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Uncovering Singapore's Demographics and Economy: Insights from the Department of Statistics

Singapore Department Of Statistics

The Singapore Department of Statistics provides reliable and up-to-date data on Singapore's economy, population, and social trends.

Have you ever wondered how many people live in Singapore? Or how fast the country's economy is growing? Well, look no further than the Singapore Department of Statistics (DOS). As the official provider of statistics for the nation, the DOS collects and publishes a wide range of data on various aspects of Singaporean life.

Founded in 1947, the DOS has been instrumental in tracking the development of Singapore throughout its history. From basic demographic information like population size and age distribution to more complex economic indicators such as GDP growth and unemployment rates, the DOS provides a wealth of information that helps policymakers and the public alike make informed decisions.

So, just what kind of data does the DOS collect? In short, almost everything. The DOS tracks everything from consumer price indices to crime rates to the number of cars on the road. Whether you're interested in education, healthcare, or housing, you can find detailed statistics from the DOS to help you understand the state of things in Singapore.

And these statistics aren't just useful for policymakers - they can be incredibly interesting for everyday people as well. Did you know that the average household size in Singapore is just 3.2 people? Or that over 80% of the population lives in public housing? The DOS's data can provide fascinating insights into the way that Singaporeans live their lives.

Of course, collecting and analyzing this much data is no small task. The DOS employs a team of highly trained statisticians who work tirelessly to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information they provide. They use sophisticated methods to gather and interpret data, including machine learning and artificial intelligence tools.

But the DOS isn't just a numbers-crunching operation. They're also committed to making their data accessible and understandable to everyone. That's why they offer a variety of resources to help people navigate their statistics, including informative reports and easy-to-use data visualizations. Whether you're a policy wonk or just a curious citizen, the DOS has something for you.

And in today's data-driven world, the importance of the DOS's work cannot be overstated. Accurate and up-to-date data is essential for making informed decisions about everything from healthcare policy to infrastructure development. By providing reliable statistics on all aspects of Singaporean life, the DOS is helping to build a brighter future for the country.

So if you're curious about the state of things in Singapore, look no further than the Department of Statistics. With their wealth of information and commitment to accessibility, they're the solution you've been looking for. From demographic trends to economic indicators, the DOS has got it all - and they're eager to share it with you. So dive in and explore the fascinating world of Singaporean statistics!

Singapore Department Of Statistics

The Singapore Department of Statistics (DOS) is responsible for collecting and compiling statistical data in Singapore. They provide a wide range of information on various aspects of the economy, society, and environment. The organization was established in 1947 and has been functioning under the Ministry of Trade and Industry since 2016.

Functions of Singapore Department of Statistics

The DOS has the responsibility of collecting and disseminating data on various sectors of the economy, including manufacturing, construction, services, and agriculture. They also collect and publish data on population, labor force, income, education, and health. Additionally, the DOS compiles statistics on the environment, social indicators, and national accounts.

The department's primary objective is to provide quality and timely statistics that are essential for decision-making by policymakers, businesses, researchers, academia, and the public. The data collected and published by the DOS is used to monitor the country's economic performance, plan policies, and evaluate existing and new policies.

Data Collection Methods

The DOS uses various methods of data collection, including censuses, surveys, and administrative records. The department conducts regular surveys, such as the Labour Force Survey, Household Expenditure Survey, and Census of Population. These surveys are conducted through household visits, telephone interviews, and online questionnaires.

The DOS also collects data from administrative records, such as birth and death registers, property transactions, and trade registers. They also source data from other government agencies and private organizations. The department ensures that all the data collected is accurate, relevant, and up to date.

Data Dissemination

The DOS disseminates statistical data through various channels, including its website, publications, and media releases. The DOS website is a rich source of statistical data and provides users with easy access to online databases, visualizations, and reports. The department publishes various reports, such as the Monthly Digest of Statistics, Yearbook of Statistics, and Singapore in Figures.

The DOS also uses social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to disseminate information on statistical data. They organize workshops, seminars, and conferences to create awareness about the importance of statistics and the use of data in decision-making.

Data Privacy and Security

The DOS takes data privacy and security seriously and ensures that all the data sensitive remains confidential. The department abides by the Personal Data Protection Act and ensures that all data is collected and used within the bounds of the law.

The department has put in place stringent measures to safeguard its data against unauthorized access, alteration, or destruction. They use up-to-date encryption technology, firewalls, and access controls to secure its data. DOS employees also undergo training on data protection policies and best practices to ensure the confidentiality and security of collected and stored data.


The Singapore Department of Statistics is an essential agency that plays a crucial role in providing reliable, relevant, and timely statistics. Through its programs, the DOS enables informed decision-making by policymakers, researchers, businesses, and the general public. The technological advancements made by the department in data collection, management, and dissemination have helped improve the quality and quantity of statistical data provided to the public. Overall, the DOS has helped Singapore remain competitive, both locally and globally.

Comparison Between the Singapore Department of Statistics and Other Organizations

About the Singapore Department of Statistics

The Singapore Department of Statistics is the national statistical authority in Singapore. It is responsible for collecting, compiling, and disseminating official statistics on demographics, the economy, and social trends in Singapore. The department serves as a key resource for policymakers, researchers, and businesses operating in Singapore.

Size and Scope of Operations

The Singapore Department of Statistics employs around 300 staff members, including statisticians, economists, and IT professionals. Its operations cover a wide range of areas, including the census, national accounts, trade statistics, and consumer price indices.

Compared to other statistical agencies in the region, the Department of Statistics is relatively small in terms of staffing levels. For example, the Australian Bureau of Statistics employs over 2,500 staff members, while Statistics New Zealand employs around 1,100. Despite this, the Department of Statistics is considered to be highly efficient and well-respected domestically and internationally.

Quality of Data Collection

The Singapore Department of Statistics is known for its high-quality data collection methods, which are focused on ensuring accuracy and timeliness in delivering official statistics to stakeholders. The department uses a variety of techniques to collect and analyze data, including surveys, administrative records, and data analytics.

Compared to other organizations in the region, the Department of Statistics is considered to have some of the most advanced data collection and analysis techniques. However, some critics have raised concerns about potential biases or errors in certain datasets, particularly those that rely heavily on self-reported data from surveys.

Transparency and Accessibility

The Singapore Department of Statistics is known for its commitment to transparency and accessibility in sharing official statistics with the public. The department makes its data available through a variety of channels, including its website, public datasets, and reports.

Compared to other organizations in the region, the Department of Statistics is considered to be highly transparent and open in its data-sharing practices. However, some observers have called for greater data dissemination and engagement with non-governmental stakeholders to ensure that the department's data is more widely understood and utilized.

Impact and Relevance

The Singapore Department of Statistics plays a crucial role in shaping policy and decision-making in Singapore. Its data is used by policymakers, businesses, and researchers to make informed decisions about issues such as economic growth, social welfare, and demographic trends.

Compared to other organizations in the region, the impact and relevance of the Department of Statistics are widely recognized. However, some experts have suggested that the department could do more to engage with non-governmental stakeholders and ensure that its data is used to its fullest potential.

Comparison Table

Organization Staffing Levels Data Collection Methods Transparency and Accessibility Impact and Relevance
Singapore Department of Statistics Around 300 Surveys, administrative records, data analytics Highly transparent and accessible Widely recognized as impactful and relevant
Australian Bureau of Statistics Over 2,500 Surveys, administrative records, data analytics Highly transparent and accessible Widely recognized as impactful and relevant
Statistics New Zealand Around 1,100 Surveys, administrative records, data analytics Highly transparent and accessible Widely recognized as impactful and relevant

Overall Opinion

Based on the comparison above, it is clear that the Singapore Department of Statistics is a highly respected and efficient national statistical authority. Despite its relatively small staffing levels, the department has developed some of the most advanced data collection and analysis techniques in the region.

However, there is always room for improvement. In particular, the department could do more to engage with non-governmental stakeholders and ensure that its data is being utilized to its fullest potential. This could include greater outreach efforts, partnerships with research institutions, and collaboration with businesses and industry groups.

Overall, the Singapore Department of Statistics is a crucial resource for policymakers, researchers, and businesses operating in Singapore. Its commitment to accuracy, transparency, and accessibility makes it one of the most respected statistical agencies in the world.

Welcome to Singapore Department of Statistics

Singapore Department of Statistics (DOS) is the official statistics agency for Singapore. It was founded in 1947 and is responsible for collecting, compiling, and disseminating key economic and social statistics that are crucial for planning and decision-making in Singapore.

Why is DOS important?

DOS plays a crucial role in providing policymakers, businesses, researchers, and citizens with accurate and reliable data on various aspects of Singapore's economy and society. This data is used for a wide range of purposes, including planning infrastructure, developing policies, conducting research, and monitoring trends.

Some of the areas that DOS focuses on include demographics, education, healthcare, labor market, income and expenditure, consumer prices, manufacturing, trade, finance, and tourism. The agency also conducts surveys and censuses to collect data from households, businesses, and other organizations.

How to use DOS website?

If you are interested in accessing data from DOS, you can do so by visiting its website at The website offers a wide range of tools and resources to help you find the information you need. Here are some tips for using the site effectively:

1. Explore the Data & Publications Section

The Data & Publications section of the site contains a wealth of data on various topics, as well as reports and publications that provide insights into trends and developments in Singapore. You can use the search bar or browse by topics and subtopics to find the information you need. You can also download the data in various formats, such as Excel, CSV, and PDF.

2. Use the Visualization Tools

DOS offers various visualization tools that make it easier to understand and explore the data. For example, the Interactive Charts tool allows you to create custom charts and tables based on the data you select. You can also use the GeoSpatial tool to visualize data on maps, or the Key Indicators Dashboard to track key economic indicators over time.

3. Sign up for Alerts

If you want to stay updated on the latest data and publications from DOS, you can sign up for email alerts. This will notify you whenever a new report or dataset is released, so you can stay on top of trends and developments in Singapore.

4. Attend Workshops and Seminars

DOS regularly conducts workshops and seminars that are open to the public. These events provide insights into how the data is collected and analyzed, as well as practical tips for using the data for research and decision-making. You can check the Events section of the website to see upcoming events and register to attend.

5. Contact DOS for Assistance

If you have any questions about the data or need assistance using the website, you can contact DOS directly by phone or email. The agency's staff are available to help you find the information you need and answer any questions you may have.

Final Thoughts

DOS is an invaluable resource for anyone who needs accurate and reliable data on Singapore's economy and society. By following these tips and exploring the resources available on the website, you can gain valuable insights into trends and developments in Singapore, and use this information to make better decisions and conduct more impactful research.

Welcome to the Singapore Department of Statistics, the nation's principal statistical institution. Our team of expert statisticians works tirelessly to provide accurate and timely data on a wide range of topics, including population, economy, tourism, and social trends.

Our data plays a crucial role in informing policies, decision-making, and investments across government agencies, businesses, and the general public. We believe that transparent, reliable, and accessible statistics are essential for fostering a better-informed society and driving progress.

What kind of data can you find on our website?

If you're looking for information on Singapore's population, you'll find detailed data on demographics, migration patterns, and household characteristics. We also provide information on the labor market, including statistics on employment, wages, and productivity.

For those interested in Singapore's economy, our website offers comprehensive data on trade, investment, and business performance. You'll also find information on key industries such as manufacturing, construction, and finance.

If you care about social issues such as education, health, or housing, our website provides insight into these areas as well. We collect data on school enrollments, health outcomes, and housing availability and affordability, among other topics.

How do we collect our data?

At the Singapore Department of Statistics, we use a variety of methods to gather data. We conduct surveys, collect administrative data from government agencies, and gather information from businesses and individuals directly.

Our team of statisticians ensures that all of our data collection methods are scientifically rigorous and produce data that is representative and unbiased. We also prioritize protecting the privacy and confidentiality of our data sources.

How can you use our data?

Our data is available to the public, free of charge, and can be used for a variety of purposes. If you're a researcher, you can use our data to support your work and gain new insights into social and economic trends. Entrepreneurs can use our data to inform business planning and investment decisions.

Policy-makers and government agencies can use our data to develop evidence-based policies and track progress towards national goals. And members of the general public can use our data to better understand their communities, make informed decisions, and participate in civic life.

How can you reach us?

If you have any questions about our data or services, please don't hesitate to contact us. You can reach us through our website, by phone, or in person at our office in Singapore.

In conclusion, the Singapore Department of Statistics is committed to providing high-quality data that supports Singapore's development and progress. We invite you to explore our website, access our data, and discover the value of statistics for yourself. Thank you for visiting us!

People also ask about Singapore Department of Statistics:

  1. What is the Singapore Department of Statistics?
  2. The Singapore Department of Statistics is a government agency responsible for collecting and compiling statistical data related to the economy, population, and social issues in Singapore.

  3. What kind of data does the Singapore Department of Statistics collect?
  4. The department collects data on a wide range of topics, including demographics, employment, business activity, inflation, international trade, and household income and expenditure.

  5. How is the collected data used?
  6. The data collected by the department is used by the government, businesses, researchers, and the public to make informed decisions, evaluate policies, and monitor economic and social trends.

  7. Is the data collected by the Singapore Department of Statistics accurate?
  8. Yes, the department takes great care to ensure the accuracy and reliability of its data. Data quality checks are conducted at various stages of the statistical process to identify and correct errors or anomalies.

  9. Can individuals access data collected by the Singapore Department of Statistics?
  10. Yes, members of the public can access the data through the department's website or by requesting it through the department's Data Dissemination Unit.

People Also Ask About Singapore Department of Statistics

What is the role of the Singapore Department of Statistics?

The Singapore Department of Statistics (DOS) is the national statistical authority responsible for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating official statistics about Singapore. Its primary role is to provide accurate and reliable data that supports evidence-based decision making, policy formulation, and planning at both the government and private sector levels.

How does the Singapore Department of Statistics collect data?

The DOS employs various methods to collect data, including surveys, administrative data sources, censuses, and data obtained from other government agencies. They conduct household surveys, business surveys, and economic surveys to capture a wide range of information on demographics, economy, labor force, prices, trade, and more. The department ensures strict confidentiality of collected data to encourage participation and maintain the accuracy of the statistics.

What kind of statistics does the Singapore Department of Statistics provide?

The DOS provides a comprehensive range of statistics that cover various aspects of Singapore's society and economy. These include population statistics, economic indicators, labor force statistics, consumer price indices, housing and property data, business and industry statistics, trade and tourism figures, social indicators, and many others. The department also offers customized data services for specific user needs.

Who uses the statistics provided by the Singapore Department of Statistics?

The statistics provided by the DOS are used by a wide range of individuals, organizations, and government agencies. Government policymakers rely on the data to formulate policies, monitor economic performance, and evaluate the effectiveness of various initiatives. Businesses use the statistics to analyze market trends, make informed investment decisions, and assess consumer behavior. Researchers, academics, and journalists also utilize the data to support their studies, articles, and reports.

How can I access the statistics provided by the Singapore Department of Statistics?

The DOS makes its statistics easily accessible to the public through its official website. Users can navigate through the website's various sections to find the desired data. The department provides statistical publications, online databases, interactive charts, and data requests services. Users can also subscribe to their mailing list or follow their social media accounts to stay updated on the latest statistics and releases.

Is the data provided by the Singapore Department of Statistics reliable?

Yes, the data provided by the Singapore Department of Statistics is considered highly reliable. The department follows international statistical standards and guidelines to ensure the accuracy, objectivity, and impartiality of the collected data. They have robust quality assurance processes in place and employ statistical methodologies that adhere to best practices. The DOS also conducts regular reviews and revisions to improve the accuracy and relevance of their statistics.