hand, Myanmar has a lot of untapped potential and opportunities for growth, particularly in its mining, energy, and manufacturing sectors. However, investing in Myanmar comes with its own set of risks due to the country's political instability and lack of infrastructure.

When investing in either country, it is important to do your research and consult with financial advisors or experts. Consider your investment goals and risk appetite to determine which option is best for you.

Another thing to keep in mind when dealing with Singapore to Myanmar money is cultural differences. In Myanmar, cash is still king and many businesses do not accept credit cards. Prepare to use cash if you plan on traveling or doing business in Myanmar.

Lastly, it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest news and developments in both countries. Keep an eye on changes in currency exchange rates, government regulations, and economic trends. This will help you make informed decisions when dealing with Singapore to Myanmar money.

In conclusion, Singapore and Myanmar have a unique relationship when it comes to money. There are various factors to consider when transferring funds or investing in either country. Stay informed and do your research to ensure that you get the best deal possible. Thank you for reading!

Below are some frequently asked questions about exchanging Singapore to Myanmar money:

  1. What is the currency of Myanmar?
  2. The currency of Myanmar is the Burmese kyat (MMK).

  3. Can I exchange Singapore dollars to Burmese kyats in Myanmar?
  4. Yes, you can exchange your Singapore dollars to Burmese kyats at money changers and banks in Myanmar.

  5. Is it better to exchange money in Singapore or Myanmar?
  6. It is recommended to exchange a small amount of money in Singapore before travelling to Myanmar. This will give you some local currency to use upon your arrival. Once you are in Myanmar, it is generally cheaper to exchange money at a money changer or bank than in Singapore.

  7. What is the exchange rate between Singapore dollars and Burmese kyats?
  8. The exchange rate varies depending on the money changer or bank you go to, as well as current market conditions. However, as of 2021, the exchange rate is approximately 1 SGD to 1000 MMK.

  9. Can I use my credit card or debit card in Myanmar?
  10. Credit cards are accepted at some hotels, restaurants, and tourist attractions in Myanmar. However, it is advisable to have cash with you as many places only accept cash payments. Debit cards may not be widely accepted and it is best to check with your bank beforehand.

  11. Are there ATM machines in Myanmar?
  12. Yes, there are ATM machines in major cities such as Yangon and Mandalay. However, it is advisable to carry cash with you in case you encounter an ATM that is out of service or no longer accepts foreign cards.

People Also Ask About Singapore To Myanmar Money

1. What is the currency of Myanmar?

The currency of Myanmar is the Burmese Kyat (MMK). It is the official currency and is used for all transactions within the country.

2. Can I use Singapore dollars in Myanmar?

No, you cannot use Singapore dollars in Myanmar. The official currency of Myanmar is the Burmese Kyat, and it is the only accepted currency for transactions within the country.

3. Where can I exchange Singapore dollars for Burmese Kyat?

You can exchange your Singapore dollars for Burmese Kyat at authorized money exchanges or banks in Myanmar. It is advisable to exchange your currency at these authorized establishments to ensure you get a fair exchange rate.

4. Is it better to exchange money in Singapore or Myanmar?

It is generally more convenient to exchange your money in Myanmar. While some exchange facilities in Singapore may offer Burmese Kyat, the rates may not be as favorable as those offered within Myanmar. Additionally, exchanging your money in Myanmar ensures you have the local currency readily available for your expenses.

5. Are ATMs widely available in Myanmar?

ATMs are becoming more common in major cities and tourist destinations in Myanmar. However, it is advisable to carry enough cash with you, especially if you plan to visit remote areas where ATMs may not be readily accessible.

6. Should I tip in Myanmar?

Tipping is not a traditional practice in Myanmar, but it has become more common in tourist areas. If you receive exceptional service, a small tip would be appreciated, although it is not mandatory.

7. What is the current exchange rate between Singapore dollars and Burmese Kyat?

The exchange rate between Singapore dollars and Burmese Kyat can vary and is subject to market conditions. It is advisable to check with authorized money exchanges or banks for the most up-to-date exchange rates.

8. Can I use credit cards in Myanmar?

Credit cards are becoming more accepted in major hotels, restaurants, and larger businesses in Myanmar. However, it is still advisable to carry enough cash with you, as smaller establishments and local markets may only accept cash payments.

9. Are there any restrictions on bringing currency into Myanmar?

Yes, there are certain restrictions on bringing currency into Myanmar. International travelers are required to declare any amount exceeding 10,000 USD or its equivalent in other currencies upon arrival. It is important to check the latest regulations before your trip to ensure compliance.

10. Can I get Burmese Kyat before traveling to Myanmar?

While it may be possible to obtain Burmese Kyat in Singapore, it is generally more convenient to exchange your currency upon arrival in Myanmar. Authorized money exchanges or banks in Myanmar will provide a better exchange rate and ensure you have the local currency readily available for your expenses.