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Discover the Latest Exchange Rates: Convert Australian Dollars to Singapore Dollars Today!

Australia To Singapore Dollar

Find the latest exchange rate of the Australia to Singapore Dollar. Convert AUD/SGD and plan your trip or business transactions effectively.

Are you planning a trip to Singapore from Australia? Do you want to know how much money you need for your travel expenses? Look no further, as we explore the exchange rate of the Australian dollar to Singapore dollar.

As of May 2021, the current exchange rate is 1 AUD to 1.03 SGD. This means that for every Australian dollar, you will receive 1.03 Singapore dollars. That’s pretty good, right?

If you’re into statistics, you’ll be glad to know that the Australian dollar has held a relatively stable position against the Singapore dollar over the years. In fact, between 2015 and 2020, the average exchange rate ranged from 0.95 SGD to 1.05 SGD.

But wait, what are some factors that influence currency exchange rates? One major factor is the economic stability of the country. Singapore has been considered one of the wealthiest countries in Southeast Asia, with a strong financial industry and stable political climate.

On the other hand, Australia’s economy heavily relies on the export of raw materials such as coal, iron ore, and natural gas. The fluctuations in commodity prices can greatly affect the value of Australian dollar in the world market.

Now, let’s talk about some practical things. How much money do you need for your trip? It all depends on your itinerary and spending habits. Singapore can be quite expensive, but there are ways to stretch your dollar, such as eating at hawker centers and using public transportation.

For reference, a meal at a hawker center can cost around 4-8 SGD, while a restaurant meal can cost upwards of 15 SGD. Accommodations can also vary in price, with budget hostels starting from 20 SGD per night and luxury hotels reaching over 200 SGD per night.

So, how do you prepare for your trip? We recommend exchanging your money in advance to avoid high exchange rates and fees at airports and tourist spots. You can also use credit cards, but be mindful of foreign transaction fees.

Another tip is to monitor the exchange rates leading up to your trip. Sometimes, rates can fluctuate by a few cents, so it’s best to exchange when the rates are favorable.

Overall, the Australian dollar to Singapore dollar exchange rate is favorable for travelers heading to Singapore. With a bit of planning and budgeting, you can make the most of your trip without breaking the bank.

In conclusion, we hope this article has been helpful in providing valuable information about the exchange rate between Australia and Singapore. Safe travels!

Australia To Singapore Dollar - A Brief Introduction

Australia is a country that has established itself as a popular tourist destination due to its natural beauty, diverse wildlife and thriving economy. With its world-renowned landmarks like the Sydney Opera House and the Great Barrier Reef, it's no wonder that millions of tourists flock to Australia every year. Furthermore, the Australian dollar is one of the most widely traded currencies in the world, and it is often used as a benchmark for other currencies.

One of the many reasons why the Australian dollar is so influential is its relationship with the Singapore dollar. The two currencies have been interconnected for decades, and understanding their relationship is essential to any investor or traveler looking to spend money in either country.

The Australian Dollar

The Australian dollar, also known as the Aussie, is the official currency of Australia. Its value is determined by the forces of supply and demand, much like any other currency. There are several factors that influence the demand for the Aussie, including the strength of the Australian economy, political stability, and interest rates set by the Reserve Bank of Australia.

Due to its stable nature, the Australian dollar is often considered a safe haven currency, particularly in times of geopolitical turbulence or economic upheaval.

The Singapore Dollar

The Singapore dollar is the official currency of the Republic of Singapore, and it is one of the most traded currencies in the world. Like the Aussie, its value is determined by a range of factors, including economic indicators, political stability, and interest rates set by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

The Singapore dollar is often considered a stable currency due to the government's strict monetary policy, which involves managing the supply of currency in circulation.

The Relationship Between the Two Currencies

Australia and Singapore have been trading partners for decades, and their currencies have a strong relationship. Many Australian businesses trade with Singaporean companies, which creates demand for both currencies.

The two currencies are also influenced by similar macroeconomic factors, such as interest rates, inflation rates, and economic growth. When one of these factors changes, it can affect the value of both currencies.

In general, the Australian dollar tends to be stronger than the Singapore dollar due to Australia's larger economy and higher interest rates. However, the relationship between the two currencies is complex, and it can change rapidly in response to market forces.

Traveling From Australia to Singapore

If you're traveling from Australia to Singapore, you'll need to exchange your Australian dollars for Singapore dollars. The exchange rate between the two currencies fluctuates constantly, so it's important to check the current rate before making any transactions.

You can exchange money at banks or currency exchange kiosks, although the latter may charge higher fees. Alternatively, you can withdraw cash from ATMs using your debit card, but keep in mind that your bank may charge additional fees for international transactions.

Investing in the Australian and Singaporean Economies

Investors can also take advantage of the relationship between the Australian and Singaporean economies by investing in stocks, bonds, or other financial instruments that track the performance of these economies. By diversifying your portfolio across different currencies, you can reduce your overall risk and potentially increase your returns.

However, investing in foreign markets carries certain risks, such as currency fluctuations, political instability, and regulatory changes. It's important to do your research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.


Overall, the relationship between the Australian dollar and the Singapore dollar is complex and ever-changing. Whether you're a traveler looking to exchange money or an investor seeking to diversify your portfolio, it's essential to understand the forces that influence these currencies and their relationship with each other.

By staying informed and making careful decisions, you can make the most of the opportunities presented by these two dynamic economies.


Australia and Singapore are two of the most popular countries in the world. Each country has its unique identity that people admire. In this article, we are going to explore the comparison between Australia and Singapore Dollar.

Currency Overview

The Australian dollar (AUD) is the official currency of Australia. It is used in Australia, Kiribati, Nauru, Tuvalu, and other Pacific Island countries. The Singapore dollar (SGD) is the official currency of Singapore. It is also accepted in Brunei. The currencies are different from each other in terms of their values, symbols, and trading trends.

Exchange Rate

The exchange rate between AUD and SGD is constantly fluctuating depending on various factors such as global events, economic indicators, and central bank policies. As of 29th July 2021, 1 AUD equals 1.0286 SGD.

Historical Performance

The graph below shows the historical performance of AUD against SGD for the past 5 years.

Date 1 AUD equals
29th July 2021 1.0286 SGD
29th July 2020 0.9705 SGD
29th July 2019 0.9528 SGD
29th July 2018 0.9643 SGD
29th July 2017 0.9983 SGD

Factors Affecting Exchange Rate

Global Economic Events

Global economic events such as the COVID-19 pandemic, Brexit, and the trade war between the United States and China have a significant impact on the exchange rate between AUD and SGD.

Interest Rates

The interest rates set by the central banks of Australia and Singapore can also affect the exchange rate between AUD and SGD. Higher interest rates will lead to an increase in demand for the respective currency, hence increasing its value.


Inflation is another factor that can affect the exchange rate between AUD and SGD. If inflation in one country is higher than the other, this could lead to a decline in the value of that country's currency relative to the other.

Comparison of Prices


The cost of accommodation in Australia is generally higher than in Singapore. According to Numbeo, the average cost of a one-bedroom apartment in the city center of Sydney is around AUD 2,200 per month, while in Singapore, it is around SGD 1,800 per month.


The cost of food in Singapore is generally higher than in Australia. According to Numbeo, the average cost of a meal in a mid-range restaurant for two people in Singapore is around SGD 60, while in Australia, it is around AUD 70.


The cost of transportation in Australia is generally higher than in Singapore. According to Numbeo, the average cost of a one-way ticket on public transport in Sydney is around AUD 4.80, while in Singapore, it is around SGD 3.


The exchange rate between AUD and SGD is constantly changing due to various factors. Historically, the value of SGD has been stronger compared to AUD. Whether you are traveling or doing business between the two countries, it is essential to keep track of exchange rates and other economic indicators to make informed decisions.

Australia To Singapore DollarAustralia is one of the greatest tourist destinations in the world, and it is highly regarded among Asian tourists. When travelling to Australia from Singapore, most people are always concerned about the currency conversion rates. This article aims to guide you on how to convert Australia to Singapore dollars.

Step 1: Locate a Reliable Currency Converter

The first step towards converting Australian dollars to Singaporean dollars is identifying a trustworthy currency converter. Various online currency exchange rates are available. However, it's prudent to use a credible website that is known for providing reliable exchange rates.

Step 2: Determine the current exchange rate

Once you have located a credible currency converter, check the current exchange rates for Australian dollars to Singaporean dollars. Depending on the currency converter you have chosen, there may be different exchange rates, but these rates are mostly similar. It's essential to note that exchange rates are dynamic and keep changing continuously.

Step 3: Decide the amount to convert

The third step is determining the amount of money you need to convert. It's good to know that various currency exchange bureaus have their own fees and charges, which might vary depending on the amount you need to convert. So, it's always recommended to research various options to get a better conversion rate.

Step 4: Check conversion fees

Before proceeding with the conversion process, it's advisable to check the fees charged by the currency exchange bureau. Some foreign exchange service providers might charge high fees that significantly affect the amount you receive after the conversion.

Step 5: Take Advantage of Offers

It's good to be on the lookout for discounts and offers offered by currency exchange bureaus. This could mean converting more currency than planned, thus saving on conversion fees.

Step 6: Plan Ahead

It's always wise to plan ahead and convert currency when the rates are favorable. Currency conversion rates fluctuate, and careful planning can result in considerable savings.

Step 7: Be wary of scams

Unfortunately, some fraudulent currency exchange bureaus offer low rates to try to lure unsuspecting travelers. Investors must be wary of such scams.

Step 8: Convert at your destination

If possible, it is always advisable to wait until you arrive at your destination before converting currency. This is because the exchange rates at local banks, hotels, and airports are usually competitive and fair.

Step 9: Bargain for Better Rates

In some situations, you might find that foreign exchange offices do not provide an attractive exchange rate. Vendors may be willing to bargain on the fees, especially if you're exchanging a significant amount of money.

Step 10: Keep the Conversion Receipt

Make sure to keep the transaction receipts after exchanging your currency, just in case there are any potential discrepancies in the future.

Briefly, it's vital to carry out proper research when it comes to currency exchange. By following these ten steps, you can feel more confident and secure when travelling from Australia to Singapore with a good exchange rate.

Greetings to all visitors! Today we will discuss the Australian Dollar (AUD) to the Singapore Dollar (SGD) conversion rate. Australia is a vast country that has a lot to offer. With its well-managed economy and diverse culture, it is no wonder that many people choose to visit or migrate to Australia. However, if you are planning to travel or do business in Australia, you need to know the current AUD to SGD conversion rate. Let us explore this topic further.

The AUD is the official currency of Australia, while SGD is the official currency of Singapore. The current exchange rate between these two currencies is 1 AUD = 1.0743 SGD. This means that for every Australian dollar, you can get 1.0743 Singaporean dollars. The exchange rate is always fluctuating due to various market conditions, such as economic trends, political stability, and global events.

For travelers, it is essential to understand the current exchange rate before traveling to Australia. It can affect your budget and purchasing power during the trip. The good news is that there are many ways to convert your SGD to AUD or vice versa. You can use banks, currency exchange centers, or online platforms to make the transactions. It is advisable to compare the rates from different sources to get the best deal.

If you are planning to migrate or invest in Australia, understanding the AUD to SGD conversion rate is a crucial factor. It can affect the cost of living, property prices, and investment returns. For example, if the exchange rate favors the SGD, you can get more AUD when you want to buy a property or asset in Australia.

As mentioned earlier, the AUD to SGD exchange rate is always fluctuating. It means that you should monitor the trends and factors that affect the exchange rate. Some of the influential factors include inflation, interest rates, political stability, and global economic events. A slight change in these factors can affect the exchange rate significantly.

Furthermore, both Australia and Singapore are members of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum. It is an intergovernmental group that promotes free trade and cooperation among its member countries. The APEC also aims to strengthen the economic ties between its members, which can influence the exchange rate between the AUD and SGD.

In summary, understanding the AUD to SGD conversion rate is essential for travelers, investors, and anyone who wants to do business with Australia. The exchange rate is always fluctuating due to various market conditions, and it is advisable to monitor the trends and factors that affect the exchange rate. You can use banks, currency exchange centers, or online platforms to make the transactions and compare the rates from different sources to get the best deal.

Australia is a beautiful country that has a lot to offer. From its stunning natural landscapes to its vibrant cities, you can have a memorable experience in Australia. The diverse culture, friendly people, and well-managed economy make Australia an ideal destination for tourists and investors alike.

We hope that this article has been informative and helpful to you. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to comment below. Thank you for reading!

Here are some common questions that people ask about the Australian dollar to Singapore dollar exchange rate:

  1. What is the current exchange rate for AUD to SGD?
  2. The current exchange rate for 1 Australian dollar (AUD) to Singapore dollar (SGD) is approximately 0.96 SGD.

  3. Is it better to exchange AUD to SGD in Australia or in Singapore?
  4. It is generally better to exchange your currency in Singapore, as local money changers offer more competitive rates compared to those in Australia. However, it is recommended to compare exchange rates before exchanging your currency.

  5. What factors affect the exchange rate between AUD and SGD?
  6. The exchange rate between AUD and SGD can be affected by various factors such as economic performance, interest rates, political instability, and market conditions.

  7. How much SGD can I get for 1 AUD?
  8. You can get approximately 0.96 SGD for 1 AUD, depending on the prevailing exchange rate.

  9. Can I use AUD in Singapore?
  10. Australian dollars are not widely accepted in Singapore. It is advisable to convert your AUD to SGD before traveling to Singapore or use credit/debit cards for transactions.

  11. Where can I exchange AUD for SGD in Singapore?
  12. You can exchange your AUD for SGD at local money changers, banks, or at the airport. However, it is best to compare exchange rates before making a transaction.

People Also Ask About Australia To Singapore Dollar

1. What is the current exchange rate from Australian Dollar (AUD) to Singapore Dollar (SGD)?

The current exchange rate between the Australian Dollar (AUD) and the Singapore Dollar (SGD) fluctuates regularly and is influenced by various factors such as economic conditions, interest rates, and geopolitical events. It is recommended to check with a reliable financial institution or use an online currency converter to obtain the most up-to-date exchange rate.

2. How can I convert Australian Dollars to Singapore Dollars?

To convert Australian Dollars to Singapore Dollars, you have several options:

  • Visit a bank or currency exchange service: You can go to a local bank or a currency exchange service provider that offers foreign exchange services. They will help you convert your Australian Dollars to Singapore Dollars based on the current exchange rate.
  • Use online currency converters: Many reputable websites and mobile applications provide currency conversion services. You can enter the amount of Australian Dollars you wish to convert and select Singapore Dollars as the desired currency to get an estimated conversion.
  • Withdraw cash from ATMs in Singapore: If you have an Australian bank account with a debit card that supports international withdrawals, you can withdraw Singapore Dollars directly from ATMs in Singapore. However, be aware that you may incur fees from both your bank and the ATM operator for this service.

3. Are there any restrictions or regulations when converting AUD to SGD?

While there are no specific restrictions when converting Australian Dollars to Singapore Dollars, it is essential to comply with the regulations of both countries involved. It is advisable to check with your local bank or financial institution for any potential limitations or requirements regarding foreign currency exchange transactions.

4. Can I use Australian Dollars in Singapore?

Although some establishments in Singapore may accept Australian Dollars, it is generally recommended to convert your money to Singapore Dollars for ease of use and to avoid potential currency conversion fees. Most businesses, including hotels, restaurants, and shops, primarily deal with transactions in Singapore Dollars.

5. Should I exchange my Australian Dollars in Australia or Singapore?

It is typically more convenient to exchange your Australian Dollars to Singapore Dollars in Singapore. You will likely find a greater number of currency exchange providers offering competitive rates in Singapore, especially in popular tourist areas. However, if you prefer to have some local currency upon arrival, you can exchange a small amount in Australia before your departure.

6. What are the factors that affect the AUD to SGD exchange rate?

The exchange rate between the Australian Dollar and the Singapore Dollar can be influenced by several factors, including:

  1. Economic conditions: The economic performance and outlook of both Australia and Singapore can impact their respective currencies' value.
  2. Interest rates: Differences in interest rates set by the central banks of Australia and Singapore can affect the demand for their currencies.
  3. Political stability: Political events or uncertainties in either country can influence currency exchange rates.
  4. Trade relationships: The trade balance and trade agreements between Australia and Singapore may impact their currencies.
  5. Global market trends: External factors such as global economic trends, commodity prices, and investor sentiment can also affect the AUD to SGD exchange rate.

It is essential to keep track of these factors and seek expert advice when considering currency exchange or making international transactions.