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Find Your Feathered Companion Today: Birds For Sale in Singapore

Birds For Sale Singapore

Looking to buy birds in Singapore? Check out our wide selection of beautiful and healthy birds for sale. Find your feathered friend today!

Are you looking for a new pet that brings a little bit of nature into your home? Look no further than birds! Birds are beloved by many as they offer companionship, beautiful songs, and stunning colors. For those interested in purchasing a bird, there are numerous options available through their online purchase. Birds for sale in Singapore range from small budgies to large exotic macaws, providing a bird for any type of owner!

Singapore has a bustling pet industry, including an abundance of bird enthusiasts. One can easily find a wide variety of birds for sale at local pet shops, bird farms, and through online marketplaces. With so many options, it is important to determine which bird will fit best with your lifestyle.

For those with limited space but still seek the joy of owning a pet bird, consider budgies or cockatiels. These smaller birds are perfect for small apartments, as they don’t require too much room to fly around. They’re also less expensive than larger exotic birds such as African Grey Parrots or Cockatoos.

If you're seeking a bird with striking beauty, take a look at the Scarlet Macaw. The red, yellow, and blue macaws originate from rainforests in South America and make fantastic pets, often developing strong bonds with their owners. They are known for their ability to speak and learn tricks, making them fun and interactive companions!

Did you know that birds are not only great for companionship but also have health benefits? Studies have shown that owning a bird can increase socialization and decrease stress levels. Bird owners also tend to exercise more due to the physical activity involved in feeding and caring for a bird.

Before selecting a bird, research on their diet and the care that they require. Birds can be delicate creatures, and it is important to know the proper way to care for them before bringing them home. This includes keeping them in a suitable living environment, providing regular veterinary check-ups, and feeding them a healthy balanced diet.

Another decision to make is where to purchase your new feathered friend. Buying from reputable bird breeders or pet shops can ensure that the bird is healthy and well taken care of before it comes into your home. Online marketplaces can also work, but be cautious of those selling illegally imported or smuggled birds.

Once you have selected the perfect bird for you, the fun begins! Caring for a bird involves training them to get familiar with their new home and learning what brings them joy. This could include singing, talking, or even dancing!

When it comes to purchasing birds, make sure to do your research and find what will suit your lifestyle best. Remember to consider the size, cost, and environmental requirements of each bird species. With proper care, a feathered companion can provide years of joy and entertainment.

In conclusion, Birds for Sale Singapore offers a wide range of options for any bird enthusiast. From small budgies to large macaws, there is a bird to fit every lifestyle. With the proper research and care, birds can provide companionship and health benefits, making them an excellent choice for pets. So, why not bring a little bit of nature and joy into your home today by adding a new feathered friend!

If you’re searching for birds for sale in Singapore, you’ve come to the right place. Birds can make great pets, especially if you lead a busy life and don’t have much time for other hairy companions that require grooming; they don’t demand as much attention as cats or dogs. Nonetheless, it is crucial to know what you’re getting into before bringing home a bird. In this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about birds for sale in Singapore.

What Types of Birds Are There?

There are different types of birds you can keep at home, ranging from small birds such as finches to larger birds such as parrots. Parrots are the most common pet birds in Singapore due to their stunning colors and intelligence. However, owning parrots requires more work than owning smaller birds. Before choosing which bird to purchase, it is important to do some research on the various species available.

Finding Birds for Sale in Singapore

The best way to find birds for sale in Singapore is to look online. You can begin by browsing through classified ads, online pet stores, and bird forums. Ensure that you’re purchasing your bird from a reliable source, as this will provide you with better health guarantees and potentially a healthier bird. Ideally, the bird must be disease-free, and its environment should be clean.

Before You Bring Your Bird Home

Before bringing your quacking friend home, you’ll need to ensure that everything is ready. Learn about the diet and healthcare requirements of your particular bird. Plan in advance where you will put its cage and what kind of food it will eat. You might also want to supply it with toys and other items to keep it engaged.

Caring for Your Bird

When you bring your bird home, it will be essential to provide it with appropriate care. Ensure that the bird has fresh water and food consistently. Play with your bird every day and purchase toys and other items for it to play with. Some breeds necessitate more attention than others so ensure you know everything about the particular bird species before purchasing one.

Training Your Bird

A well-behaved bird takes time and effort to train. Work on training with persistence and patience, beginning with basic instruction such as stepping up or down on a stick. Spend 15-20 minutes of training time with your bird every day, and begin teaching new tricks after it has mastered the basics.

Frequent Bird Health Checks

Taking your bird to the vet for frequent checkups is also important to monitor its health. It’s always better to detect a disease early on, as a serious one may kill the bird. Your vet will examine the bird, check for any abnormalities, and offer medical advice if necessary.


Owning a pet bird can be gratifying, but it requires effort and commitment. To find a healthy bird, research different bird breeds, adhere to proper nutrition and medical care, and train it well. We hope this guide has given you enough information to start raising your bird from scratch.


Birds are beautiful creatures that make great pets. Singapore is a hub for pet lovers, and it is no surprise that there is a wide variety of birds available for sale in the country. If you're looking to get a bird as a pet, then you'll love the range of birds available in Singapore. In this article, we will compare different birds for sale in Singapore and help you find the perfect pet for yourself.

Type of Birds Available

There are several types of birds available for sale in Singapore. Some of the most popular birds include parrots, finches, canaries, and doves. Each type of bird has its unique features, and it is essential to choose the right bird for your specific needs.


Parrots are one of the most popular types of birds in Singapore, and they come in a variety of species such as African Grey, Amazon, Cockatiel, and Macaw. These birds are known for their ability to mimic sounds and can develop a strong attachment to their owners. They are intelligent and social creatures and require training, attention, and affection from their owners.


Finches are small, colorful birds that make great pets for those who don't have a lot of space. They are easy to take care of, and they have a sweet, calming song that is pleasing to the ears. Some common types of finches available in Singapore include Zebra, Gouldian, and Society finches.


If you're looking for a bird with a beautiful singing voice, then the canary is an excellent choice. They are known for their melodic songs, which can bring peace and harmony to any home. Canaries come in different colors and are generally docile birds.


Doves are beautiful birds that are often used to symbolize peace and love. They have a gentle nature and calm disposition, making them ideal pets for families with children. There are different species of doves available in Singapore, including Diamond Doves and Ringneck Doves.

Price Comparison

The cost of birds in Singapore varies depending on the type of bird and where it is purchased. Generally, birds sold in pet shops tend to be more expensive than birds sold through online platforms like Carousell or Facebook Marketplace.

In general, the prices of parrots range from SGD 600 to SGD 6,000, depending on the species. Finches are relatively affordable, with prices ranging from SGD 20 to SGD 60. Canaries are priced at around SGD 100 to SGD 350, while doves cost between SGD 20 and SGD 100.

Availability Comparison

Birds are readily available for sale in Singapore. The most popular place to buy a bird is a pet store. However, there are also online platforms like Carousell and Facebook Marketplace, where buyers can purchase birds directly from breeders or owners.

The availability of birds tends to vary based on the time of year and the specific species. Parrots are readily available throughout the year, while finches and canaries may be more difficult to find during certain seasons. Doves are generally available throughout the year.

Seller Comparison

The quality and reputation of the seller can make a significant difference in the buying experience when it comes to purchasing birds. It is essential to choose a trustworthy seller who provides healthy birds and excellent after-sales service.

Pet Stores

Pet stores are a popular place to buy birds in Singapore. Pet stores often have a wide variety of birds to choose from, but they can be more expensive than other sellers. It is essential to research the reputation of the pet store and check reviews before making a purchase.


Buying from a breeder can be an excellent option for those looking for a specific species or a high-quality bird. Breeders generally have a smaller selection of birds, but they can provide expert advice on bird care and behavior. It is crucial to choose a reputable breeder who is registered with relevant authorities.


Owners who need to rehome their birds can sell them through online platforms like Carousell and Facebook Marketplace. Buying from owners can be more affordable than buying from pet stores or breeders. However, it is essential to inspect the bird thoroughly and ask questions to ensure its health and condition.


In conclusion, there are many different types of birds available for sale in Singapore, each with its unique features and price points. It is essential to choose the right bird based on your specific needs and preferences. With careful research and consideration, you can find the perfect feathered friend for your home.

Bird Type Price Range (SGD) Availability
Parrrots 600 - 6,000 readily available
Finches 20 - 60 may be difficult to find during certain seasons
Canaries 100 - 350 may be difficult to find during certain seasons
Doves 20 - 100 readily available

Birds for Sale in Singapore

If you're looking for birds to keep as pets, you need to consider the requirements of these lovely creatures. From their diet to setup and exercise needs, you want to have everything they require before buying them. In Singapore, birds for sale are readily available in pet shops, online stores, and bird markets. This article will provide insight into what you should expect when buying birds for sale Singapore.

1. Have Adequate Knowledge on Birds

Before buying birds, you should do your research and know the characteristics and breeds that suit your lifestyle. Some birds require more attention and care than others. If you're new to the pet world, you might want to get a low-maintenance bird such as a canary or finch.

2. Consider the Conditions of the Bird Market

Singapore has open-air bird markets called bird singing corners, where you can buy birds. Ensure that the birds are in good condition, have access to water and proper nutrition. Observe how the birds are held at the market, especially if they are in too small cages or kept in poorly maintained conditions.

3. Check for Legality of the Seller

No one wants to get into legal problems; thus, ensure that the seller is licensed to sell birds in Singapore. A reputable seller should be able to provide you necessary documents, including a certification permit from AVA Singapore.

4. Look for A Reputable Breeder or Seller

It's crucial to purchase healthy birds from reputable sellers who guarantee quality services. You can identify a trusted seller through customer reviews, word of mouth, and ratings. A legitimate breeder or seller should be willing to answer all your questions and offer support even after purchase.

5. Inspect the Bird Before Buying

Before making a purchase, examine the bird physically; check for any signs of illness or deformities. A healthy bird should have bright eyes, clean feathers and skin, and look active.

6. Consider the Price of the Bird

The cost of birds varies depending on factors such as breed, rarity, age, and sex. Always do thorough research to avoid being overcharged, and compare prices from different sellers.

7. Obtain Proper Documents and Certificates

Ensure that you get all necessary certificates and documents from the seller or breeder proving that the bird you purchased is healthy and legally acquired. You should also obtain paperwork showing ownership.

8. Prepare a Suitable Home for Your Bird

Birds require ample space, suitable cage size, toys and accessories, and proper nutrition. Research the ideal environment for your pet, and create a comfortable living space that meets their needs.

9. Train Your Bird

Consistent training is crucial when keeping pet birds. You need to train them to respond to commands or vocal cues, interact well with other household members and visitors. This helps build a strong bond and ensures your pet feels loved.

10. Attend to Your Bird's Needs

Caring for pet birds requires commitment. You need to spend time playing and keeping them company, furnish their cage with fresh food and water, and ensure that they are in excellent health condition.In conclusion, buying birds for sale Singapore comes with certain requirements, ranging from knowledge of bird breeds, legality of the seller, physical examination of the pet and creating a suitable living environment. If you're unsure about how to care for your bird, seek professional advice from veterinary specialists or experienced bird owners in your area. With proper preparation, your feathered friend will bring you years of joy and companionship.

Hello and welcome to our blog about Birds For Sale Singapore. We are excited to share with you all the information you need to know about buying birds in Singapore. Whether you are a first-time buyer or an experienced bird owner, this blog will provide you with all the information you need to make the right decision for your pet.

Firstly, let's start with the most popular birds for sale in Singapore. One of the most popular birds is the lovebird. Lovebirds are small birds with big personalities. They come in a variety of colors and are known for their playful behavior. Another popular bird in Singapore is the budgerigar, also known as the budgie. Budgies are great for first-time bird owners as they are easy to care for and can be trained to talk.

If you are looking for a more exotic bird, then you may want to consider getting an African grey parrot. African grey parrots are known for their intelligence and ability to mimic human speech. However, they do require a lot of attention and care, so they are not recommended for first-time bird owners.

When buying a bird, it is important to consider various factors such as the bird's size, personality, and lifespan. Some birds can live up to 20 years or more, so it is essential to be prepared for a long-term commitment. In addition, you should also consider the cost of owning a bird, which includes food, toys, and veterinary care.

Another thing to consider when buying a bird is where to purchase it from. You can find birds for sale at pet stores, bird breeders, or online. It is important to do your research and choose a reputable seller to ensure that you are getting a healthy bird. You should also check their breeding practices and make sure they are not involved in the illegal bird trade.

Before bringing your new bird home, it is important to prepare a suitable living space. Birds need a cage that is large enough for them to move around and stretch their wings. They also need perches, toys, and a variety of food and water bowls. You should also provide them with a quiet and comfortable environment where they can feel safe and secure.

Caring for a bird requires a lot of time, effort, and patience. You need to feed them a balanced diet, clean their cage regularly, and give them plenty of attention and exercise. It is also important to take them to the vet regularly for check-ups and vaccinations.

In conclusion, buying a bird can be a wonderful experience if you do it right. By considering all the factors involved, choosing a reputable seller, and providing your bird with a suitable living environment, you can enjoy the companionship of a beautiful and intelligent animal for many years to come.

We hope you have found this blog informative and helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. Thank you for reading and happy bird shopping!

Here are some commonly asked questions about Birds For Sale in Singapore:

  1. What types of birds are available for sale in Singapore?
  2. There are many types of birds available for sale in Singapore. Some popular options include parrots, cockatiels, canaries, finches, and lovebirds.

  3. Where can I find birds for sale in Singapore?
  4. There are many pet stores and bird shops in Singapore that sell birds. Additionally, you can also check online marketplaces and classified ads for people selling birds in your area.

  5. Is it legal to own birds in Singapore?
  6. Yes, it is legal to own birds in Singapore. However, there are certain regulations and requirements you must follow, such as obtaining a license if you plan to keep more than 10 birds.

  7. How much do birds for sale in Singapore usually cost?
  8. The price of birds for sale in Singapore can vary greatly depending on the type of bird and where you purchase it from. Generally, smaller birds like finches and lovebirds are less expensive, while larger birds like parrots may cost several thousand dollars.

  9. What should I consider before buying a bird in Singapore?
  10. Before buying a bird in Singapore, it's important to consider factors like your level of experience with birds, the size of your home, and your ability to provide appropriate care and attention for the bird. You should also research the specific needs of the type of bird you are interested in, such as diet, cage requirements, and exercise needs.

People Also Ask About Birds For Sale Singapore

1. Where can I find birds for sale in Singapore?

You can find birds for sale in various locations in Singapore, including pet shops, bird farms, and online platforms. Pet shops such as BirdCraze and PolyArt Aquarium offer a wide range of bird species for sale. Additionally, you can explore bird farms like Serangoon Birds Park or search online platforms like Gumtree or Carousell for private bird sellers.

2. What types of birds are commonly available for sale in Singapore?

There is a diverse range of bird species available for sale in Singapore. Commonly available birds include budgerigars (budgies), cockatiels, lovebirds, finches, canaries, and parakeets. You may also find more exotic species like macaws, African greys, or cockatoos, although they are typically higher in price and require more specialized care.

3. Are the birds for sale in Singapore legally obtained?

Yes, birds for sale in Singapore are generally obtained through legal means. The Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) regulates the import, export, and sale of animals, including birds. It is essential to ensure that the seller provides the necessary documentation, such as AVA permits or certificates, to ensure the legality and ethical sourcing of the birds.

4. What should I consider before buying a bird in Singapore?

Before buying a bird in Singapore, there are several factors to consider:

  • Lifestyle: Determine if you have the time, commitment, and resources to care for a bird properly.
  • Species: Research different bird species to find one that suits your personality, living situation, and experience level.
  • Budget: Consider the initial cost of purchasing the bird, as well as ongoing expenses for food, housing, toys, and veterinary care.
  • Space: Ensure you have adequate space for the bird's enclosure and that it complies with AVA regulations.
  • Interaction: Birds require social interaction, so consider whether you can provide companionship or if you need to get a pair.

5. How much do birds for sale in Singapore typically cost?

The price of birds for sale in Singapore can vary depending on the species, age, rarity, and breeder. Commonly available birds like budgerigars or cockatiels can range from SGD 30 to SGD 100. However, more exotic or rare species can cost several hundred to thousands of dollars. It is essential to research the average prices for the specific bird species you are interested in to ensure you are paying a fair price.

6. Do sellers provide any after-sales support or advice?

Many reputable sellers in Singapore provide after-sales support and advice to ensure the well-being of the birds. They may offer guidance on proper care, diet, training, and behavior management. Additionally, some sellers may provide warranties or guarantees for their birds' health. It is advisable to inquire about the seller's policies regarding after-sales support before making a purchase.

7. Are there any legal requirements to own a bird in Singapore?

Yes, there are legal requirements to own a bird in Singapore. The AVA mandates that bird owners must register their pets and ensure they comply with specific guidelines and regulations. You should obtain an AVA bird-keeping license, provide proper housing and care, and prevent your bird from causing a nuisance to the public. It is essential to familiarize yourself with these requirements to be a responsible bird owner.